View Full Version : Please pray for the little outdoor tuxie

09-06-2011, 11:19 AM
The little tuxie hadn't been coming around as much lately but seemed fine when he did. Last time I saw him was Sunday night. He wasn't there at supper time. I peeked out at bedtime and saw him coming to the porch to eat. His mom was there and hissed and swatted at him like she was trying to chase him off.

I went out and shooed her away so he could eat. He ate fine and acted fine. I didn't see him at all yesterday. Still not there for breakfast this morning.

Then I saw him sitting in the tall grass in the yard of the empty house next door where they hang out. When I called him, he started over here. I couldn't believe it was him.

He walks with his head tilted to the left and wobbles and falls over. His mom was hissing and growling at him. I shooed her off. I put some food down for him. He only would come to eat if I backed off. So I couldn't get close to him. He ate well though.

I tried to get hold of him so I could get him to the vet but couldn't. You'd think I could catch a poor kitten who kept falling down but he got back in the yard next door. That is a dangerous yard. It is full of weeds, glass and all sorts of junk. Plus smells like poop. It's like a house on the show Hoarders. I had to be careful not to fall myself. He got under the porch and I can't get him.

I'm just sick!!! I can't imagine what could have happened to him. I couldn't see any marks on him like he had been in a fight or anything. I'm wondering about ear mites or an ear infection because of the way he held his hed.

Any way, the little guy could sure use some prayers right now. I could use a few too that I can somehow catch him and get him to a vet. :love:

09-06-2011, 11:34 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I hope that you'll be able to catch him soon so he can get to the vet. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both of you.

09-06-2011, 11:42 AM
I'm very concerned about what this poor little guy might have been through, from what you said it doesn't sound good. I kind of wonder if something in that yard injured him or made him sick. Please be assured that prayers are being prayed for both of you. As you can, please let us know how he's doing?

09-06-2011, 12:12 PM
I just went out to see if I could see him. I think he must have crawled under the house. There is one corner of the foundation that there is a big square hole. That's where they used to stay during storms when they were little.

I was always afraid they would drink some putrid water or something over there when they were babies. I keep fresh water out all the time for them here but maybe he couldn't get to it or something. Then there are always snakes. I've seen shedded snake skins around in the spring. :(:love:

09-06-2011, 12:23 PM
Prayers for this dear little baby and for you too, that you are able to get him to a vet and the vet will be able to help him get better.


09-06-2011, 12:57 PM
Is this Frankie's brother? Prayers that you can catch him this evening
with food. Sounds like he has a ear infection.

I believe the momma cat usually chases away the male kittens once they
reach a certain age.

09-06-2011, 01:50 PM
Is this Frankie's brother? Prayers that you can catch him this evening
with food. Sounds like he has a ear infection.

I believe the momma cat usually chases away the male kittens once they
reach a certain age.

Yes, he is Frankie's brother. I saw him under one of the porch steps at that house a bit ago. I went and bribed him out with food. I was able to get him, thinking I could put him in my shed for a bit and call the vet.

Got to the shed door but when I opened it, he got so terrified he fought me and got away. :( I did notice as I watched him bound through the tall grass that he was running pretty darn fast for a sick kitty and he was not falling over, plus he was still holding his head to the side. I'm thinking it's an ear infection or ear mites. The last few nights have been down in the 50s with lots of dew making it cold and wet out.

Now he probably won't trust me even to bring him food. sigh

Liz, I did wonder about the mom cat chasing the males off too but she doesn't do that to the orangie. Since they are the same age, I'd think she would chase them both off.

