View Full Version : Music suggestions - Cardio playlist

finn's mom
09-22-2011, 03:56 PM
Here's what I've been jamming to so far. I don't want to get burned out on any particular songs, so help me escape my massive brain fart and add your suggestions to my list. I am not interested in quality, although I do have to personally like the song. ;) I'm dancing once or twice a day for 15-30 minutes to this stuff so that I can get my heart rate up and sweat!

Here's what I have so far. haha Don't judge, I have very eclectic musical taste, and most of this is definitely not musically good. It's great for what I'm doing for exercise, though. Can't really work out to most of my actual favorite singers or bands! ;)

Tonight I'm F***ing You - Enrique Iglesias
Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5
Faster Kill Pussycat - Brittany Murphy (Paul Oakenfold)
Pretty Piece of Flesh - One Inch Punch
Devil Inside - INXS
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO (I cannot believe i like a song by a group with that name!)
Not Myself Tonight - Christina Aguilera
Dirty - Christina Aguilera
Toxic - Brittany Spears

09-22-2011, 04:05 PM
When you said Cardio, I thought you meant like treadmill, nordic track, that kinda thing. :p

Stronger - Kanye West

At least that's good for a normal work-out. LOL Dancing, well, I don't have much for that. I don't do Zumba or the like. :D

Good luck though!

finn's mom
09-22-2011, 04:10 PM
When you said Cardio, I thought you meant like treadmill, nordic track, that kinda thing. :p

Stronger - Kanye West

At least that's good for a normal work-out. LOL Dancing, well, I don't have much for that. I don't do Zumba or the like. :D

Good luck though!

Oh trust me, it's cardio exactly like treadmill, elliptical, etc. If it increases your heart rate, it's cardio. I don't do Zumba either. I'm just trying to sweat off some weight here at home . . . on my own schedule . . . and for free! I throw in jumping jacks, arm exercises, etc, so I don't lose track of my goal haha and just start dancing! ;) I've never heard that song, as I really really don't like Kanye at all, but I'll check it out! If it is upbeat and pumping enough, I'll add it!!!

finn's mom
09-22-2011, 04:12 PM
I do know that song, now that I've listened to it! Good one, I'll add it and rock out to it tomorrow!

09-22-2011, 04:38 PM
I'm not a big fan of his at all..'specially after the whole Taylor Swift thing. But we listened to it in the weight room when working out in high school and it always seemed to pump everyone up, I added it to my playlist and it does the same for me!

It just doesn't seem like much of a "dancing" song to me, but if you feel like you could dance to it then go for it. Good luck and I hope you loss the weight you want! It sounds like it could be a fun work out.

finn's mom
09-22-2011, 04:48 PM
It just doesn't seem like much of a "dancing" song to me, but if you feel like you could dance to it then go for it. Good luck and I hope you loss the weight you want! It sounds like it could be a fun work out.

Oh heck yeah, I :love:LOVE:love: dancing to hip hop! I just need to lose about ten pounds. Just gotta keep cutting out processed foods and soda (even the diet ones I've been drinking since May), and drinking lots of water, and I should be able to lose the weight by late October (I am getting fitted for a bridesmaid dress then, so I want to be able to fit in a 4 or 6).

finn's mom
09-22-2011, 04:50 PM
Oh dang! I am listening to Earthquake by Family Force 5! Came back to quote the author suggesting it, and the post is gone! I like it, and I'll give it a shot!

09-22-2011, 09:14 PM
Beat it. Michael Jackson

09-22-2011, 09:24 PM
If you have Party Rock Anthem, you have to have Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO. Best song ever.

Also, for some other rockin' it out songs...

On The Floor - JLo feat. PitBull
Actually, anything by PitBull you can totally dance to :p.

09-22-2011, 11:42 PM
If you have Party Rock Anthem, you have to have Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO. Best song ever.

Also, for some other rockin' it out songs...

On The Floor - JLo feat. PitBull
Actually, anything by PitBull you can totally dance to :p.

It's true, anything by PitBull is a good workout song. I love Alright and Hey Baby. I'm a big fan! :D

Teen Spirit by Nirvana is my running song..... I need to go get my ipod and look!