View Full Version : I'm rich !!!!

09-13-2011, 06:18 PM
This just in from my new buddy Adamu.


FROM Dr.Adamu.Amadu.

The Head of File and Auditing Department,


Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso ( West Africa )



This message might meet you in utmost surprise, however, it's just my Urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction I am a banker by profession from Burkina Faso in West Africa and currently holding the post of director Auditing and accounting unit of the bank.
"Fair enuf. I'm always here to respond to your urgent needs."

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over Funds ($20.5 million) of one of my bank clients who died Along with his entire family in a plane crash.
"My sincere condolences to the plane"

All expenses incurred by you and me in this transaction will be deducted out from the 10% of the total fund before the sharing of the fund according to the percentages agreed. I will come over to your country as soon as the transfer is over to receive my own share of the fund for further investments by your advice. Please I want you to understand that a stitch in time saves nine so write back and tell me if you really want to carry out this transaction with me.
"Oh goody. I'll be waiting at tha airport for you with a limo. Sorry if it's just a Hyundai. Things are a bit tight you know."

From banking experience it will take up to fourteen(14) working days to conclude this transfer. I sincerely need your help because this might be my first and last opportunity of hitting big money. I also would want you to treat this affair as both urgent, top secret and confidential. I want you to also know that this transaction will involve some expenses which will be shared among both of us.
"Errr...how much expense exactly ?? My pocket money for the week is five bucks, so if it's more than that, then I'm going to have to borrow another five bucks from the bank, and of course that must be accounted for in the final division of the funds."

This payment will be effected through Swift Telegraphic Transfer.
"You mean....you have that kind of technology in Swahililand?? What happened to the carrier pigeons??? You've eaten them all already?"Your Urgent response is needed for immediate transfer of this fund in to your receiving bank account. "I'm here. I'm here. Don't get yer lioncloth in a knot."

"What's this? I typed it into my browser and got a Russian porn site"


Your name in full.......................... ........Willie Wombat

Your country....................... ..................Australia

Your age........................... ....................I'm not exactly sure, but it's somewhere between 45 and 85. You choose a number.

Your cell phone......................... ...........No phones allowed in my cell...sorry

Your occupation.................... ...............I don't need one now that I'm going to become extremely wealthy....thanks to you.

Your sex........................... ....................Now yer startin to get a bit deep and personal old mate. Just include leather and whippings for a starter. I'll let your wife know the rest later.

Your International passport..................Yes, it's blue one with a kangaroo on the front.

Your marital status........................ ........Well I am married. But you'd better not drop that one on your mother or wife or daughters, cute little servants etc etc. At my age I need all the advantage I can get.

Your bank name.......................... ..........Bank ?? Are you kidding me ?? Would I have a bank account ?? I don't have any money.

Best Regards,


09-13-2011, 06:36 PM
Remember us little people here at Pet Talk, ok Wom!:D

09-13-2011, 06:58 PM
Remember us little people here at Pet Talk, ok Wom!:D

Yes. When the funds arrive, we are all going to have a big party :p

09-13-2011, 07:24 PM
Yes. When the funds arrive, we are all going to have a big party :p

Uh, I was thinking more along the lines you could pay off my house!:D :p

09-13-2011, 07:54 PM
LOL! I love the name...Amadu Adamu.

Who do you suppose sends these emails out anyway and what do they gain from it?

09-13-2011, 08:09 PM
Haha! funny name and funny answers :D I need to buy a horse real soon, Wom, can ya spare some moonneeyy??


09-13-2011, 08:11 PM
LOL! I love the name...Amadu Adamu.

Who do you suppose sends these emails out anyway and what do they gain from it?