Well, I'll see if I can get some food in him tonight and see what tomorrow brings. I can't help a cat who refuses to let me. :(

09-07-2011, 09:28 AM
We are praying for that Little Tuxedo, that you can find him, and get him a better life:love::love:
We luckily were able to help Tubster Panther, Scrappy Two and Josephine Moosie Spunkette , but sadly there are Porch Cats who are just memories:(
WE are sending all Our Pryers for that Poor Lost Cat :love::love::love:

09-07-2011, 10:47 AM
Well, the good news is I've managed to get food into him and he seems better today. He also can walk without falling over if he's careful. He still holds his head to the side but not as badly as he did yesterday and I saw him scrathing that ear this morning. I'm betting he has ear mites or and ear infection.

He's back at the old house next door. The bad news is he won't let me come very close to him. I can put food down for him and he will come and eat only if I step back out of arms reach.

Still keeping him fed and getting him strong is very important. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. Please keep them coming. :love::love::love:

09-07-2011, 10:58 AM
Oh, that's good news that you are able to feed him again and he seems to be doing a little better now.

Prayers are continuing on his and your behalf!


09-07-2011, 12:24 PM
Still keeping him fed and getting him strong is very important. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. Please keep them coming. :love::love::love:

Thanks for the update Connie. Keeping him fed & strong is very important,
especially for the outside kitties. Prayers will continue for him. (((hugs))
for all you do to help these little ones.:love:

09-07-2011, 07:42 PM
Prayers for Tuxie!

09-07-2011, 07:48 PM
I couldn't get him to eat more than a bite this evening. I followed him all around that yard, putting the plate in front of him or as close as I could get it then scooching it over with my cane. :( He would just take a lick then wobble off. Hopefully, I'll have something he likes better in the morning. :love:

09-08-2011, 09:35 AM
We pray that your new friend will eat, maybe if you try a bit of Deli Meat.
Thats how I got My Scrappy Two^^:love: and Tubster Panther ^^:love:
God Bless You for helping that Poor Cat :love::love:

09-08-2011, 11:49 AM
This morning when I opened my back door to feed the outdoor babies, I got such a surprise. There sat the tuxie looking at me like, "where's breakfast?"

I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry so I fed them. He looks so much better. He ate like a moose. He threw it up though. I stayed out there with them and after a while he drank some water. I gave him a spoonful of wet food and he at it and kept it down. Later he had some more. He stayed in the yard quite a while.

He still holds his head tilted to the left but not near like he was. He walks really good too unless he moves too fast then he wobbles. He walks like he feels better, with some pep in his step and waving his tail some.

He even came back later for a snack. Of course, he got one. He is now laying in the sun in the grass at that house beside mine.

I decided he needed a name. So I named him Mike and his bro is Ike. As in Ike and Mike candy.

Here are a few pics I took of him this morning. Such a change from a kitty who could barely stand up two days ago. Thank you for the prayers. Please keep them coming. You see they are working!!! :love::love::love:
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_000_7677.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/?action=view&current=000_7677.jpg) http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_000_7674.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/?action=view&current=000_7674.jpg) http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_000_7681.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/?action=view&current=000_7681.jpg)

Here are two pics of his orangie bro: Ike who was sleeping up inside the bush by my back porch. Litterly off the ground in the bush.
http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_000_7673.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/?action=view&current=000_7673.jpg) http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/th_000_7678.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/MOFF55/?action=view&current=000_7678.jpg)

09-08-2011, 12:33 PM
Could he be a CH baby? Just a guess.

09-08-2011, 12:39 PM
Could he be a CH baby? Just a guess.

CH? baby? Not sure what that is. He's never been to a vet so any thing is possible. :love:

09-08-2011, 09:00 PM
Prayers on the way. Mike, let Moff help you. You are such a cute little tuxie.

09-08-2011, 10:29 PM
CH? baby? Not sure what that is. He's never been to a vet so any thing is possible. :love:

CH - Cerebral Hyposplaysia - kittens born to mothers with distemper are prone to get it. It's the kitty equivalent of cerebral palsy in humans.

09-09-2011, 09:56 AM
Could he be a CH baby? Just a guess.

I don't think so. Isn't that a birth defect that would have shown up before this. Aren't the kittens born with it?

