View Full Version : Funny Thought

10-08-2011, 11:13 AM
I had a funny thought this morning. I was giving Sugar a bath (been 3 weeks). And telling her she would feel SO much better after this.

Realized, that is how we humans feel. Hmm does that mean, to help HER feel better, she wants to go to a dairy farm and have a good roll in some fresh cow manure?


10-08-2011, 11:37 AM
LOL!!! And I thought I was the only one whose mind works in mysterious ways. :eek::D

Actually, these 2 of mine really do feel better after a good bath - I can tell just from the way they race around and act goofy after.

10-08-2011, 12:07 PM
LOL, my mom would agree with you Sandie! Her two dogs are always finding something nasty and disgusting to roll in. They live out in the country, so there is horse manure readily available to them. One time Pepsi, the bigger dog, found a spot where a skunk had sprayed and rolled in it. Lovely!!:eek: And Little Bit likes to roll in the spot on the driveway where the car has sat and leaked oil. :rolleyes: She is also the white one!
But they do seem to feel better after a bath. Maybe because they are clean and have a fresh pallate to get dirty? :D