View Full Version : Petco Boycott Poll - have you voted ?

09-13-2011, 01:12 PM
It seems like Petco has a Dog Forum !

And, someone :rolleyes: has started a Poll there, asking people if they have or will Boycott Petco for their Inhumane Actions.

Seemed like the right thing to do ;)

You might like to give you opinion on that, at...
http://community.petco.com/discussions/Dog_Discussion_Forum/fd03p00v01d1?CoreCat=MM_DogSupplies_Community&redi rCnt=1&nav=messages

Lady's Human
09-13-2011, 02:03 PM
After this:


I will never shop there again. They might as well close their Johnson City store, it's not going to see much business. Locals are NOT pleased with them.

09-14-2011, 01:33 PM
Each store is managed by different people. Yeah some of their policies suck (like where they get their pets), but the Petcos around where I live do a pretty good job of taking care of their animals. They're all clean and kept as healthy as possible although the rats come in with respiratory infections every time they get them. One of the managers does wildlife rehab in the area. Each store is different and I would prefer to have a pet store in the area rather than rely on just walmart on my pet supplies. I understand anger at certain bad stores but I won't boycott my area petcos.

09-14-2011, 02:14 PM
Well, guess what happened ! !

I just returned to the Petco Forum, and...

My Poll Thread had been removed ! :eek:

Guess there's a limit as to how much heat they can take ;)

If you still wish to make a comment there on the Petco Website, see...

I certainly respect your opinion (always have) but...
From what I've read recently, you're certainly in the minority.
I was amazed at the monumental effect on so many people.
Maybe not Boycott Petco everywhere, but...
I think that store in Johnson City... is doomed.

09-14-2011, 02:49 PM
Each store is managed by different people. Yeah some of their policies suck (like where they get their pets), but the Petcos around where I live do a pretty good job of taking care of their animals. They're all clean and kept as healthy as possible although the rats come in with respiratory infections every time they get them. One of the managers does wildlife rehab in the area. Each store is different and I would prefer to have a pet store in the area rather than rely on just walmart on my pet supplies. I understand anger at certain bad stores but I won't boycott my area petcos.

I agree with you on this. I don't really shop at Petco much but I don't think it is fair to just generally boycott every Petco store.

Lady's Human
09-14-2011, 04:03 PM
They may be managed individually by different people, but the directives come from one place and the profits go to the same place.

A corporation that values the bottom line over the welfare of the pets in their store should be out of business.