They make a fool out of people who actually believe these scam. and its Dr.Adamu.Amadu :D :p Adamu Amadu adamu amadu adamu amadu, what a tongue twister :p

09-13-2011, 08:27 PM
Gee, maybe you can send him my e-mail address. Tuition needs to be paid soon. :p

09-14-2011, 06:43 AM
Don't worry gang. The funds will arrive shortly, and we can have a big splurge.
Pay off your house my dear ??? Sure.....whatever you owe on it, $25, $30, not a problem.
A horse for Sana ?? What kind would you like ??? A big one or a little one....hah !!!!!
And tuition fees ??? That's an easy one.....give the teacher an apple, that'll shut him up....hee hee.

09-14-2011, 06:58 AM
LOL! I love the name...Amadu Adamu.

That's a very cool name.
According to the dictionary as used by various cannabalistic cultures that reside in Equatorial Africa, it actually means "Humpty Dumpty"
They even have a poem about it there.........

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the kings witchdoctors and all the cannibal men
Ate Humpty instead of McDonalds again.

Here's a recent pic of him with a few of his lawyer friends.

http://img1.imagehousing.com/58/701889f86cacce8fc6d3aee38b6e254e.jpg (http://www.imagehousing.com/image/850383)

09-14-2011, 12:40 PM
:p Only you Wom come up with pics & poems like this one.. Good One.. ** Now About That Jet Your to be Sending Over Here to TX As My Present since you havs all of that money coming..**:D

09-14-2011, 05:07 PM
Don't worry gang. The funds will arrive shortly, and we can have a big splurge.
Pay off your house my dear ??? Sure.....whatever you owe on it, $25, $30, not a problem.
A horse for Sana ?? What kind would you like ??? A big one or a little one....hah !!!!!
And tuition fees ??? That's an easy one.....give the teacher an apple, that'll shut him up....hee hee.

Thanks Wom, what a guy!:D

09-14-2011, 08:51 PM
:p Only you Wom come up with pics & poems like this one.. Good One.. ** Now About That Jet Your to be Sending Over Here to TX As My Present since you havs all of that money coming..**:D

Did I ever tell you about my mates Michael and Sarah ???
Well, Sarah is from Texas, and Mike was working there for a while. I think he was there for a year or two....anyway, Sarah was the daughter of a rich Texan lawyer, he had his own business etc etc.....and he didn't like the fact that Mike was dating his daughter. When it came time for Mike to return to Australia, Sarah wanted to go with him, so they got a plan going so that she would elope with him.
On the day of the flight, they both get to the airport in Dallas ready to fly off to Australia, and her old man shows up.....he must have found out somehow.
He grabbed Sarah, and tried to drag her out of the airport. As soon as that happened, Mike jumped in and gave her father a right hook to the nose (Mike and Sarah love to relate the gory bits), and that was the end of that.
That happened about 12 years ago, they are married and have a couple of great little kids.
I don't know if her father ever forgave them for that........he was pretty pi$$ed about the whole thing.....hee hee.
You see.....that's what happens when Aussies go to Texas....they get into all kinds of strife.

09-15-2011, 12:33 AM
yaay! thanks wom! I'd like a big horsie pleaseee!! :D

09-15-2011, 04:08 AM
Thanks Wom, what a guy!:D

Don't thank me. Thank Amadu. For without him, all of the riches we are about to receive would not even exist. :D

09-15-2011, 04:27 AM
yaay! thanks wom! I'd like a big horsie pleaseee!! :D

I found one. But he only has two legs. Is that ok ???

http://img1.imagehousing.com/47/11e2da1ea83f798b6391ff15ed69aabc.gif (http://www.imagehousing.com/image/851158)

09-15-2011, 05:26 AM
Don't thank me. Thank Amadu. For without him, all of the riches we are about to receive would not even exist. :D

Ok, thanks Amadu, what a guy!:D:p

09-15-2011, 11:40 AM
:p Well Then We Will Hire German Pilots To Bring The Jet Over To Me.. ha ha :D

