View Full Version : My near-death experience while walking my dog!

10-04-2011, 02:58 PM
Not really near-death, but darn close to it.

I was weeding underneath the street side mailboxes while hanging on to my dog's long leash.

My neighbor walked over with a fast food bag of food so Prue decided to run to him as fast as her little feet would carry her. She could have cared less that I was in a stooped position, under the mailboxes. So she yanked on the leash, as I tried not to be dragged into the mailboxes if I stood up. So I am hunched over, going forward, dog pulling like crazy..... I ended up falling forward on the road but managed to keep my balance enough to just keep stepping rather than hitting my knees.

My neighbor was in horror. He said he had his hand on his cellphone ready to call 911. He thought I was going to go splat on my face. It all happened so quickly to me, but according to him, it was slow motion. He said he couldn't believe I pulled out of the drive to the ground.

I was not so sure of my ability to save my face, hands, knees etc. It was just dumb luck that my feet kept me upright.

We laughed and laughed when it was over and was glad there was not a car coming down the street as I stepped into the middle of the road, dog towing me.

I do believe if the guy didn't have food, Prue would have just barked at him like she usually does. She could smell and see the food in the bag.

I walked very gingerly into my home and sat down.... having narrowly escaped a visit to the ER.

Damn dog.

I love her so, though. She was doing what makes her happy. Can't blame her for that.

If I had been smart, I would have let go of the leash. She wouldn't have gone anywhere with that food around.

My heart is still beating rapidly.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::o:o:o

10-04-2011, 03:28 PM
Good gracious! Yup, isn't it annoying that its only in hindsight you realize letting go of the leash would be okay just this once?

Whew! Thank goodness you - and Pru - are okay!

10-04-2011, 05:47 PM
Geepers! Glad you are OK. You know you wouldn't let go of the leash unless you were sure no cars were coming!

Prue, you need to make this up to your HuMom -- kisses and cuddles, get going! LOL

10-04-2011, 06:32 PM
You are right Freedom. I held on tightly because there are cars that fly by the house. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular when holding on for dear life. It was just my usual response to her pulling when she sees/hears something that appeals to her. Sometimes I think my arm will be pulled from it's socket. She doesn't pull ordinarily, just when she wants to GET something!

I still can't forget how worried my neighbor was. He must have felt a tad responsible, as he does know how much Prue thinks he might have a treat for her. If he looks like he has nothing, she will bark at him. BUT if he has something in his hands, i.e. bags that MIGHT contain food, then he is her BEST friend. He probably shouldn't have approached when he saw I was hunched over doing weeding. I had my back away from him and the street, as I don't think the LOOK of an old broad, leaning over, is much to look at! I think I was concentrating on not exposing my butt to the public, and not thinking about Prue pulling me into the street!

It's over, but it will take me a couple of days to recover. I could have broken an arm, wrist etc. etc. which I HAVE done before! I was lucky, for sure.


10-06-2011, 05:26 AM
Prue!!! You just can't resist the smell of fast food! I can't blame you! When I smell fries I turn into a beast! LOL Be careful and don't give your human a scare like that. :) Glad everyone is ok.

10-06-2011, 01:07 PM
Glad you are okay! Whew!!!