View Full Version : Dog walking etiquette?

09-27-2011, 11:39 PM
I have recently begun to walk the dog about the neighborhood and came across this 'problem' regarding our little trips.

I save the plastic newspaper wrappers as a way to pick up the 'messes' he leaves during our trips.

I do bring them back home and deposit them into the trash can on my property.

Here is what I was wondering.

Would you deposit the bag into a neighbor's can?

I would never do that but, I was wondering what the concensus is on the board.

I know there are some extenuating situations, but was wondering what YOUR thoughts were about it...


09-27-2011, 11:43 PM
I've done it before.

I've seen neighbors put it in ours before. The way I see it, better in the trashcan then on my lawn. I don't do it often of course but I've done it when I took him for a long walk or there was a hole in the bag.

09-28-2011, 03:00 AM
If it is the day the trash is going to be picked up, I see no harm it. Otherwise, I'd just carry it home and put it in my own trash.

09-28-2011, 07:44 AM
I never thought about doing that. Interesting. I probably wouldn't do it but I guess I don't really know the correct etiquette on this either.

09-28-2011, 08:06 AM
I don't walk my pups - they walk themselves all over the 2 acres here. However, if I did, I wouldn't take the liberty of putting a deposit in my neighbor's trash. :eek:

09-28-2011, 08:25 AM
I've not done that, and never seen anyone do it, not even on trash day.

HOWEVER, we have 2 huge apartment complexes we walk through, and I regularly use their dumpsters rather than carry it back home.

09-28-2011, 09:15 AM
I think I'd feel weird putting it in a neighbor's trash can, especially if they live close enough where you should walk the extra ten feet/block to use your own. I regularly use public waste receptacles, on a long walk I'm not carrying that for any length of time.

09-28-2011, 09:35 AM
My puppers and I travel all year round due to my job. I literally don't have a house. I live in hotels all over the country. I usually pick up their poos and deposit it in the hotel trash. We will be staying in a beach house as of Oct. 15th. I'll be tossing it in my own garbage then.

09-28-2011, 12:04 PM
I usually am far away from home when they do their business :o If I see a trash can to put it in, I usually will. It's awkward and smelly carrying a bag of poo the whole walk. If I'm close to home they I'll just put it in mine. I wouldn't care if someone used mine. Better then leaving it for me to clean.

smokey the elder
09-28-2011, 02:55 PM
I don't mind if someone puts their dog's output in my garbage; it's better than the vast majority of folks in my town who don't think they need to pick up after their animals.

finn's mom
09-28-2011, 03:37 PM
I don't see the harm in it, although I wouldn't argue if someone thought it was inappropriate. I have done it, but not every time.

It's a trash can . . . I personally don't care what goes into mine, as long as it's not illegal, preventing me from putting my own garbage in, or flammable (or something else seriously dangerous).

I'm curious to hear explanations as to why it would be an issue . . . besides the "It's mine, no one else can use it" . . . or "Because it's just gross haha". ;)

09-28-2011, 03:52 PM
I'm curious to hear explanations as to why it would be an issue . . . besides the "It's mine, no one else can use it" . . . or "Because it's just gross haha". ;)

Because it's just gross!! :p Seriously tho - if I knew the person I would ask to see if they minded (for future walks), then it wouldn't be a problem. If I didn't know them, I just wouldn't be so presumptuous to think that they wouldn't mind. People can be quirky. I wouldn't have a problem putting it in a large commercial dumpster tho. And where does everybody here live, anyway???? Are trash cans kept curbside at all times?? :eek: I live in a rural area and my trash receptacle is kept behind the house except for pick up day once each week.

finn's mom
09-28-2011, 03:57 PM
People can be quirky.

No kidding, but I honestly don't worry too much about every little quirk someone might have. I pretty much follow the golden rule, until the specificc quirky person tells me differently. ;) Heck, some people don't even want dogs walking anywhere they have to live. No matter how much you pick up, there's still poo on the ground haha. And not to mention the urine!

09-28-2011, 04:37 PM
Are trash cans kept curbside at all times?? :eek: I live in a rural area and my trash receptacle is kept behind the house except for pick up day once each week.

We keep ours by the house too, but some people around here leave it close to the road all the time.

09-28-2011, 09:23 PM
I don't own pups but it REALLY gets my goat when people DON"T pick up! I don't care if they put it in my trash can. I'm just thankful they pick it up!

09-29-2011, 05:47 PM
I honestly have not had my dogs go while out on a walk in this neighborhood, but I have a dog door to my little fenced yard so they are generally already self-relieved before we head out.

I have to say though, that there are some people who are just watching and WAITING for you to step a foot wrong with your dog. I was walking just Raven one day down a neighborhood street when she squatted to do #1. I waited a moment then started walking when a man's voice shouts across the street "Excuse me ma'am, are you going to pick that up?" Now I think of all kinds of smart-aleck replies I could have made but at the time I was so surprised and caught off guard I just stammered "She just... peed." And he said, "oh okay."

