View Full Version : Zoos

11-10-2002, 02:16 AM
I was just wondering what y'all thought about the concept of man-made zoos. Do you think that animals can live out a well-balance, happy, healthy life, or do you think that animals should be left as nature intended???

11-10-2002, 02:34 AM
Although they are well taken cared of, I personally get very sad whenever I go to the zoo. Its so sad to see lions pacing around in a small cage when in the wild, this king of the jungle would roam freely like royalty. I also noticed how bored the bears looked as they walked back and forth in there enclosure thinking of what to do. The polarbears just swim around doing nothing. The only animals that look happy are the monkeys, LOL! Those silly animals always find something to do and they have the trees they need to swing around and be happy on, but lions/tigers/bears are not of the nature to stay happy confined like that. The birds and ducks in the zoo are usually happy because they have their own pond and trees and a whole area to themselves. And the parrots, in our city's zoo they are tame and people get to go inside their area to get a good look at them. I got 7 of them swoop on to me and perch on my arms at one time! It was so cool. I think it depends on the nature of the animals and what type of confinement its in. Our pets may be in homes with us, but they are tame and used to people and enjoy their company. I have taken my birds outside many times to see how they will react (when their wings were clipped) because I wanted to see if they were happy being pets or if they wanted to be free. I took them outside and they clung to my finger as if to say, "DON'T LEAVE US HERE!" Then I put them on our driveway far from the house and watched them closely to see if they wanted to leave or wanted to stay. They wandered around for a while but when I pretended to walk away, they started running after me and yelling. Then they noticed the house's door open and both of them ran back inside to their home sweet home. I tried this on many occasions and always got the same reaction. Tame animals like people and want to stay with people. As for animals in the zoo, they are completely wild and have their wild instincts in them. To confine a wild animal in my opinion, is cruelty. For an animal that was born as a pet, its different, because that's the world they know, and that's the world they want to be in; but a wild animal at the zoo definitely isn't happy about sitting in a cage or having a very small area to itself and having to watch all those silly humans staring at it all day long, everyday, for life. Its just not fair. I personally like open safaris where the animals are all open in their natural habitat, and people get to go in their cars on on a train to see them. My uncle once took me to this really cool safari in England when we were visiting him. It was so cool. The lions came right up to our car and were staring at us inside. LOL! They seemed pretty calm. When we got to the monkeys, like 10 monkeys came and jumped on our car and pooped on it too. :rolleyes: My uncle wasn't too happy about that. LOL! Then when we got to the camel area, all the camels came to the car and started begging for food. It was a great experience to see all the animals happy, free in their own habitat. I left the safari happy, but I often leave the zoo sad. Its not fair to confine such wild and strong beasts and make them sad only for the happiness of people. Safaris rule.

11-10-2002, 07:42 AM
I thik a lot of zoos...at least in this area are doing a better job of creating more habitat like settings for their animals. yes, they are still caged and that is sad, but the displays are getting better, to where they aren't in tiny wire cages. I also think zoos play an important role in the preservation of animals. we as humans are horrible for hunting and killing species and many would be extinct for no other reason then the value of the ivory, or their skin. I think keeping some animals in protective areas with knowledge of breeding and such is valuable. Wouldn't be great if animals could just exsist in the open and no one would tear out their habitat to build a mall, or hunt them, but until humans are gone it isn't going to happen.

11-10-2002, 08:30 AM
I think they should be able to run free because I too get very sad when I go to the zoo. They are all just pacing around probably waiting for their food and stuff. Well in the wild they can get their own food whenever they are hungry, and now they have to be shoved in a cage and abide by human rules?? How rude!!

As for what Amy said, yeah they are making zoos better for the animals and keeping them from going extinct. But out in the wild they have these kind of preserves or something that are like a big area with like a bunch of one species where it is like they are living on their own, but kind of not. True they are saving more and more species from dying out, but couldn't they do it a more better way to support the animal's point of veiw?

11-10-2002, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89
But out in the wild they have these kind of preserves or something that are like a big area with like a bunch of one species where it is like they are living on their own, but kind of not

And there is often poaching on the wildlife preserves, so even there animals are NOT safe. It is awful, but "bush meat" is becoming trendy in subSaharan Africa, and all sorts of antelope, elephants, zebras, monkeys - anything "wild" counts, and are being killed and eaten!

