View Full Version : Police shoot 2 Boxers in San Mateo, CA

09-28-2011, 09:39 AM
The local radio station I listen to has a guy on it that lives very close to this park and takes his dog for walks there regularly. He knows this family and these dogs. He said if he had been there he could have probably went up to the dogs and grabbed their collars. The dad had been working so hard on training the pups. They are, after all, boxers. That is a VERY hyper breed.

Here is the website: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/peninsula&id=8370562

Watch the video, it shows pictures of Bella and Jordan. And at the end it tells some comments people made on Facebook. Only one for the dogs, the others are for the cops....:mad:

I don't know, I wasn't there. But I feel cops react too quickly with their guns when dogs are involved. If the dog runs toward them they shoot. I know my dogs would be shot if cops were outside my house. My dogs would run up to them (Zoee with her hair raised on her back), but all they'd do is wiggle their butts and lick you to death.

Here is the article:
A San Mateo family is trying to cope with the loss of their two dogs after they were shot and killed by police. Police say the boxers, Bella and Jordan, escaped from the backyard and were threatening a little girl.

The story of what happened on Monday really depends on who you ask. To the family, Bella and Jordan were two loving dogs who wouldn't hurt anyone. To the police, the dogs were out of control and threatening people's safety.

"They were not vicious dogs, they were wonderful, great dogs that were family members," owner Carla Torres said.

Torres says she still has no idea how her two boxers got loose. Police shot and killed them at the neighborhood park. Now the family's looking for a place to bury their ashes.

Torres says the latch to a gate came undone and the dogs made a run for it. It wasn't long before someone called 911.

"A small girl and her small dog had been attacked by a couple of boxer-type dogs," San Mateo Police Sgt. Dave Norris said.

Police say when Jordan and Bella wouldn't calm down, officers tried to subdue them with Tasers but it didn't work.

"One of the dogs was drooling, it was gnashing its teeth, it was acting in a very aggressive manner toward the officers and they felt that they had no choice but to take immediate means to control those animals," Norris said.

Cheyenne Torres, 13, had to say goodbye to Bella at the animal hospital, after vets determined they couldn't save the dog.

"I just started crying; I was so sad because I love them so much," she said.

She and her mom showed ABC7 the dogs' graduation pictures from puppy school and said they were well trained.

"I think our dogs just wanted to play with the little dog; I don't think they were going to hurt anyone and just people get scared of dogs," Carla Torres said.

"Dogs may act different than they normally would when they're off leash and there's a lot of activity, strangers around them, people yelling, that kind of a scene," Peninsula Humane Society spokesperson Scott DeLucchi said.

DeLucchi says animal control showed up just a few minutes too late to help. He points out police aren't trained to deal with angry dogs. But one neighbor who heard the shots thinks they should be.

"If the police department had nets to throw over the dogs, it would've been over with," neighbor J.R. Addy said.

Animal control says they won't file any charges against the Torres family.

Carla Torres says she's consulting an attorney and she's considering suing the police department.

Lady's Human
09-28-2011, 09:45 AM
Tase the dog, and then wonder why it's pissed?


How about tase the officer and see how he feels?

09-28-2011, 09:55 PM
Tase the dog, and then wonder why it's pissed?


How about tase the officer and see how he feels?

Exactly! Thank you!!

09-29-2011, 05:34 AM
It's a tough call. If the dogs were overpowering a child what were they to do?
This is why dogs are supposed to be under control of their owners. Boxers are big dogs.

Just curious, what do you think the police officer should have done if the dogs were out of control?

Lady's Human
09-29-2011, 06:22 AM
Subduing them with tasers obviously wasn't the answer.....

Boxers aren't that big, really, and the "attack" on the child was pst tense. It sounds like the officers had cornered the dogs and then tased them. There are no mention of any injuries to anyone other than the dogs.

That being said, the same non-lethal force used to apprehend criminals (net rounds for shotguns) would have worked perfectly well.

09-29-2011, 10:25 AM
Boxers aren't that big, really,

They might not be the biggest dog in size, but they are incredibly strong.
They are all muscle. My Bro had a female (Lady) and it took a lot of strength
to calm her down when she was over excited.:) She was a very sweet dog.

09-29-2011, 01:59 PM
They might not be the biggest dog in size, but they are incredibly strong.
They are all muscle. My Bro had a female (Lady) and it took a lot of strength
to calm her down when she was over excited.:) She was a very sweet dog.

Medium build dogs, very powerful and muscular.

Lady's Human
09-29-2011, 04:26 PM
I'd be more worried about a St. Bernard than a boxer. Appearance can be deceiving.

Cops overreacted, which is normal in a situation they're not trained to handle. That's why there are animal control officers.

I'd have to think that after being tased a squirrel would look vicious.

09-29-2011, 04:54 PM
I can see where that would happen. If you were the police officers, and saw two dogs that you didn't know and you thought that they were going to harm you or others, you would probably end up doing the same thing. I agree, the police officers needs to be trained on how to deal with dogs, and have something other then bullets and tasers to control a dog, train them on nets and/or a rabies pole. Perhaps if the officers could carry a pamphlet on dog behavior, less cases like this will pop up.

My condolences to the family and my thoughts and prayers are with them.