09-09-2011, 01:58 PM
Mike was here for breakfast today and ate like a sailor on shore leave. He kept it all down too. He seemed to be a bit better than yesterday. I had an errand to run so was gone most of the morning. I think he is napping under a bush in the yard of that old house. He seems to like it there.

I don't think he could have CH. He was fine one day then two days later was having this problem. The picture of him drinking shows that ear he scratches. It looks pretty red inside to me. I'm thinking it's an ear infection. He was fine while our weather was hot and dry. Sas soon as it got chilly and damp at night, he started having problems. His mom doesn't have distemper either. She seems in fine health. She won't get closer than two feet from me though.

Thanks for the prayers. Please keep them coming. It may rain tonight. Not a good thing for him to get wet right now. :love::love:

09-09-2011, 04:50 PM
Continuing prayers for the little guy and you too, Donna.

09-15-2011, 08:08 AM
Little Mike is still doing well. Sadly, I found Ike dead in the yard this morning. He has a thread under cat memorial. :love:

09-17-2011, 06:04 PM

09-21-2011, 11:32 AM
I think I found the problem with Mike's ear. He finally lets me pet him again. This morning he let me look at his ear. Looks like he was in a fight and that ear has been hurt at the outside base of it. It was infected. I washed it out with a cotton ball and warm water. I didn't put antibiotic on it because he might be able to wash that off with his paw. Don't want him getting sick from that. At least now, maybe he'll let me keep it clean. :love:

09-21-2011, 12:09 PM
Great news that he'll let you pat him and help him! Hope he is feeling better soon. :):love::love:

09-24-2011, 06:07 PM
How is that cute little tuxie boy doing? Is his ear healing up okay? Please give him some lovies from me when he's up to it? :love: :love: :love:

09-25-2011, 12:25 PM
Mike is feeling better. He was playing with a leaf last night. His ear is still a bit infected but getting better. I wasn't able to clean it really well for a couple of days because it was raining and he would not let me. He just wanted to eat and go hide from the rain. We are making progress though.
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. Please keep them coming. :love::love:

09-25-2011, 03:26 PM
Progress indeed.. What good news!

Prayers and good wishes continue to be sent from us to Mike and you, Donna.


09-25-2011, 07:27 PM
Many good thoughts and wishes going up from me and my gang. Hang in there little tuxie guy!!!

10-10-2011, 05:34 PM
I'm really worried about little Mike outside. He was here for breakfast yesterday and ate well then took off. He didn't show up at supper time.

I wasn't too surprised because the people living in a house for sale beside me (and I pray it's just temperory that they are there) had two kids visiting. One of them kept riding one of those 4 wheel all train vehicles. He rode it up and down our alley and the around and around and around circling one of the bushes in that yard. I figued Mike was just frightened and hiding.

I checked right at dark and he was on the porch. I took him some food. The poor boy acted scared stiff. He was in the meatloaf position against the wall by the door with his nose down. I put the food in front of him and he took one of two licks then just sat with his nose in the plate.

I felt him all over and he didn't seem hurt. I scooted him back further on the porch thinking he would feel safer there. He moved right back to the place he was. His eyes looked so wide and scared. I just left him there hoping he would feel better. When I peeked out later he had gone off the porch. He's not been back since.

I have never seen a cat so frightened he was almost catatonic like that. No pun intended. It hit me this morning that maybe he had been hiding in that bush the kid kept circling with that atv. It was one of mike's favorite places to lay. That would for sure scare him silly. Anyway, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

The fact that the family have two big dogs they let run loose doesn't help. They don't seem mean to cats but you never know.

Of course, I feel guilty. He came to me for help and I couldn't help him. I couldn't have brought him inside. That would for sure have frightened him even more. sigh

10-10-2011, 06:30 PM
Poor little guy! I'll add him and you to my prayers, too! And I'm going to the Cat Memorial Section to catch up on what happened to Ike....I just HATE when things turn out that way for these precious babies! WHY do people have to be so irresponsible and neglectful so that these situations can even develop? Mike is lucky to have you, and he knows it! Keep up the good work with him!