09-29-2011, 06:17 PM
I use the little poo bags when I clean the litterboxes sometimes. Sealed bags start stinking again after about a day. I don't know if the same holds true for poop smell or not, but I'd be concerned with making my neighbors endure the aroma of my dog doo every time they opened the lid to their can. Unless they already dump poo in there themselves and wouldn't notice.

09-29-2011, 06:36 PM
Now I think of all kinds of smart-aleck replies I could have made but at the time I was so surprised and caught off guard I just stammered "She just... peed." And he said, "oh okay."

I would have told him that I didn't have a sponge or blotter handy! :p:D

09-29-2011, 06:54 PM
I would have told him that I didn't have a sponge or blotter handy! :p:D

I know! I never have a snappy comeback at hand until too late :p.

09-30-2011, 08:42 AM
I dump the bags in the first trash can I see. I only use TRASH cans, and make sure recycling cans aren't used. I also will not put it in empty cans because I don't know what the cans purpose might be (is it for grass only? Recycling?)

Nobody has ever said anything to me, and if they did, my prepared reply is, "would you rather I left it on your grass?"

I leave my trash cans out so people can throw their trash in it. I get a LOT of McDonalds cups and wrappers in my yard. It does my heart good to see people use the can instead of the yard.

10-01-2011, 08:09 AM

Here's my feelings about it.

The trash cans come out once a week here in the neighborhood. Back in El Lay there was a time when they "trash cops" would come by to check out what was going into the cans. We have three different cans, Recycleables, green refuse and regular trash.

Once in a blue moon, the sanitation workers come by to check on what is being put into the cans. They put a notice in your mailbox, it states, rather sternly that you will be flayed and quartered, if you mix up the trash.

Here in KY, there is a black can for trash, a small orange container for recycleables and you furnish your own can for garden waste.


One day I was walking the dog and picked up his poo and saw the cans were out for the weekly pickup.

Becuase the dog and I walk the same route every day, I don't want to cause any problems w/the neighbors.

I posted the question because I was curious about the 'etiquette' involved - that and I don't know how people/the city would react to trash/refuse going into the cans.

I'd never put the poop into a can that was empty/just picked up. And I just feel funny about putting poop into someone else's can.

(My roommate is very picky about what goes where....:o)

Thanks for the input and suggestions/stories.

10-02-2011, 10:38 PM
I live in an apartment complex and when we walk there are poop garbage everywhere. If not at home we're at a park where there is plenty of garbages. When I lived in a neighborhood, I would stick it in the trash if it was curbside for pickup. I wouldn't go walking up to someone's house to throw it in. I really don't care what goes in my outdoor trash. I don't have to smell it or empty it.

10-07-2011, 07:17 PM
Yesterday Tucker and I took a little side trip...we went out to the main thoroughfare to check things out.

Tuck has to pee on all the bushes along this new route - He pees on pretty much everything on ANY walk.....So I was more worried about him peeing on EVERY post/bush along the way......

We walked by the dentist' office, he peed on the bushes in front of the building, made it thru the Pizza Hut parking lot and as we turned for home?

He stopped and dropped a deuce right on the corner, in front of the Pizza Hut dining area windows, in front of the lunch diners and the people waiting for the light to change.

I never bothered to look up.

I just picked up after him and we went on our way.

Needless to say?

We will not go THERE ever again.

There is nothing more humbling than having your pet embarass you in front of god, traffic and people waiting for a pizza.......

10-07-2011, 07:35 PM
Ah, I take it he hasn't done it right in the middle of crossing the street at a light? You stand there and pray the light doesn't change while they finish their business and you pick it up. It never works out that way. People are in the cars, either laughing or cursing you out for making them 20 seconds later. :rolleyes:

10-07-2011, 09:47 PM
Ah, I take it he hasn't done it right in the middle of crossing the street at a light? You stand there and pray the light doesn't change while they finish their business and you pick it up. It never works out that way. People are in the cars, either laughing or cursing you out for making them 20 seconds later. :rolleyes:

The Tuckster and I do not travel into timed crosswalks.;):p:o We observe all traffic laws....:rolleyes:

LOL, I could never live that down....:D

10-09-2011, 05:36 AM
The Tuckster and I do not travel into timed crosswalks.;):p:o We observe all traffic laws....:rolleyes:

LOL, I could never live that down....:D

Why not just bag it and put it into the mailbox of someone you don't like ??
That's what I do.

10-09-2011, 08:25 AM
Why not just bag it and put it into the mailbox of someone you don't like ??
That's what I do.

Is that what is coming through the mail? Dog Pooh from Auss? :eek:

10-09-2011, 09:46 PM
Is that what is coming through the mail? Dog Pooh from Auss? :eek:

AND.........it explodes when you open it. :p