View Full Version : Now, tell me again why court cases take forever?

Lady's Human
10-02-2011, 07:10 PM
Maybe because they're tied up with frivolous garbage like this:


Suing over $.02.

Calling this woman a "consumer activist" is a little over the top. Frankly I'd call her a nuisance.

10-02-2011, 08:41 PM
Complete and utter waste of the time and resources taken for her case. They offered to refund her the difference, what more does she want?

Lady's Human
10-02-2011, 09:08 PM
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

This isn't her first case like this, either.

10-02-2011, 09:23 PM
Complete and utter waste of the time and resources taken for her case. They offered to refund her the difference, what more does she want?


Her 15 minutes (at least) of fame.

10-02-2011, 10:16 PM
I really wonder what the heck is wrong with people like this. WHY waste everyone's time and money? That's such a shallow thing to do. She needs to stop preaching this BS and start doing some real "activism". Or maybe if you have such an issue at wal-mart, how about you don't shop there?

10-03-2011, 06:10 AM
Activist??? - nope - pain in the keister - yes! She's getting her point across at tax payer's expense, and got a quick $100 from Walmart to boot. I agree with Alysser - maybe she should shop elsewhere if she has such issues with them. And shame on the state for even allowing such trivial nonsense to go thru the court system and waste taxpayer time and money.

Lady's Human
10-03-2011, 07:00 AM
Pom, somehow I knew you'd put your $.02 in.... :p

10-03-2011, 07:21 AM
Pom, somehow I knew you'd put your $.02 in.... :p

And I didn't have to go to court and sue anybody for it either...........:p:D

10-03-2011, 09:53 AM
Another position to consider: when we begin determining which case makes the grade, in OUR opinion, we begin to 'lock the door to the courthouse'. I believe the door must remain open to any and all. Regardless of my personal thoughts on the merits of the case.

There must have been some merit to the case- irrespective of the amount of the damages- or the Judge would not have ruled in her favor. There are several motions that opposing counsel could have filed that would have had this case dismissed. There is actually a pleading that could have resulted in the filing attorney being sanctioned for frivolous filings. Might be more here than meets the eye.

10-03-2011, 10:02 AM
The fact that this women even had standing in a court of law is reason enough to warrant a decent overhaul of the system.

10-03-2011, 10:08 AM
2 cents here, 2 cents there, it all adds up.:)

The store needs to get it's act together & get the barcodes in synch
with the register prices. How many tmes have you picked up something
marked at a sale price only to get to the check out and find it does not
match with the register price? Very annoyiing.

10-03-2011, 10:14 AM
2 cents here, 2 cents there, it all adds up.:)

The store needs to get it's act together & get the barcodes in synch
with the register prices. How many tmes have you picked up something
marked at a sale price only to get to the check out and find it does not
match with the register price? Very annoyiing.

Sure does.
And after a year or two you could be 10c richer.
Go for it.
Just think, in another 600,000 years, you could buy a new hairbrush.

10-03-2011, 11:10 AM
You need to think bigger than that silly man.

.o2 cents x 100,000 people = $2,000. One Walmart gets 100,000 on a slow day.

10-03-2011, 12:07 PM
Is that true, Liz? 100,000 people walk in that store? Man..that explains why ours (it is a 'new' one) is already so stinky.........

10-03-2011, 12:43 PM
You need to think bigger than that silly man.

.o2 cents x 100,000 people = $2,000. One Walmart gets 100,000 on a slow day.

Geeze - I was in Walmart this a.m., and I think I was one of maybe a dozen people in the whole store!!! Of course I could find hardly anything I went in for too. NASCAR race fans cleared the place out over the weekend, and the store is getting ready to close down in a few weeks (new Supercenter opening closer to me), so they aren't restocking much of anything. What I did manage to find - I wasn't overcharged on. :p

I can see making an issue of overcharging by much more than 2 cents - but 2 cents wouldn't even be worth the time and effort. I know it's a matter of principle, but look at the time and effort that went into filing a court case. Since this isn't the first time that this person has had an issue with this particular store, it seems to me that she's milking it for all it's worth. She got $100 on a 2 cent price discrepancy??? - not a bad profit margin at all. I wonder how much she got in her other disputes??? :(

10-03-2011, 12:49 PM
According to the commonly available statistics the average Wal-Mart has c. 3,000 customers/day.

200,000,000 / 9700 retail locations worldwide.

10-03-2011, 01:48 PM
I think the woman has had issues with Wal-Mart before, many issues, having time to waste she decided to make an example of them. Can't say it would be worth my time or effort but maybe she had nothing better on her agenda.
I do know the Wal-Mart over here is famous for false advertising...they print an apology in the paper a few days later which gets them off the hook. This happens weekly, people flock to the store for the advertised special only to be told they didn't get the delivery or that it was a misprint in the flyer etc.. The retraction in the paper lets them off the hook.
Wal-Mart is not a popular store with most people around here, they pull some awful scams.