10-10-2011, 06:40 PM
Oh God.. I'm so sorry about this. Prayers for the little guy and you too, moff. I hate so many people.


10-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Was he on your back porch? You don't think the kids injured him
somehow do you? Can you leave a cardboard box out on the porch where
he can hide overnight?

10-10-2011, 07:03 PM
Oh dear. I hope he feels better soon and isn't so scared. Perhaps make him a cat cave on the porch?

Bless you for caring for him.

10-10-2011, 07:40 PM
It's almost 8 pm here now and no sign of him. Of couse, it's been awfully noisy here again. Apparently the kid with the 4 wheeler lives at that house. He is still reving it up and riding it even though it's dark outside. It has lights on it. The family has been partying all afternoon and I'm super grouchy. I can only imagine how Mike feels.

Their dumb dogs have been coming over and eating the cats food for a while now. I have been having to track their bowls down in the yard almost every day. Today I met the dogs. One is a gigantic boxerdog type. The other a white dog about medium height. It's the bulldog who comes on the porch. It acts friendly but I'm not going to leave food out just so that monster can eat.

When I get up for potty runs in the night, I'll check the porch and see if Mike is there. If I wake up the entire neighborhood, too darn bad!!! Maybe if the new neighbors get tired enough, they will go to bed so I can get some peace. :(:love:

10-10-2011, 07:45 PM
Do your new neighbors rent or own? Are you city or county or rural? There must be leash laws. And noise ordinances. Call the police or sheriff and get the info.

Is that bush that Mike likes in your yard?

10-11-2011, 06:43 AM
Isn't there anywhere inside you could put him to keep him safe until you could find him a home??? The tale of this poor little guy is just making me so sad. I wish I lived closer, I'd take him in myself.

10-11-2011, 09:37 AM
Mike showed up at 9 pm last night. He acted a bit better in that he wasn't as frightened. He only ate about 2 bites then left again. I stayed on the porch with him trying to make him feel safe to eat. He wasn't here this morning.

The neighbor's big boxer was though. She had carried their food bowls off the porch again. She got me trapped on the porch. She wasn't trying to hurt me, she was wanted petted. I couldn't get her to leave. He owner finally came and got her and put her in the house. She could have knocked me over just by turning around. I'm afraid he may be mean to her. When he yelled at her, she crouched down and wet on my porch. sigh

We do have leash laws here but we have a kill shelter. If the dog catcher took her she wouldn't last long. Besides, there are two kids in the family. I wouldn't want to have their dog taken away. She might not have a great life but it's better than no life.

I have no place inside where I could put Mike. He would be probably more terrified in the house than he is outside any way. He would have to face 7 unknown cats. I can't allow cats in the bathroom anymore since Frankie tore my shower curtain down and I can't get it back up.

When I tried to put Mike in the shed once, he got his claws into me. I still have a scar from that. sigh:love:

10-11-2011, 01:35 PM
I wish I were your neighbor, between the two of us we might equal
1 healthy younger person.:p I realise that makes no sense, but anyhoo.:)

One time I think you mentioned a nearby woman who was helping to
feed outside cats. Do you think she could help lookout for Mike?

10-11-2011, 02:26 PM
I wish I were your neighbor, between the two of us we might equal
1 healthy younger person.:p I realise that makes no sense, but anyhoo.:)

One time I think you mentioned a nearby woman who was helping to
feed outside cats. Do you think she could help lookout for Mike?

It kind of does make sense to me!!! ;)

That lady moved right after I moved winnie and Angel inside. I sure wish she was still here. I never knew her last name so can't even call her. :( :love:

10-11-2011, 09:26 PM
I wonder if someone at the vet office would know where your former neighbour is.

When is that no-kill shelter supposed to be built in your area?


