View Full Version : Remy has lost her deck privileges

Don Juan's mom
09-11-2011, 09:17 PM
Our little orange Houdini, Remy, managed to escape twice yesterday. My husband and I have learned to be careful leaving the house, as she will "shadow" us as we go out the door. Not sure how she managed it, but I happened to be on the deck with Zerlina (tummy rub), and spotted Remy scampering around the swimming pool, three floors down! I retrieved her, and took this pic soon after:
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/310160_10150301195438893_706023892_8062698_3591198 03_n.jpg

(Remy and Zerlina are known collectively as "The Giants Girls".)

Then last night my husband's brother came over for dinner and to watch the UCLA-San Jose State game. When he was getting ready to leave, we realized that Remy was nowhere to be found. I headed back downstairs, and retrieved her from under a truck in the parking lot.

The last straw came today. I thought it would be OK to have Remy on the deck if I was out there to supervise. Big mistake. She managed to leap up the corner post and get up on the roof! My husband and I spent the better part of an hour trying to retrieve her. Finally, the building maintenance man went up to the roof and got her for us, by which time she was panting with fear. Did she learn her lesson? :confused: Noooooo!!!:mad: Not 15 minutes later, she tried to make a break for the deck again!

So, Remy has lost her deck privileges for good, or at least until we figure out a way to enclose the deck that won't upset the landlord. Sigh. It also means the other kitties can't use the deck either. Rugger likes to sleep out there. :rolleyes:

09-11-2011, 09:38 PM
Remy stop scaring your meowmie like that!!!:eek: I'm glad to hear that she was able to be found and caught all of the times that she went missing.:)

Where I live we can now put bender board aka benda board through the slats of our balcony railing. This then makes it more enclosed. I still won't allow my cats out there because Sky was caught walking on top of the railing and I live on the 2nd floor. I can't afford for any of my cats to fall and get hurt. Good luck with keeping Remy and the others inside now.:)

09-11-2011, 09:58 PM
Awww, Remy! You like to be outside. I hope meowmie will soon find a way to enclose the deck so you can enjoy being outside again.

09-12-2011, 09:28 AM
That is scary for Remy, as that truck could have run :eek::eek: her over.
I had to stop My Found Cats from going outside as they were going on other peoples property:(:(
Thats a shame that Remy is grounded, but it is for her own good.:love::love:

09-17-2011, 10:35 AM
Hmmmm- when Orion was a baby boy he vanished through the old cat neeting on the garage roof. It didn't scare him at all- no he wanted to sing on the roofs. Weeks later- we had made a bigger balcony- deck like and a new cat netting and he was allowed out for the first time. Went immediately to the spot where the netting was broken last time;)
They are clever little buggers and the more intelligence they have the more trouble they will get into ;)