So GOOD zoos may be necessary, at least for now. The old-fashioned kind make me sad, but a good zoo, with well thought out habitats, is at least safe temporary sanctuary for some species.

11-10-2002, 08:41 AM
I agree that it's sad to see them in cages, but, like it was said before, it is becoming more and more that they are caged in a more environmentally friendly area. Also, because of humans and the destruction of endangered animals' habitat, zoos are able to keep species alive that would otherwise become extinct. It's a feeble attempt, I know, to right the wrongs that humans have committed.

11-10-2002, 09:16 AM
GOOD zoos may be necessary, at least for now. The old-fashioned kind make me sad, but a good zoo, with well thought out habitats, is at least safe temporary sanctuary for some species.

I agree that it's sad to see them in cages, but, like it was said before, it is becoming more and more that they are caged in a more environmentally friendly area. Also, because of humans and the destruction of endangered animals' habitat, zoos are able to keep species alive that would otherwise become extinct. It's a feeble attempt, I know, to right the wrongs that humans have committed.
I agree and cannot put it any better.

Just one thing to add though, vigilence is still needed, even as far as the good zoos are concerned. This is a campaign the RSPCA is running on behalf of the Elephants in European zoos.
Zoo elephants (http://www.rspca.org.uk/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=RSPCACampaigns/Elephants/ElephantHomepage&articleid=0)

11-10-2002, 09:34 AM
I actually want to work at a zoo when I'm older..They give the animals as close as possible, habitats like it would be in the wild. They have lots of room, and (most zoos) treat them good..Wouldn't it be better to keep them this way and if something in the wild gets whiped out, we still have them to bring them back..

11-10-2002, 01:14 PM
I guess it depends on the zoo. In our city's zoo, some of the animals have very nice habitats, and others live in a small cage. I feel so sorry for the caged ones. I know its important to keep animals safe from extinction but I don't think caging them is the right way. In safaris, animals are safe, and yet free at the same time. People can also come and enjoy watching them there. I think safaris are better than zoos because they preserve the species in their own habitat and keep them safe from danger and confinement, while also allowing people to come and see them. Its really cool seeing lions walking around next to your car and looking in the window. Have any of you ever been to such a Safari? I like the one in San Diego too, but you need to go on a train in that one.

11-10-2002, 01:17 PM
I think zoos are necessary now because they breed animals that are near extinct.

11-10-2002, 03:16 PM
My personal $.02 on zoos is this: I think they are way too commercialized. It's great if the desire of the zoo is to preserve & protect certain breeds that are on the brink of becoming extinct. However, I think that desire tends to get lost in making $. How many breeds are there that AREN'T ready to become extinct?? Lots. It bothers me that the animals are never left in peace and quiet. All day long everyday, little children are screaming and throwing things at the animals. I think that the quietness of nature can never be reproduced, and that animals suffer because of the chaos.

Don't get me wrong though, I love to visit the zoo. I love watching the animals, but I always feel sorry for them.

11-10-2002, 03:30 PM
If it weren't for some animals being taken into captivity they would be extinct. Consider the chinchilla for instance. There are less than 1,000 in the wild because they are killed for their soft fur.

Some tigers would be extinct if it were not for zoos. I have several captive breeding programs at my house for several exotic species that are deteriorating in the wild. Some of those are mycavies, who are being hunted in the wild because they are thought of as pests. I do not consider these animals my pets, they are simply managed animals in a managed environment so that their species does not dissapear. So when I mention all my pets, know there are tons more animals at my house that just aren't listed.

Some zoos are very sad. But I enjoy the wilderness type such as wild animal parks where each animal has several acres of land to roam around. Here in Oregon we have a drive through zoo which is fantastic. The animals are very well taken care of and have several acres to roam. They breed Cheetahs to up their numbers, as they are declining in the wild do to poaching.

I will be getting my USDI permit next year to begin breeding the threatened Serval.

11-10-2002, 04:18 PM
I have mixed feelings on this and agree with all sides in a way.

Well, I thought I had a lot to say but I just woke up from a nap and I'm on meds for my flu that is making my head cloudy. So pretend I just said something deep and profound :rolleyes:

11-10-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by aly
I have mixed feelings on this and agree with all sides in a way.

Well, I thought I had a lot to say but I just woke up from a nap and I'm on meds for my flu that is making my head cloudy. So pretend I just said something deep and profound :rolleyes:

Way to take a strong middle of the road stand Aly!! LOL! Hope you feel better soon!