Don't know if it's worth asking any of your new neighbours to help... *sigh*

10-12-2011, 12:48 PM
I wonder if someone at the vet office would know where your former neighbour is.

When is that no-kill shelter supposed to be built in your area?


Don't know if it's worth asking any of your new neighbours to help... *sigh*

The vet wouldn't know who they are since I don't know. We have several vets in town and I wouldn't know if they ever took their cats to a vet or which one.

They are working on the no kill shelter but it won't be done until the end of the year or first of next year. :(

Nope, no help from those neighbors. :(

Mike came by last night but didn't want to eat. I took him some cat tuna finally and he ate a nibble or two.

When I got home from running errands this morning, he was under my old car. He came to the porch but again didn't want to eat. I managed to stick his nose into some wet food and he ate a couple of bites then left again.

I'm really worried about him. The last time he ate good was Sunday morning unless he is getting food somewhere else. He looks thinner but won't let me pick him up so I can't tell if he has lost weight. He just looks sad. He was always such a happy cat before that family and the monster dog moved in. (and the noisy kids too) sigh :( :love:

No use calling animal control. Their solution would be to shoot him. That's what they wanted to do to another cat I was trying to get help for years and years ago at my old home. :love:

10-12-2011, 04:37 PM
I'm really worried about him. The last time he ate good was Sunday morning unless he is getting food somewhere else. He looks thinner but won't let me pick him up so I can't tell if he has lost weight. He just looks sad. He was always such a happy cat before that family and the monster dog moved in. (and the noisy kids too) sigh :( :love:

Are the kids school age? The start of school around here has really
keep the outside kitties safe from harassment during most of the daytime
hours. It was none to soon for me either.:rolleyes:

10-12-2011, 07:06 PM
At least the end of the year is SOON...

If you could catch the little guy and get him to the vet's, you know you would have money help if needed.

Prayers for dear little Mike. :love::love:

10-13-2011, 12:13 PM
Yes, thankfully the brats, um children are in school. Too bad they can't take their big dog with them.

Mike showed up last night but wouldn't come near me. He hid under the lilac bush and wouldn't even look at the plate of food I pushed under for him. I tossed some cooked chicken breast under there too. He ignored it. He was under so far, I couldn't reach him.

He hasn't been here this morning. I checked the lilac bush and the bushes all around and there is no sign of him. I just have a bad feeling about this. He hasn't eaten since Sunday Morning. That was the last time he ate well. Unless he is eating some where else. I don't think he is doing that though. He just looks like he doesn't care any more. I can't explain it. :(:love:

10-13-2011, 01:45 PM
Darn.:( I was thinking by your description of his actions that he was
probably sick with something.:( The stress of living outside doesn't help
either. Have you seen his mother cat around there lately?

10-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Yes, his mom is here usually twice a day. She hisses at him every time she sees him. :(

10-13-2011, 03:33 PM
I hope if you see him again you can throw a towel or blanket over him and get him into a carrier to take to the vet.

Heartfelt prayers for you and for little Mike.:love::love:

10-13-2011, 04:21 PM
Prayers for little Mike, that he is safe and will come around as he did before and that you can get him in to see the vet... and that he can finally get a real HOME.

And prayers for you too, for all you do for all these lost little critters. God bless you all.

Pat and cats

10-13-2011, 07:05 PM
Poor little guy! It seemed like he was starting to trust you a bit. I'm hoping the brats and their dogs haven't done anything to injure or scare him.

10-13-2011, 08:42 PM
There has been no sign of him all day. I went out and called for him several times and checked under all the bushes and under my old car.

There were skunks out and about last night. I smelled them. Maybe they chased him off. :(:love:

10-20-2011, 01:39 PM
Mike came home last night but was so weak, he fell over when I touched him.
I called the vet's cell number hoping she could come get him. I was thinking it would be best to put him down. The office was closed so she said put him in a carrier on the porch for the night and see how he is today.

