View Full Version : And Bingo was his name-o?

10-13-2011, 03:24 PM
I think I am going to start a new business.

Finding lost dogs!


Every day I try to take Tucker for a morning and afternoon walk around the block. The walk is about .4 miles and it's a nice oval shaped route.

Last Sunday, we started out and made the first turn when the Tuckster began to bark at two dogs playing along a fence. They were chasing each other, back and forth, and I didn't pay too much attention to them. We walked a little ways when a silver car pulled up next to us and the driver asks 'Have you seen a dog running around here?"

"Ah, no....." then I asked him what kind of dog it was.

"It's a grey Shepherd...."

I said yep, he's at the corner playing with another dog. What I failed to notice is that one of the dogs was inside the fence-line and the loose dog was on the outside.

The guy takes off, stops at the corner and jumps out of the car, yelling "BINGO, Come HERE!"

I made sure the dog didn't come running after us and resumed our walk.

Bingo lives at a corner house that we walk by everyday, The owner sits in a chair outside and I have waved as I walked by, It's also the the place where Tuck takes his dump-right on the grass-and in front of the owner.....:eek:

When the owner first pulled up I thought it was going to be something about Tuck doing the Number 2 on his lawn.....:eek:


When I got to the last corner I saw Bingo run from in between the houses at the OTHER end of he block. I turned to walk back to the house where Bingo lived and saw the owner pull into the driveway. I thought he may have lost or given up on catching the dog, so I walked a few more yards and he comes out of the driveway, I flagged him down and he drove over to where Bingo was barking at the neighbor's dogs.

When I got to the driveway, the neighbor lady and B's owner had him in custody and heading back to his home.


A few days ago we started off on our walk, backwards around the block when Tuck starts to bark his "I-KNOW-THERE-IS-A-DOG-OUT-THERE..." bark.

I don't see anything except THREE silver cars heading down the street towards us.....

The first two pass and the third, an SUV stops and the driver asks me if I have seen a loose dog in the area.. "No, but what kind of dog is it?"

"It's a grey shepherd....."

I laughed and almost said, "And Bingo is his name-o?"

But I said, "IS his name Bingo?" Yes, he said. I told him I knew who he was and said I'd keep my eye peeled for him.

He thanked me and drove up the street.

About 10 seconds later, Bingo comes flying out from in between some houses up the street. I managed to yell and get the guy turned around and back to where the dog was.

They managed to get Bingo on a leash and headed back towards his house.

Tuck and I walked slowly to finish our walk and caught up with the group...

B's owner yelled over to me that B must have figured out how to open the gate and he was going to put a lock on the latch.

I laughed and told him that if he didn't, I could stop by and take him for a walk!

The owner then thanked me and I told him that Tucker should get the thanks, because if it wasn't for his barking I would have never seen or acknowledged Bingo and his short stint being free.

One of the benefits?

I don't feel too badly about Tucker taking a dump on Bingo's lawn.

I figure he owes us one? (Or a number 2?)

10-13-2011, 04:20 PM
xD Sneaky guy. The neighbors didn't need a tv that afternoon I'm sure, all the entertainment was outside :D.

10-13-2011, 04:30 PM
Yup - shepherds can be too smart for their owner's good!

10-13-2011, 05:18 PM
That is a great story! You are having quite the adventures there, aren't you? :)

How's Ed? You should get him a harness and leash too. :D

10-13-2011, 09:03 PM
LOL, I think Tucker and Bingo should have some play dates -- then perhaps Bingo will be too tired to wander -- and if not, he'll just head over to your place!

10-14-2011, 07:01 AM
Well, it's a good thing Bingo didn't get out into a busy street! I sure do hope that they get that gate taken care of!

When we first moved into our new house here in MD, Drake jumped off the deck and into our side yard and then made his way to the neighbor's porch! He totally skipped the 6 foot fence all together! That very same day, I went out and bought big planters to block off that part of the deck so he couldn't do it again! He tried to escape for a few days after and then gave up, lol!

10-14-2011, 12:42 PM
:p Richard could you start Videoing all of this for us Please??:D

xD Sneaky guy. The neighbors didn't need a tv that afternoon I'm sure, all the entertainment was outside :D.

10-14-2011, 08:10 PM
:p Richard could you start Videoing all of this for us Please??:D

Most of the time I have a leash in one hand and a plastic bag of poop in the other......But, I will take my crappy camera and document our walk for posterity's sake?:D