Did I ever tell you about my mates Michael and Sarah ???
Well, Sarah is from Texas, and Mike was working there for a while. I think he was there for a year or two....anyway, Sarah was the daughter of a rich Texan lawyer, he had his own business etc etc.....and he didn't like the fact that Mike was dating his daughter. When it came time for Mike to return to Australia, Sarah wanted to go with him, so they got a plan going so that she would elope with him.
On the day of the flight, they both get to the airport in Dallas ready to fly off to Australia, and her old man shows up.....he must have found out somehow.
He grabbed Sarah, and tried to drag her out of the airport. As soon as that happened, Mike jumped in and gave her father a right hook to the nose (Mike and Sarah love to relate the gory bits), and that was the end of that.
That happened about 12 years ago, they are married and have a couple of great little kids.
I don't know if her father ever forgave them for that........he was pretty pi$$ed about the whole thing.....hee hee.
You see.....that's what happens when Aussies go to Texas....they get into all kinds of strife.

09-15-2011, 11:59 AM
Rich yes, crazy for sure.

09-16-2011, 11:32 PM
Rich yes, crazy for sure.

That's what my shrink says.....hee hee (I'm trying very hard to make him go nuts "What About Bob?" style.

http://img1.imagehousing.com/55/407a20a15401355d13f66463e45eb5e6.jpg (http://www.imagehousing.com/image/852742)

09-16-2011, 11:50 PM
:p Well Then We Will Hire German Pilots To Bring The Jet Over To Me.. ha ha :D

Können wir Baron von Richthofen, das Flugzeug zu fliegen .... bitte??

09-20-2011, 05:11 AM
Keep your cash wom, seems I'm coming into my own wealth!:D


Under the United Nations scam victims rehabilitation scheme, You are listed and approved to receive payment of USD$500,000.00 as one of the scammed victims.

Has been approved in your name in the Malaysian National Sweeptakes Compensation Award 2011 .

Reply to me for more info contact Mr. Godwin Emefiele. Email:[email protected]

However, you shall required to provide the followings datas below:

Your Full Name:..
Your Address:..
Telephone Number:...
Mobile Number:..
Fax Number:..
Marital Status:..

Thanks for your attention

Eric Nelson
Zonal Coordinator
United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)]

09-20-2011, 10:43 AM
Gosh, why don't *I* ever win big bucks like you guys do?...

skymail.mn.. Might that be in Minnesota? Manitoba? Or is "mn" for "Malaysian?"

09-20-2011, 02:06 PM
I get these all the time. In recent days, I have been getting emails telling me I have been named in Sir J. Paul Getty Jr.'s will - in a cocodil no less! Mind you, he died in 2003 ... some of them say I've been chosen by the Trust set up for some award ... but I'm pretty sure all his money was claimed long ago!

09-20-2011, 07:12 PM
Hey Wom,

If you're rich, I'm single!!!:p;) I WAS waiting for "Mr. Filthy Stinking Rich", but at this point, I'll take someone who has spare change!! Desperate times call for desperate measures!!!!

09-20-2011, 07:43 PM
Hey Wom,

If you're rich, I'm single!!!:p;) I WAS waiting for "Mr. Filthy Stinking Rich", but at this point, I'll take someone who has spare change!! Desperate times call for desperate measures!!!!

I have food stamps.
Does that mean we can still get married ???? :D

09-20-2011, 07:47 PM
Keep your cash wom, seems I'm coming into my own wealth!:D


Under the United Nations scam victims rehabilitation scheme, You are listed and approved to receive payment of USD$500,000.00 as one of the scammed victims.

Has been approved in your name in the Malaysian National Sweeptakes Compensation Award 2011 .

Reply to me for more info contact Mr. Godwin Emefiele. Email:[email protected]

However, you shall required to provide the followings datas below:

Your Full Name:..
Your Address:..
Telephone Number:...
Mobile Number:..
Fax Number:..
Marital Status:..