He finally let me pick him up. He was so weak what else could he do? I picked him up with one hand. He is almost 7 mo old.
I put a huge fluffy towel in with him and covered the carrier with a dish towel so two sides were covered. It was below freezing here last night. I put him in the corner of the porch where the wind wouldn't hit him. When I went to check on him at 1:30 in the morning I thought sure he was gone. He was just sleeping.

He ate really good today twice. The vet said they could come and get him and take him in to see if he can be helped. They don't open until 1pm on Thursdays. I called the vet and she has a new recptionist so she won't do anything until she checks it out with the vet. So I am waiting on her to return my call.

Meanwhile poor Mike has been in that carrier since almost 6 last night. He's not drank any water even though I have offered it or gone to the bathroom that I know of.

I sure hope they can and will help him.

Please pray for us. :love::love::love:

Note: he is on his way!!! The vet tech just picked him up.

10-20-2011, 03:20 PM
Oh thank goodness! Mike knew to come to you...bless you!

Prayers that he can be helped. He may have an infection that has been untreated and made him really sick.

If he can be saved, I hope they can find a home for him.

Many PT Prayers!!! :love::love:

10-20-2011, 03:54 PM
Oh thank goodness! Mike knew to come to you...bless you!

Prayers that he can be helped. He may have an infection that has been untreated and made him really sick.

If he can be saved, I hope they can find a home for him.

Many PT Prayers!!! :love::love:

You guessed it Catty!!! The vet just called. He's going to be fine. :) It was that ear infection that made him walk wonky and feel so bad. He had been out fighting with the other males. He is 7 mo old come Nov 1st.
He is dehydrated too and weak from not eating like he should.

She suggested having him neutered while she has him there and get his shots too. He will have to take an antibiotic for 10 days so he could take that before he would come home from getting neutered. She does surgeries on Tuesdays and lets them come home on wednesdays. So just having it all done at once will be best for him.

I wouldn't have to worry about him not showing up for his meds and he would be fixed so he wouldn't get into more fights. She thinks that's what happened to his ear. He 'came into his own' as she put it. :) Plus he will be lots stronger by keeping him there until he is all better.

She said he is a real love bug. Maybe he will turn on the charm and someone there will want to adopt him. Wouldn't that be grand? :D :love:

Please keep the prayers coming. I am such a worry wart. :love:

10-20-2011, 04:30 PM
Oh, what a great turnaround on Mike's story, MoFF! Thanks so much to you and the vet, and to Mike himself too for his spirit to hang on.

Prayers and loving energies and warm thoughts and good wishes are coming your way.


10-20-2011, 05:36 PM
Oh, I am so relieved to hear some good news on Mike. I really was
almost afraid to ask about him. Great news that you got him in to see
the Vet. and that he can be helped.:):)

A little stay where he will re-coop & grow stronger and be safe while
doing it is terrific news.:love: Could you pm me your adress so I can
send something to help pay the Vet?

10-20-2011, 05:44 PM
That is some really great news about Mike! I am glad things have progressed the way they have, and hopefully Mike's life will improve 100% and he'll get a warm, safe, happy furever home out of this! THANKS for posting, and please keep us updated as to what happens next!:love::):love::)

10-20-2011, 05:58 PM
Wonderful news - your vets are great!

Yes, I hope someone falls in love with that sweetie! Thank God he will be ok.:) :love::love:

10-20-2011, 07:23 PM
Fantastic news about Mike. Hopefully someone will fall for him and give him a forever home. :love:

10-21-2011, 12:49 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Mike can be helped and I hope that everything will go well and he'll recover quickly.:) I also hope that he'll soon find his loving forever home and will be able to be an indoor kitty. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

10-21-2011, 02:12 PM
No official word on how Mike is yet today. I called and the recptionist said his vet is out working cattle. She wasn't able to catch the alternate vet but said she will and call me back later. She did go peek in Mike's cage. He was alert and peeking back at her. That is good news.

