View Full Version : "Survivor" fans, what do you think so far?

09-22-2011, 07:15 PM
There were a few surprises when Survivor began last week, for those who haven't seen it yet all I can say is 3 of them took me by surprise. It has only been two episodes but do you have any favorites yet? Anyone you want to see gone? So far it looks like this is going to be a good one. It might be fun for those of us watching to get a good discussion going, there has always been a lot to talk about on this show.

09-22-2011, 07:42 PM
There were a few surprises when Survivor began last week, for those who haven't seen it yet all I can say is 3 of them took me by surprise. It has only been two episodes but do you have any favorites yet? Anyone you want to see gone? So far it looks like this is going to be a good one. It might be fun for those of us watching to get a good discussion going, there has always been a lot to talk about on this show.

The apple does not fall far from the Hantz tree.

The worst thing you can do is question a woman's ability to cope in this game.

They can, after all, push human beings thru their pelvis'.....I rest my case.;)

09-22-2011, 08:11 PM
The apple does not fall far from the Hantz tree.

The worst thing you can do is question a woman's ability to cope in this game.

They can, after all, push human beings thru their pelvis'.....I rest my case.;)


At tribal council last night, they learned that one of the men was a liar. (He's also a religious wack-job who thinks because he's attracted to a woman, she is evil and must leave or else he'll be "tempted").

Yet, no one wrote his name down. They only wrote down the names of the women!

09-22-2011, 08:29 PM
Will someone please hang up Coach by his short and curlies?
'nuff said.

09-23-2011, 09:06 AM
On the negative - Brandon just creeps me out and I hope no woman ends up with him on RI:eek:

On the positive - Ozzie and Keith are pure eye candy:D not too mention good competitors:D

In the neutral - the Harvard geek job is too funny for words but I doubt he's capable of anything else:rolleyes:

Noteworthy: Mikala kicks butt and I hope she gets far in this game.

This should be a good season!!

PS. Jeff and his dimples ... always a pleasure:)

09-23-2011, 10:22 AM
I'm wondering how long Brandon can keep his "secret" especially now that he told Coach. I was kind of annoyed with Brandon last night about Mikayla. What kind of reason is that to vote someone off? A co-worker and I are wondering what Russell might have told him about playing Survivor before he came.

Is Cochran for real? He looks like what my son would call a "piss ant". And does Christine (voted out last night) have an attitude problem or what?

This is a lovely bunch of coconuts and some interesting developments are yet to come. I'm looking forward to next week.

10-13-2011, 09:56 AM
Last night's challenge was so disgusting! I hope none of them had Hepatitis C, a virus that can live outside the body for up to 4 days. It sounds like there was a lot of potential blood exchange during that challenge. CBS should start thinking about universal precautions...I'm really surprised at their carelessness.

The other thing I could do away with....the "reward" of live chickens. I hate that part!

10-13-2011, 02:22 PM
Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin.

Ben/Coach's reaction to his name being used was a little overboard, and funny.


Judging from the previews, Ozzy loses his cool next week. He's way too cocky and I think that will be his downfall.

10-13-2011, 04:23 PM
Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin.

Ben/Coach's reaction to his name being used was a little overboard, and funny.

Bobcat and I can't stand Benjamin/Coach. It drives us nuts he keeps talking about himself in the 3rd person and quoting others.

So, we've turned it into a drinking game. Whenever he quotes someone or refers to himself as The Dragon (and now whenever someone calls him Benjamin) we take a drink. Bourbon for Bobcat -- beer for me. By the end of the show, he doesn't seem to bother us so much! :p

10-13-2011, 07:01 PM
The challenge last night was extremely poor. There are so many other puzzle things and physical games they could have done. I've heard a few negative comments about it.

I'm wondering how much longer Brandon will last. He's every bit as obnoxious as his uncle...they even look somewhat alike. Cochran is a real dweeb, he hasn't done much around the camp or in the challenges. It seems like he's trying to stay "under the radar". Still don't know what to make of Christine, she has held her own in the duels but still seems to have an attitude problem.

10-14-2011, 09:31 AM
bobcat and i can't stand benjamin/coach. It drives us nuts he keeps talking about himself in the 3rd person and quoting others.

So, we've turned it into a drinking game. Whenever he quotes someone or refers to himself as the dragon (and now whenever someone calls him benjamin) we take a drink. Bourbon for bobcat -- beer for me. By the end of the show, he doesn't seem to bother us so much! :p

haha! :)

10-14-2011, 08:33 PM
Did anyone understand a word that Stacey said when on RI before the challenge:confused: She was one upset lady!!

Not particular about Christine but I have to respect her - she is focused and a good competitor.

I agree Coch-train's days are numbered and probably justified. I am disliking Jim more each week and Coach - well he's just too full of himself and it'll come back to bite him (I hope:p).

Hmmm Keith sure is easy on the eyes and seems to be a decent guy;)

Brandon bothers me beyond reason ...

Sure hope Ozzie gets his strategy game on soon ... he's looking a little fuzzy:)

Lisa - love your Survivor "survival tactic" :D

12-07-2011, 07:28 PM

Do not pull out the "christian card".

You are playing in a reality game show that showcases DECEPTION as part of the strategy.

Coach is a weasel.

Sorry to insult weasels.

12-08-2011, 09:00 AM
I think Ozzie may have erred in his"picks" ?? Brandon is beyond psycho:eek: and his Dad ... what can I say?

Sophie has my interest - she plays well and is one smart cookie;)

12-08-2011, 09:55 AM
How can they talk about loyalty in this game? Especially at this point. There are only so many people left. Someone has to go! You can't promise everyone they are safe. And Coach turned around the voted out Edna after all. No surprise. I would like to see Brandon gone. His dad was way out of line with how he was on RI. Wait, Sean, you are not playing this game. Your brother did twice and your son is now. NOT you!