10-03-2011, 02:59 PM
100,000? :eek: The population of the city my Wal-Mart is in is around 25,000. The next closest town is 25,000. I'm pretty sure my store doesn't see anywhere near that kind of traffic.

If there were an investigation done that found multiple products ringing up for a few cents more than the price listed on the shelf, I'd say there was merit to it. Otherwise it just seems like a circus act for the media. $100 is hardly a drop in the bucket for Wal-Mart.

10-03-2011, 05:28 PM
Is that true, Liz? 100,000 people walk in that store? Man..that explains why ours (it is a 'new' one) is already so stinky.........

Okay, okay, I overstated the number of customers per day. It just seems
to be that many because every time I go, I can never find a parking spot.:D

But, if you consider the number of customers in all the stores & each
store probably has more than one item priced wrong, then you can see
how the money would add up.:)

I probably would never do what that women did, but I'm glad there are
people willing to do it for everyone else.

Lady's Human
10-03-2011, 06:59 PM
There's a really simple method to take care of this and avoid wasting the court's time.

Raise the issue with store management. (The complaintant was offered the money back....most stores will correct the inventory tag rapidly, problem solved)

Give them time to fix the issue.

If, after time, the issue hasn't been fixed, drive it up the food chain to higher.

If your answer from the store HQ isn't satisfactory, contact your state consumer protection branch and let them take care of it.

If you're still upset about it there's a REALLY simple solution which doesn't involve wasting the time of a court...........don't shop there anymore!

WalMart isn't getting rich from pricing errors, if anything, the ill will they create with consumers makes them lose business. Inventories in a modern store like WalMart involves thousands of SKUs, it's REALLY easy to make a mistake given the volume of items.

10-03-2011, 07:13 PM
Target got into a lot of trouble over this, I watch my receipts really close...don't trust the stores


Lady's Human
10-03-2011, 07:45 PM
You should watch your receipts, but this woman has abused the system.

There are reasonable ways to take care of issues.

I'm sure the system hasn't changed much in the ensuing years, but 20 odd years ago, the manager would print out the daily price changes in a batch, hand it to the stock staff, and have them make the changes. Now, you're doing this at 0dark 30, coffee hasn't kicked in yet, and being that the stock staff is normally teens/college kids, they may be more interested in flirting with the other employees and socializing than doing their jobs.

If the changes aren't made properly, the first notice the manager normally has is a customer complaining about the price not being correct.

Not everyone is out to screw you, but this plaintiff certainly seems to have a chip on her shoulder.

10-03-2011, 10:15 PM
You need to think bigger than that silly man.

.o2 cents x 100,000 people = $2,000. One Walmart gets 100,000 on a slow day.

Geez silly girl, you should have been a mathematician.

10-03-2011, 10:20 PM
What I did manage to find - I wasn't overcharged on. :p

You mean........they wern't trying to maximise their profit at the expense of the public ??? They must be GOOD people.
(Better PM Lizzie about that, she may want to shop there in the future) :D

10-03-2011, 10:24 PM
Okay, okay, I overstated the number of customers per day.

Now we're getting somewhere !!!!
Could we perhaps label those who overstate or overcharge as walking/talking contradictions ????

10-03-2011, 10:35 PM
You should watch your receipts, but this woman has abused the system.

There are reasonable ways to take care of issues.

I'm sure the system hasn't changed much in the ensuing years, but 20 odd years ago, the manager would print out the daily price changes in a batch, hand it to the stock staff, and have them make the changes. Now, you're doing this at 0dark 30, coffee hasn't kicked in yet, and being that the stock staff is normally teens/college kids, they may be more interested in flirting with the other employees and socializing than doing their jobs.

If the changes aren't made properly, the first notice the manager normally has is a customer complaining about the price not being correct.

Not everyone is out to screw you, but this plaintiff certainly seems to have a chip on her shoulder.

Exactly !!! But of course the perception within some of community is "Hey, they've made a blue, I will cash in on that, and never mind about the time some poor goofball on the checkout gave me change for a ten when I'd only handed her a five. I'm right, they are wrong, and I can prove it. All I need is some lawyer to defend my 2 cents worth. And God only knows, there's plenty of them around"

10-04-2011, 05:43 AM
It is totally ridiculous and there should be a limit to what someone can sue for. This woman needs her head examined.

10-04-2011, 09:18 AM
The court system is in bad enough shape w/o some moron trying to 'make a point' over 2 cents.

I cannot imagine a store manager telling a customer to get lost over two cents, when I have had a problem with a item/charge, I have always been taken care of rather nicely.....It helps to be a overly polite suck-up at times?

Back to the court system?

During the mess with my parents estate I never got any kind of phone call or TIMELY mail from the court about ANY action regarding the property. I made NUMEROUS phone calls and left messages, but was never even afforded a call back or an EFF U in return.

The court case is still going on-when it was time for them to get a company auction the house, schedule the house, get it to go into escrow and a get the family a ton of OTHER info, they could not be bothered. It's a slow system that wears you down.

They did get you some kind of mailing or letter AFTER the fact but to say that the 'wheels of justice' turn slowly?