I did mention if any one comes in wanting to find a new kitten/cat Mike would be available for adoption after he is well and fixed. :D

10-21-2011, 04:14 PM
I am so hoping little Mikey gets his furrever home!:love:

10-21-2011, 05:09 PM
Just talked to the vet. Well the alternate vet. His usual one had a horse emergency.

Any way, Mike is doing fine. He's really thin and weak but eating and doing well. The vet was quite taken with him. Mike was just lovin on him. Wanting his ears scratched and all. The vet sounded real impressed with him. I tried to give Mike to him but he has 2 cats already.

I couldn't convince him he needed one more. Well, maybe he will think on it, eh? :)

He said they will evaluate Mike and not do the neutering Tuesday if they don't think he is well enough and will call me and let me know how that goes. Then we can decide how long he will need to stay there.

I told him I would consider Mike is doing well unless they call and tell me differently. So, next time I will hear from them will probably be Tuesday after he comes out of surgery. Please keep my little fighter in your prayers and thoughts. I'm sure that's helped get him this far. I know they sure help me. :love:

10-21-2011, 05:22 PM
I'm so glad that you were able to get the cute little tuxie Mike to the vet's for the help he needed. I hope he recovers quickly and that someone at the vet's office is charmed by him and wants to adopt him.:)

10-21-2011, 06:25 PM
Continuing prayers for little Mikie. God bless you, MoFF.


10-21-2011, 08:00 PM
Praying for Mike and you. :love:

10-21-2011, 09:15 PM
My dear friend. I can only imagine the financial strain on you, in addition to the mental anguish and worry.... This little boy is in good hands. If you need me to send you something I can. :love::love::love:

10-22-2011, 01:55 PM
Thanks slick. I'll holler if I need help. There are already several people helping us out. Now if you could adopt him, that would be the biggest help of all!!! ;)

Don't worry, that boy won't be going back on the streets. Even if the cats are stacked to the ceiling in here. :D :love:

10-22-2011, 03:23 PM
My dear friend. I can only imagine the financial strain on you, in addition to the mental anguish and worry.... This little boy is in good hands. If you need me to send you something I can. :love::love::love:

same here :love: :love:

10-23-2011, 09:34 PM
HI God ~

Prayer Pups here ... wiffa request fur HELP with Mikey, MoFF's widdle out-door Tuxey ...

He's having his Big Snip Sir Jury in a few days ...

Please put Your skrubbies on and fly down on Tuesday to help wiffa Pro-See-dure.

And be sure to give his MOM a big {{{God'sHug}}} to let her know
that You're helpin out.


/s/ the Prayer Pups

I know that Catmandu's Michael Angel will be right there with his little tuxie namesake! :love: :love:

10-23-2011, 10:21 PM
Awe.... so glad to hear Mike is getting help he needs!!! Thank you for all you are doing for him!!!

HUGS to you for all your hard work, and when you get to see Mike again, give him some lovies from me, please?!:love:

10-24-2011, 01:47 PM
Not heard from the vet so am assuming He is ok and the surgery will be a go tomorrow. They will call me after he's out and let me know how he is doing. It's sure hard to keep my paws off the phone and not call them though. :D :love:

10-24-2011, 03:17 PM
Ok, I just couldn't stand it. I called the vet and talked to the vet tech. She said Mike is doing pretty well and will be neutered tomorrow. She said he looks a lot older than almost 7 mo old though. His teeth and everything looks older.

I told her no, he is Frankie's brother and was born April 1st. She wonders if that is a different cat than Frankie's bro. Nope, that is his bro alright. Just all the frights he had outside may have aged him fast.

Anyway, she will call me after his surgery tomorrow and let me know when he can come home. I'm thinking maybe Wednesday. I sure hope Grandma doesn't mind a roomie for a while. :D

10-24-2011, 04:08 PM
Oh, good work, Mike and vets! Prayers and good wishes for your Manly surgery tomorrow!


