View Full Version : Just Checking In

09-26-2011, 08:04 PM
Hello Pet Talkers!

Saw a post from Karen over at Facebook asking us to check in so I thought I would do that. There are so many new people here that I doubt there are too many who still remember me. Even though I rarely post any more I still check in daily. One of the first things I do every morning is check out Dog of the Day. Pet Talk has always been there for me and I have met so many wonderful people through this site and fortunate enough to actually meet quite a few of those in person. I met my best friend through this site, I'm lucky enough to get together with some other friends from here for "Girls Day", I've been to lots of the Findlay Pet Talk Gatherings and have even had some Pet Talk friends stay at my house. I never would have thought that by joining some internet forum all those years ago to talk about my dog that I would meet so many wonderful people from all over the world. How cool is that?!

Things are going ok for me. Doing my best to move on with my life. I work at a bank now and it took awhile but I actually like my job. The pay is awful though so I'm always looking for something better. I still have my 3 dogs, started out with one when I joined. Katie, Tori and Zack are doing well. I have to say that I find it somewhat difficult at times to be a single working girl and take care of 3 dogs. I often wonder if I'm doing the right thing for them. Katie recently had a tumor removed from her bottom eyelid and that went really well. The doc did a great job and once her fur grows back around the eye you won't even be able to tell she had anything done. She is a great dog! She is still dog aggressive so I do have to be careful with that. I don't know what other Akitas are like as indoor dogs but she is awesome. She's quiet, clean and sweet. She makes me feel safe. Tori hasn't changed too much. Still the clown of the group. Vocal when she wants something, which is usually all the time. She's the one that always gets the group playing. She always makes me laugh. She has a health issue going on right now and has an appt. to see the doc tomorrow evening. I'm hoping that it isn't going to be anything too serious and can be solved with some meds, hopefully cheap meds. Zack's turn. Hmm, don't really don't what to say about Zack! He has been the hardest dog for me to get to know. He's the first dog that I ever adopted as an adult and maybe that is why I just can't always figure him out. He's a sweet boy that likes to follow me around the house and often likes to place his head or a paw in my lap. When he is outside he likes nothing better than to be barking. At what, I don't know. He just likes to bark!! He senses when storms are coming and is scared of the rain(even a sprinkle) and terrified of thunderstorms. I think he may have some kind of allergies because every year at the same time he seems to start digging and loses his hair along his lower back. To this day I can't get him to sit without pushing his butt down. I have to crate him while I'm at work because when I leave the house he will bark like crazy and always manages to get into something. He's a great counter surfer! He's very well behaved in public and walks extremely well on a leash and I can usually trust him off leash also.

Well, that is my very long winded update on me and my dogs! Once again, thanks for letting me share Pet Talk!

09-26-2011, 08:24 PM
Good to hear from you Robin. I for one sure remember you! I'm one who has met you!:cool: Good to hear things are going well for you, life can sure be rough at times! I hope you stick around and I'd love to see some pics of your pups!:D

09-26-2011, 09:22 PM
It's great to see an update Robin. I'm glad you at least like your job it's hard when the pay sucks though (I know myself with my job). I'm glad the pups are doing well hopefully you'll get good news from the vet about Tori.

09-26-2011, 09:37 PM
Thanks for coming and posting and updating us all! And at least working at a bank, maybe there's some room for growth, moving up, as banks have, it seems, many layers of responsibilities! And of course, even in a down economy, people need banks to exist. Glad the dogs are doing well, so glad Katie's tumor wasn't any big deal, and that's over with! Hugs to you!

09-26-2011, 10:39 PM
Robilee, so good to hear from you. :love::) How great that you actually like your job - helps one to get up in the morning with a good headspace.


09-27-2011, 11:42 AM
Hi Robin! It's so good to hear from you and get to see what you and your puppers are up to! Sorry to hear about Katie's eye, as well as Tori's health issue.:( I'll be keeping them in my prayers. I bet there's never a dull moment with Zack around, huh?! He seems so goofy! :) Hope to see you around here more often! :)