It's all because of people who are clogging the system down with stupid lawsuits and a system that doesn't give a damn about the people, by the people and for the people.....:(

10-04-2011, 09:37 AM
The court system is in bad enough shape w/o some moron trying to 'make a point' over 2 cents.

I cannot imagine a store manager telling a customer to get lost over two cents, when I have had a problem with a item/charge, I have always been taken care of rather nicely.....It helps to be a overly polite suck-up at times?

Back to the court system?

During the mess with my parents estate I never got any kind of phone call or TIMELY mail from the court about ANY action regarding the property. I made NUMEROUS phone calls and left messages, but was never even afforded a call back or an EFF U in return.

The court case is still going on-when it was time for them to get a company auction the house, schedule the house, get it to go into escrow and a get the family a ton of OTHER info, they could not be bothered. It's a slow system that wears you down.

They did get you some kind of mailing or letter AFTER the fact but to say that the 'wheels of justice' turn slowly?

It's all because of people who are clogging the system down with stupid lawsuits and a system that doesn't give a damn about the people, by the people and for the people.....:(

It is $$$$ to the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer. :(

10-04-2011, 10:47 AM
It is $$$$ to the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer. :(

Besides pro sports, where else can you lose and still get paid?

10-04-2011, 09:30 PM
It is $$$$ to the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer. :(

I have a tenant in one of my houses called Bob. What about Bob ?? You say ??
Ok....I'll tell ya. Bob went thru a pretty messy seperation from his partner a couple of years ago, they have a 5 year old daughter. His ex stuffed him around with access to the child for the past 2 years, so much so, that he seen his little girl for like 4 hours a month. His ex did this because she is an **shole, and because she could....with help from lawyers of course.
His own lawyers just kept stuffing him around, court case here, court case there, cost him heaps of money. Bob is a pretty proud sort of a guy, keeps to himself and never asks for help from people.....I approached him a number of times about his plight and offered him my help, and finally he listened and I sat him down and told him exactly what his rights were in regards to family law.
I told him to get rid of the idiot law partnership he was using, and go see a lone practicing lawyer who I know. Within 4 weeks he had gained access to his little girl, he now gets her every weekend and a couple of afternoons a week.
I also told him to take the money he owes to the first law partnership he used, stick it up their butts and light it....because that is what they deserve.

Talk about bogging the courts up.......those lawyers did it to line their own pockets with dollars, they didn't give a hoot about Bob's plight. Honesty or compassion is not a part of their agenda, harvesting money is.

10-04-2011, 09:41 PM
Besides pro sports, where else can you lose and still get paid?


MSNBC Analyst?

Senator from Illinois?

And, in honor of the theme, perhaps the oldest profession in the World?

Edwina's Secretary
10-04-2011, 09:48 PM
Besides pro sports, where else can you lose and still get paid?

Loser vice president candidate/loser quitter governor?

10-05-2011, 03:11 AM
Current POTUS?

10-05-2011, 04:47 AM
Current POTUS?

Right on mister.....right on. ;)

10-05-2011, 05:00 AM
Current POTUS?

Right on mister.....right on. ;)

For 18 trillion dollars Alec. Who won the Nobel Peace prize, not for what he has done, but for what he might have done and failed miserably at it?

I win at Jeopardy, and I quoted myself! Double Win for me!!

10-05-2011, 08:34 AM
The Nobel Peace prize ???
The winners of that are just members of an old boys club. So I don't care a less for that bunch who vote for each other year in and year out.
I'm more interested in VC and MOH winners....they are the real guys who work for peace. ;)

10-05-2011, 08:51 AM
I'm more interested in VC and MOH winners....they are the real guys who work for peace. ;)

Just a small clarification Wom... One does not win the Medal of Honor (or the Victoria Cross I suppose). One is awarded it.

The recipients of those awards are not playing a game. :)

Lady's Human
10-05-2011, 08:54 AM
Most of the members of those clubs would rather not be members, in all likelihood.

10-05-2011, 08:58 AM
Just a small clarification Wom... One does not win the Medal of Honor (or the Victoria Cross I suppose). One is awarded it.

The recipients of those awards are not playing a game. :)

Yeah mate, I know they are awarded it....but "winners" is a sort of loose term us Aussies use for such prestigious medals. It's commonplace for us to refer to a VC recipient as a VC winner. We like to screw around with the old countries language to you know....hee hee

10-05-2011, 09:09 AM
Yeah mate, I know they are awarded it....but "winners" is a sort of loose term us Aussies use for such prestigious medals. It's commonplace for us to refer to a VC recipient as a VC winner. We like to screw around with the old countries language to you know....hee hee

Its all good.

And REALLY? You like to screw around? Who knew? LOL


10-05-2011, 09:11 AM
Most of the members of those clubs would rather not be members, in all likelihood.

Roger that.

10-05-2011, 09:17 AM
Who knew?

Lets see now.......
Ahhh...my finers are getting sore....can't typ ani mor.........:D

10-06-2011, 06:29 PM
Loser vice president candidate/loser resigned governor?

Hi love, I missed you too.:)