View Full Version : Do you really love your cat?

10-13-2011, 01:35 PM
Yesterday morning I woke up, rolled over in bed and my arm landed on something cold and wet…hairball. It didn’t even faze me. I got up, peeled it off of my arm, threw it out and tossed my blanket into the washer.

Night before last Buddy ate his dinner too fast and proceeded to barf up his canned food dinner right in front of me as I was getting ready to eat my dinner. I was actually worried about him because he seems to be hacking stuff up more than usual. I picked him up and loved him up and asked him if he was okay. I wish he could talk.

Anyway, do your cats do anything that most people might be offended by or go ewwww that you take into stride?

10-13-2011, 01:41 PM
Dear Auntie Happylabs,

Sometimes I eat my wet food too fast, and then I barf on the carpet. My meowmy just gets out the carpet cleaner and smiles. She always picks me up and gives me a hug and tells me not to eat so fast next time.

My meowmy was drinking tea last night while we were having some cuddle time. I accidentally sneezed in her tea! She went right back in the kitchen and made herself another cup.

I know there are some things I do that she wishes I wouldn't, but I also know she really loves me!

Could you please give Buddy, Mama Kitty and Tink some hugs and snuggles for us? We know they are really loved too!

Purrs and head-bumpies,

10-13-2011, 08:09 PM
Sometimes when I walk barefoot I step on little wet "surprises".. I wash my feet, clean the floor, give my little girl a kiss on her tummy and check if she's feeling well... it doesn't matter if its 2 a.m!

I love her and nothing from her can gross me out or be offensive for me :)

10-13-2011, 08:37 PM
I clean up Paizly's puke when she eats too fast. I pull poop/hair clumps from Jax's bum (that one really grossed me out, but I had to do it), I did the same for Paizly when she was a kitten.

I can't think of anything else really disgusting. OH WAIT! I can't stand wet cat food. And they get 1/8 of a can every morning when I go to work. It used to make me gag, but I've gotten over that.

10-13-2011, 10:52 PM
Cleaning up the urps on the floor without batting an eye. Having a sick kitty with diarrhea (last weekend) and cleaning that up with the only thought of "Is he going to need to go to the vets?", and always showing up at work with white cat hair all over me. Oh well, all of this doesn't gross me out at all! I love my babies to pieces!!!!:love::love::love:

10-14-2011, 01:01 AM
For those whose kitties eat too fast - have you tried putting a hard rubber ball in the midst of the food to slow kitty down a bit? After all, no one likes puking, I am sure!

10-14-2011, 01:27 AM
For those whose kitties eat too fast - have you tried putting a hard rubber ball in the midst of the food to slow kitty down a bit? After all, no one likes puking, I am sure!

I dont have a kitty now. She died a year ago and since then I never tried to get one again.

10-14-2011, 08:06 AM
RB Sassy was my 'puker' and hairball queen.:( I have three cats now and seems no hairballs!!!:D Tessa seems to be a bit of a puker tho.:rolleyes: I don't think there's anything grosser than a hairball!!!:eek:

Pinot's Mom
10-14-2011, 08:17 AM
For those whose kitties eat too fast - have you tried putting a hard rubber ball in the midst of the food to slow kitty down a bit? After all, no one likes puking, I am sure!

Karen, I'd never heard of that! However, I'm sure with the little princess, if we put anything foreign in her dish she would stalk away and not eat. I had to change her dish recently; she acted as if I was trying to poison her.:rolleyes:

Now - to address the original question... I do think bringing Mommy chipmunks in various stages of being might be considered distasteful to some. I just think of them as presents.:love:

10-14-2011, 09:22 AM
My Meezers were sometimes losers of thier dinner, of course just as you are going out, or in a place where you would have to walk to take a phone call:eek:
Tubster Panther is not always a good aim at the box , and he and Miquelito, My Little Orange Lion sometimes leave thier waste uncovered to prove who is the Macho Cat:rolleyes:
And of course who is there when you want a chair or bed?:p
But I LOVE My Cats, they are good far more often than bad.:D

10-14-2011, 11:43 AM
Tubster Panther is not always a good aim at the box , and he and Miquelito, My Little Orange Lion sometimes leave thier waste uncovered to prove who is the Macho Cat:rolleyes:

Okay, so that is why one of mine does not cover their dirty deeds in the litter box. Must be Buddy the....Macho, Macho Man...lol. :D Wait, no, I have seen him dig to the bottom of the box, make his deposit and then cover it. Hmmmmmm...I'll have to set up surveillance on this one. ;)

10-14-2011, 12:15 PM
:love: Nothing like Cleaning Up a Messy Pooped Bottom from your CH Babies.. Love It & Would Not Change Things!!

10-14-2011, 12:21 PM
Leaving little deposits - from one end or the other - in inconvenient locations, like on my bedsheets.

10-14-2011, 01:16 PM
Leaving little deposits - from one end or the other - in inconvenient locations, like on my bedsheets.

Sometimes it seems I find cat litter in my bed sheets. :eek:

I just sweep them off. Buddy likes to crawl under the covers, that is, if I actually make my bed.

10-15-2011, 01:02 AM
Yes, I also clean up the occasional hairball and kitty puke when one of them eat too fast. Alani & Blaze always eat very fast and sometimes they would barf. They eat on a plastic mat and now I have a weight on each mat that they have to eat around. I spread their dry food around the weight and so far so good no more barfing.:) Sky is still the main barfer even though I also spread his dry food out on a plastic mat. Now I just make sure not to feed him too much dry food at a time. He didn't like it when I put something on his mat to eat around.;)

A few days ago, Ziggy started doing the butt scoot on my carpet right in front of me.:eek: She had poo stuck to her and was trying to get it off. I had to clean her up with wet paper towels and use a flea comb to get it out of her fur.:( She really needed a butt bath but she'd never allow me to do this. I was late to work that day. There's never a dull moment in my home.