I don't even have a "favorite" this season. Eh, whatever.

12-08-2011, 11:31 AM
What if Edna beats the Oz in the next challenge? :D

12-08-2011, 12:15 PM
What if Edna beats the Oz in the next challenge? :D

That would be amazing if she pulls that off and beats Ozzy at the challenge. Maybe it's a mental challenge and not physical one?
Cant wait to see it next week.

12-08-2011, 04:02 PM
The previews for next week lead us to believe that she might beat him. And it is a mental puzzle type challenge I believe.
I think it would be AWESOME if she does. Even though she annoys me most of the time. I just think Ozzy is too arrogant. Although I do love his hair! :)

12-08-2011, 04:16 PM
I rather like looking at Ozzie. He is easy on the eyes, for sure. I hope he doesn't get the ax this coming week, but if he does, so be it. Edna never impressed me much but if she can beat Ozzie, then she deserves the reward. They will give her the boot again, so it will be short lived.

Brandon is just plain stupid. A real Hillbilly like his Dad and Uncle. I hope they give him the boot soon, too.

I haven't been so interested this season, for some reason. I guess I don't like the idea of bringing back old players. It seems lame to me to have a person come back time after time. Get a life, and a real job!

I hope Coach gets the boot too. I guess I would like to see Ozzie win. I respect his abilities and cool personality. He is cute too, but I've already mentioned that!


12-08-2011, 06:23 PM
Brandon must go! His ability to say the wrong thing at every turn is unbelievable. His comment to Edna last night was way out of line. And when he apologizes, he can't understand why his "target" doesn't react as if nothing ever happened. I don't know how he has lasted this long unless the others know he'll never make it through the jury. I'd love to know what his Uncle Russell told him about Survivor before things started.

For a brief moment I thought Cochran was going to win the duel. I haven't liked him from the start. Sort of strange how he managed to stay below the radar. Flipping over to the other tribe was a bad move on his part and really, who's going to trust a turncoat?

With the end coming up soon, I don't have a favorite and usually do by now. Somehow, I think Coach will come out the winner this time. But anything can happen.

12-08-2011, 07:17 PM
I think "Eye of the Tiger" is their best song, but I also like "Can't Hold Back".

Oh, wait, we're talking about the TV show, not the band. Sorry.:eek:

12-09-2011, 01:35 PM
Cassie, has your mom been into your catnip again? :D

12-19-2011, 08:28 AM
Loved the end last night.

Two things about playing 'strategy' in this game.

You can't and you have to stop with the trying to keep your tribe together into the merge.

Where coach screwed up is by promising 'final five' to everyone so early into the game and trying to keep the tribe faction as a unit, eventually you have to turn on the people you bring along and whatever promises you made will end up going against you. Especially if you make too many promises.

Ozzy screwed up by not sticking with his tribe and thinking that his going to RI would benenfit him in the long run. He beat everyone on RI and kept himself fed and strong, but he lost control of the game. He came back to a to a tribe where he had no allies and the numbers of his winning immunity were stacked against him. He was playing against 4, then three people - not the individual challenges he was so good at.

I am glad they did away with the 'final walk' where they talk about the people who left the game and why burn down the area where they stayed?

Russell Hantz is a jerk.

12-19-2011, 08:50 AM
The outcome was no surprise - Sophie is one smart lady. I am sorry Ozzie did not win the million. Despite his exuberance, he did play an amazing physical game and unfortunately lost his focus in that last puzzle challenge - what a shame for I believe he would have won hands down against the other three.

Richard - you are so right! Russell Hantz is a miserable excuse for a human being; even though I find Brandon pretty creepy, I hope he is a stronger person for this experience and stays true to himself. It's not a wonder he's so messed up - his family is something else!!


Ever wonder what planet Coach lives on? Too bad...

I liked Cochrane better at the reunion - he has been humbled and it seems to have done him some good

Dawn is an incredible person and I wished she had gone further in the game

Rick's anger in the end was a true surprise - kudos to him for giving Coach a piece of his mind

I would have expected more than diplomacy from Edna at the jury session

A funny thing: I did not seem to enjoy Survivor as much this season yet, at the end I found myself wondering more about each and every player - what's up with that?

12-19-2011, 05:16 PM
I have a lot of respect for Dawn. A sweet wise compassionate lady.

Sophie learned a lot about herself & what others think about her.

Brandon had a born again experience.

Cochran out foxed himself.

Ozzy had the brawn but in the end his brain had a melt down.

Still waters run very deep within Rick.

The false prophet Coach, used God & received what he deserved in the end which is nothing.

Uncle Russell needs to give it up.

12-19-2011, 09:09 PM
I'm not happy Sophie won, it should have been Ozzy!!

I agree, Russell is a JERK!

I loved this season of Survivor and can't wait till February!

12-20-2011, 09:38 AM
I did not enjoy this season very much either. Too much religion for me.
And Coach making promises to everyone.........it was bound to bite him in the butt in the end.
Out of the final three I am glad Sophie won. After she won the last immunity I said "she could win this".
Of course Ozzy should have won, but he was a bit arrogant. Although not as arrogant as Coach. He swore he wasn't running the game when he totally was.

Ok, what was up with Keith's hair at the reunion? He looked like an idiot!!! He was much cuter out on the island.

Agreed that Russell is a jerk. I've always thought that of him from his first season.

My cousin (distant cousin) tried out for this season but didn't make it. :( Hopefully he'll try again. That would be cool!