View Full Version : Senior Dog Vestibular - Sugar; 2d time Oct 3

10-01-2011, 08:57 AM
At 6:30 AM today, Sugar was FINE. No issues. She got up from the pet bed on the floor, scrambled up the stairs onto my bed, just as usual. I fell back to sleep.

At 7:40 AM, as I woke, I did my usual, bit of a petting bit of massage for each pet on the bed. Got to Sugar, she tried to sit up for her cuddles, and fell back down. I chuckled, she didn't have her footing. She tried and fell again. NOT SO FUNNY ANYMORE! :eek:

I petted her, put her on the floor. As I am moving her, she is thrashing around. On the floor, I tried putting her on her feet, she just fell. Looked at her face, her eyes were jumping side to side, and now she is starting to whine: I'm scared, Mum, what's going on?

Ran to the phone to be sure a vet was in, grabbed some clothes and took her in. I had to be careful carrying her out to the car, as any movement made her very motion sick and she couldn't figure out which end was up. Got her settled on the passenger seat next to me, kept one hand on her most of the drive. She seemed to settled about half way there; it is just a 3 miles trip, not far at all.

Carried her inside, go into an exam room, set her down and she could stand. Her eyes looked OK. Next she started panting and drooling -- poor thing was SO frightened by what happened!

Vet checked her over. We suspect old dog vestibular disease / syndrome. Although it usually doesn't clear up quite that fast. Sugar is age 14, so it fits. She never lost consciousness, wasn't thrashing if I wasn't moving her, so not a stroke.

She got an anti nausea shot, and we came home. She is exhausted, but seems fine. I have anti nausea pills in case it happens again, this being a weekend.

In the past 3 weeks: Tasha was in for a hot spot, Crystal my fat cat was in for a clipping as she can't self groom, and Willy was in last Thursday for a hot spot under an arm, he is now wearing an inflatable collar so he leaves it be while it heals.

I've seen enough of my vet practice, thank you, and Sugar, I'm sure neither of us needs any more scares: keep WELL!

10-01-2011, 09:05 AM
Oh my Sandie, what a morning.:( I'm glad Sugar is ok. I hope this doesn't happen often to her.
I feel your pain as to the vet visits. There was a time when I had RB Lacey and RB Mandy that I made weekly visits to the vet.:( I can't imagine having as many furkids as you do!

10-01-2011, 09:54 AM
Wow, that was scary. Why is it that these "events" often happen on
a weekend? Sugar has the sweetest little face, give her a gentle hug
from me please.:) I hope she is back to normal now & not feeling so scared.

10-01-2011, 10:02 AM
Oh no!!! Poor Sugar - and poor Sandie too. Hope you're both feeling somewhat better by now. {{{hugs}}} :love::love: to both.

I wasn't familiar with this condition, so I Google'd it. I see a lot of different things could be causing it - was anything like an ear infection or her thyroid mentioned by the vet?

Scooter's Mom
10-01-2011, 10:41 AM
I saw this on FB, but this is more detailed. I am so sorry you're going through such issues.

I hope you and your fur-babies get some time off from the white-coats for awhile. You sure need a break.

10-01-2011, 11:35 AM
I got tears in my eyes reading this. When you said "I'm scared, Mum, what's going on?" That brought the tears on big time. It reminds me of when Zoee had her "episodes" and she had that same look in her eyes. And the worst of it is WE don't know!
I'm so glad she got better and you saw the vet. I hope it doesn't happen again and she remains healthy.

Hugs to you and Sugar!!

10-01-2011, 11:43 AM
I'm sorry you had to go through that! But I'm glad she's feeling better. I'm not familiar with that either so I'll be looking it up myself.

10-01-2011, 12:05 PM
Thanks, everyone. Sugar and I -- and a few other pups, lol - went back to bed, slept for THREE HOURS. I'm feeling better, and Sugar looks fine.

Yes, Ellie, we did discuss other possibilities. Sugar had a complete blood work up recently, so we don't think it is thyroid. Her ears look fine to the vet, plus I haven't noticed her itching, so we ruled that out for now as well.

Back when I was 25, the family dog Princess had this vestibular thing, took about 2 weeks for her to settle from it. She was 14 at the time, and lived another 2.5 years with no issues. So I remembered that. Only unusual bit is that Sugar seemed totally fine within 20 minutes or so.

Gosh, I don't need these crises, lol.