Thanks for your attention

Eric Nelson
Zonal Coordinator
United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)]

We could sit on banana chairs by the pool with our pina coladas and laptops, reading the posts by all of our poor PT friends.
Or....we could share it with everyone.
Or then again....we could just be greedy and keep it all to ourselves....yeah...that's a better idea :p:p

09-20-2011, 08:38 PM
We could sit on banana chairs by the pool with our pina coladas and laptops, reading the posts by all of our poor PT friends.
Or....we could share it with everyone.
Or then again....we could just be greedy and keep it all to ourselves....yeah...that's a better idea :p:p

I think I will share, well maybe, uh I don't know, I guess I could, I'll think about it!:D:p

09-21-2011, 07:52 AM
Oh HELL yeah!!! Those stamps ALONE are worth getting hitched for, mate!!!;)

09-21-2011, 07:56 AM
I just get the ones who have a bad time in London:

-----Original Message-----
From: Lois Drew ([email protected])
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Sat, Sep 10, 2011 1:28 pm
Subject: Sad Vacation Trip....................................Lois Drew mmm


Just writing to let you know our trip to London UK,has been a mess. I was having a great time until last night when we got mugged and lost all my cash, credit card and cell phone
It has been a scary experience, I was hit at the back of my neck with a club. Anyway.I'm still alive and that's whats important. I'm financially strapped right now and need your help. I
need you to loan me some $$, I'll refund it to you as soon as i arrive home.Please let me know........



I've never heard of this Lois Drew (but her e-mail address is here, if any of you want to help her out). The last time I got one, it was from a couple I DO know, saying they'd gotten robbed of everything while visiting London and needed $1700! And the next day I got a phone call from them saying that wasn't them and profusely apologizing. They were calling everyone they knew to tell them they didn't send it and apologize.

Boy, London sounds like a dangerous place to visit!

09-21-2011, 11:38 AM
The first one of those I got was from Paul's sister, but as I had just spoken to her the day before, I knew she wasn't in London. I called her to let her know about it, so she could contact everyone else who got one, as her email had been hacked.

09-21-2011, 11:55 AM
That's what my shrink says.....hee hee (I'm trying very hard to make him go nuts "What About Bob?" style.

http://img1.imagehousing.com/55/407a20a15401355d13f66463e45eb5e6.jpg (http://www.imagehousing.com/image/852742)

This is one of my #1 favorite movies. I was going to tell you that ever since you changed your signature pic. I probably know the movie by heart because whenever I see it is on TV, I watch it and I also have a copy of it on DVD.

When I come into work in the morning I repeat his mantra: "I feel good, I feel great, I feel WONDERFUL!" :D:p

smokey the elder
09-21-2011, 12:16 PM
I don't get those; I get more...ahem...personal spam. And they're not directed to the correct gender, even!:p

09-21-2011, 12:57 PM
I don't get those; I get more...ahem...personal spam. And they're not directed to the correct gender, even!:p

Ys, since the beginning of email, my constant source of bemusement has get I get spam for body parts I do not have, and as much spam to make things bigger as to make things smaller ... the sad part is, if it didn't make them money, they wouldn't be sending so many out - so that means some people are falling for these!

09-21-2011, 10:28 PM
This is one of my #1 favorite movies. I was going to tell you that ever since you changed your signature pic. I probably know the movie by heart because whenever I see it is on TV, I watch it and I also have a copy of it on DVD.

When I come into work in the morning I repeat his mantra: "I feel good, I feel great, I feel WONDERFUL!" :D:p

What about a goldfish ??? Do you go to work with a little jar with a goldfish hanging around your neck to ??? :p

09-21-2011, 10:32 PM
Oh HELL yeah!!! Those stamps ALONE are worth getting hitched for, mate!!!;)

It's down to stamp now. Not stamps. We'd have to share a tin of beans. :p

09-22-2011, 06:25 AM
What about a goldfish ??? Do you go to work with a little jar with a goldfish hanging around your neck to ??? :p

How did you know?? Did my coworkers tell you? Gil comes with me to work everyday.

09-22-2011, 06:46 AM
How did you know?? Did my coworkers tell you? Gil comes with me to work everyday.

I already knew that. :D