View Full Version : Cell phone voice mail

09-30-2011, 08:57 AM
Hubby and I have an on-going debate about cell phone messages. He constantly leaves messages that say, "Its me, give me a call" or "call me when you get this"

I tell him wastes my time because I see I missed his call. I also see he left a message. So I go through the process of checking my voice mail, and find a message that says its him (I already knew that!) I simply hang up when I get his VM and wait for his phone to tell him he missed a call. He calls me when he sees he missed my call.

Now, I DO leave a message when its important. Like, "I'm caught on the side of the road with a flat!" If I never leave messages, he should pay attention if I actually left one.

Sooo...... how do you deal with voice mail? Hang up and wait for someone to see they missed a call?

PS: This whole debate pertains to people you talk to daily. I leave messages for my mom because she isn't technically saavy enough to look at the missed calls list (She couldn't figure out voice mail for almost a year). I leave messages for friends I talk to once in a while. I leave messages for coworkers. I just refuse to leave a message for hubby! :D

09-30-2011, 09:47 AM
When I called Bruce and didn't leave a message he wouldn't call back. He'd say well if it was important enough you should have left a message. However, now he calls back if he sees a missed call from me. I guess I trained him well enough. :p
Depending on who it is, I will call back from just a missed call. Some people I won't though. Or I'll text them and say "you called?"

09-30-2011, 11:07 AM
I vote - Leave a message!
If you want me to call you back, leave a message.

Missed calls to me means it wasn't important so I'm not calling you back. If you couldn't take the time to leave a message, I'm not taking the time to call you back and see what you wanted.

09-30-2011, 11:27 AM
I leave a message if it is important. My daughter rarely listens to the message though. She is one to just see my number on her cell and call me back. My son does the same thing. What did you want mom? Listen to the message...duh!

They are the only two I regularly talk to other than my 89 year old mom who doesn't understand new technology at all. Luckily she knows when I am going to call and is there to answer. We have one of those ESP things going between us for as long as I can remember.

As far as husbands or significant others go, I don't have one and I think this is one of the reasons why I never remarried - LOL! They just don' get it. Ha!

09-30-2011, 11:41 AM
We have one of those ESP things going between us for as long as I can remember.

You too? :) My Mom & I had that also. :D We often laughed about it,
it was so neat.

I always leave a msg for my kids & they me. Especially if it's nothing really
important, just chit chat.:)

09-30-2011, 12:10 PM
My ex-boss used to talk to my voicemail as if I was there- kind of fun to listen like ten minutes of monologue;)
My new boss never leaves messages- he knows I will call back once I see he called.
Funny enough the new one is much better in communications than the old one- does that make sense?

Instead of leaving messages I prefer to write texts.

09-30-2011, 12:18 PM
Instead of leaving messages I prefer to write texts.

Me too - and I always hated it before. The only voice mail message I might get would be from my brother - everyone else will text me.
I will leave a voice message for someone if I have to tho, since I don't know if they like text or not. A lot of people don't - just like I didn't used to.

09-30-2011, 02:08 PM
I hate going through the hassle of listening to voicemails, sometimes I leave them, sometimes I don't. It just depends on the situation. I prefer texting over calling anyway :).

09-30-2011, 02:52 PM
My ex-boss used to talk to my voicemail as if I was there- kind of fun to listen like ten minutes of monologue;)
My new boss never leaves messages- he knows I will call back once I see he called.
Funny enough the new one is much better in communications than the old one- does that make sense?

Instead of leaving messages I prefer to write texts.

I hate going through the hassle of listening to voicemails, sometimes I leave them, sometimes I don't. It just depends on the situation. I prefer texting over calling anyway :).

I don't text. I don't have a "real" cell phone, just a tracphone. I still don't get the texting thing. Maybe if I did it a few times I would get it. I really like to actually talk to people on the phone. :D:p

I fear one day no one will be talking to anyone with all of the modern technology. :(

09-30-2011, 03:12 PM
I don't text. I don't have a "real" cell phone, just a tracphone. I still don't get the texting thing. Maybe if I did it a few times I would get it. I really like to actually talk to people on the phone. :D:p

I fear one day no one will be talking to anyone with all of the modern technology. :(

My boyfriend always give me a hard time when I'm texting my friends. If it goes on for a long time he says "just pick up the phone and CALL them!" And I say...I don't want to talk to them. LOL
He texts more now that he has the voice activated texting thing on his phone. So he doesn't have to type it out, he just speaks and it types it.

Technology is already taking over. Sad but true.

09-30-2011, 03:44 PM
I only leave a message if I really need to talk to him, otherwise he knows he needn't call me back. But we rarely use our cell phones anyway, just for times when they are truly needed - emergencies or "I'm at the store and drawing a blank, what was it you wanted me to pick up?"

And we do not text each other, and don't even have a plan that includes texting, as we don't use it!

09-30-2011, 08:16 PM
I don't text. I don't have a "real" cell phone, just a tracphone. I still don't get the texting thing. Maybe if I did it a few times I would get it. I really like to actually talk to people on the phone. :D:p

I fear one day no one will be talking to anyone with all of the modern technology. :(

I don't like text either.....it's really hard to get the "heavy breathing" effect in text messages. :p

09-30-2011, 08:38 PM
I don't like text either.....it's really hard to get the "heavy breathing" effect in text messages. :p

Oh, so that was YOU that called me. :D

10-01-2011, 07:14 PM
Before I bought a blackberry at mom's insistence, I was fine without it even I could text. No plan as I didn't text enough to warrant it.

Now I've gotten use to it. Still don't text much, but I prefer it to leaving voice mail. It's instant and I don't have to wade through the options. It's great for arranging appointments and meeting times or a quick check.

I am in no way addicted to it. I don't even answer my phone when it rings. My cell phone is for convenience.

10-01-2011, 08:46 PM
Sounds like me and my boyfriend.... He'll call me and say "Hey, it's me, call me back" UMMMMMM.... it's already come up on my "YOU MISSED A CALL" screen, lol, so I know I missed a call. Now, I must say, he is a very talky person, so he'll start to go into something that has nothing to do with calling him back, just about the truck he's driving or whatever, and normally I just hit delete at that point :o and keep moving on. I have messages and more messages on my phone. I don't need to listen to his drivel, or the "call me back" when I know I need to call him back to begin with!!!!

If it's SUPER important I'll leave him a message, otherwise, I don't. I figure you get the same screen as me, you know I called, you know to call back. We're all adults here, and we get the drift, or we should, lol.

So, I vote, unless an emergency, don't leave a message, and if you do, make sure it's a necessary one.

10-01-2011, 08:49 PM
About the texting thing.... I have a new room mate since June. My NEPHEW who is 22 years old.

Texting is his way of life. I'll be on the 2nd floor, he'll be on the 3rd floor, and he TEXTS me "what's for dinner", or "am I on my own for dinner" or something equally ridiculous when it has to do with his girlfriend coming over etc....

Can you come down 10 stairs and talk to me??? I don't sit here naked or anything (like up at camp, lol). Just come and talk to me. FRUSTRATING!!!