10-01-2011, 02:28 PM
Wow! How scary.:eek: I'm sorry this happened but I'm glad that you could take her to your vet asap. I hope that she'll be fine now. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

10-01-2011, 03:33 PM
Thank you.

Here is a link, for anyone interested:

10-01-2011, 04:27 PM
That is really scary and really glad she is on the mend. I went through that last fall with my old 14 year old and it is frightening to watch.

10-01-2011, 07:37 PM
Oh My Goodness, What a way to start the day! I'm so glad Sugar is acting ok now and hope she stays that way. I had never heard of that vestibular ailment you mentioned and I went to the site you posted and read about it.. Hope she and your other furry ones stay well

10-01-2011, 07:45 PM
(((HUGS))) for Sugar and mum!

10-01-2011, 08:10 PM
Thanks again.

Oh you are SO right, FurkidsMom, so frightening, and I was sure I wasn't going to be coming home with her from the vet. GAH!

Anyway, all seems well, now. I did not take her for a walk today, just let her rest, be in the back yard. Going to take it easy with her for a bit.

Daisy and Delilah
10-02-2011, 04:12 PM
I'm so sorry Sandie! You probably remember I went through this with Delilah not too long ago. It was so scary and so sudden. It took about three weeks for her to be normal again. I know you've got a very full plate. Thoughts and prayers going out.:(

Lilith Cherry
10-02-2011, 07:36 PM
Poor Sugar and poor Sandie! I hope she wil continue to feel better

10-02-2011, 08:17 PM
Again, I thank all of you.

Sugar continues to be well. She is more tired that usual, I'm sure it took a lot out out of her.

Saturday, the day it happened, I didn't walk her at all, just out in the back yard. Today, I walked her with Marlin. He is S O S L O W. Drove her mad, ha haa, but it was all I wanted her to do today. And she slept soundly for almost an hour afterwards.

Funny thing I noticed this morning: Sugar refused to come up on my bed! Every morning, she get off the pet bed on the floor where she spent the night and comes up the steps to settle on my bed. She would NOT. Guess she blames the bed for that awful feeling, lol.

10-04-2011, 11:31 AM
Sugar woke up today with the same issues: couldn't stand, tilted head, drooling like crazy. I decided to take her in to the vet again.

Last time, the vet explained that the way the eyes moves tells us something: jumping up and down usually indicates a stroke, fast to one side (or the other) tells which side of the brain is effected by the vestibular syndrome, round and round is something else. Well, by the time we got to the vet last time the eyes had settled down.

Today the vet was able to see what her eyes were doing, so we know for sure this is vestibular syndrome. That is something, anyway. I had them give her the anti nausea injection, rather than me try to give her a pill. With all that drooling, I could see it melting in her mouth, yuck, plus there is always a risk they vomit it up.

He also said that, while we give the nausea meds every 24 hours if there are symptoms, most likely she still had some in her system and that is why she was OK for a few days.

This takes 2 weeks or so to settle. So I just have to watch, and give her a pill if / when symptoms return.

10-04-2011, 01:52 PM
Poor Sugar....and poor Sandie!! I know how stressful these things are.

Please give Sugar some loves for me. And HUGS to you too!

10-04-2011, 05:48 PM
Thanks, Cindy.

So far, she can stand but can't walk. She has no interest in food or water. ALL DAY! I have taken her outside, she peed once, that is all.

10-04-2011, 06:47 PM
Awww, Sugar! I hope this resolves soon :love:

10-04-2011, 07:30 PM
Thanks, Elyse. Normal course, it takes 2 weeks for the body to adapt and adjust to whatever has stopped working.

10-05-2011, 01:30 PM
Sending many get well soon wishes out to the sweet little Sugar. Hoping for the best for her.

Myndi and Sparky are sending out woofs and tail wags too......:love:

10-05-2011, 05:07 PM
Poor baby Sugar.:( I pray that she gets to feeling better soon. It's
so upsetting when one of the little ones is ailing.

10-05-2011, 05:32 PM
How scary! Hope she feels better soon.

10-05-2011, 06:03 PM
I'm now hand feeding Sugar every 3 hours. And carrying her outside to do business.

She can stand, but her legs are splayed, bracing herself so she doesn't fall. Walking it a few tiny steps and she falls splat! Her eyes are still jumping.

Just need to nurse her through until this passes.