10-24-2011, 04:11 PM
Awww, I'm so happy to hear the good news on Mike. I'm also very glad to hear you will have a place for him to recoop after surgery. Would this possibly be a permanent place, or just until he heals up all the way? Either way, a big thank you for helping him out! :)

10-24-2011, 04:20 PM
Awww, I'm so happy to hear the good news on Mike. I'm also very glad to hear you will have a place for him to recoop after surgery. Would this possibly be a permanent place, or just until he heals up all the way? Either way, a big thank you for helping him out! :)

The plan is to put him in my bedroom with my cat Grandma. She is 17 now and very laid back. I'm hoping she won't be bothered by him much for a while. Until he finishes his meds and the others get used to the idea that he is in the house. Then I'll bring him out for a meet and greet and see how it goes. :D
Fingers crossed for us all, please? :D :love:

I thought when I brought Frankie in there would be a big ruckus. He just walked up and said, "hi ya" to them and that was that. A few hisses and a head bonk or two and that was the end of it. :D

I don't really want 8 cats in this small house. But I hate the thought of turning him out to be frightened and hurt again even more. BUT 8 is really ENOUGH!!!

10-24-2011, 05:55 PM
Not Frankie's brother? You don't think the Vet office has mixed up the
crates do you? My old Vet used to have me put my name on a tag attached
to the crate when I brought new cats in for spay/neuters.

Hope the little tuxie guy continues to do well.:)

10-24-2011, 06:23 PM
Not Frankie's brother? You don't think the Vet office has mixed up the
crates do you? My old Vet used to have me put my name on a tag attached
to the crate when I brought new cats in for spay/neuters.

Hope the little tuxie guy continues to do well.:)

My name was on the carrier he was in. I'll be able to tell when I pick him up. It would be one big coincidence to have two weak tuxie cats, with ear infection and wounds on their ears there at the same time. Most likely, Mike is going to take after his daddy, which I think is also Chuck's daddy.

A BIG tuxie who is bigger than Chuck, who I can hardly get my arms around. Though I will admit, I'm wondering how a cat who was so light I could pick him up with one hand got as big as they say he is. Must be some good food they are feeding him.

Well, if they go to neuter the cat and it's already neutered, I'll know it's the wrong one. :D:love:

10-25-2011, 02:59 PM
I'm sitting here trying not to panic. I have heard nothing about Mike. They do the surgeries in the morning so he should be out of recovery by now. I did call the recptionist half an hour ago.

She didn't even have him on the list. Wanted to know if I brought him in yesterday. I told no, he has been with them since Thursday. Then she told me the vet is busy with another customer and the recptionist will call me back. So, I am still waiting. I do not have a good feeling about this at all.:(

10-25-2011, 03:14 PM

Thank you so much for taking the tuxie in!!!

10-25-2011, 03:26 PM

Thank you so much for taking the tuxie in!!!

I'm not real sure I'll ever get him back to take in at this point. I called again and the annoyed recptionist told me everyone was still busy. I asked her if she at least knew if he was alive or not. She said oh, yes, he was sitting in his cage looking at her when she went back there. She just doesn't know if he was neutered or not.

If he had been, the vet techs usually call right after the pets wake up because they know how us pet purrents worry. So, if he has not been, he'll need to stay there another week. I can't bring an un-nuetered cat in here. sigh
Why can't anything ever be easy. :love:

10-25-2011, 03:36 PM
Mike had been going down hill for a few days. I just talked to the vet.
Where before he had loved being petted, he got agressive and not responding to meds. His head tilt was worse and he wouldn't eat. He is suffering and she can't help him. She had tested him for feline leukemia and that other disease which I can't remember the name of. He was negative for those.

She said she is afraid he has rabies. She just has a gut feeling about it. So she suggested he has to be put down. She will send him off to be checked after he is gone. Poor baby he fought so hard.

Mike I am so sorry I let you down. Ike will meet you at the bridge with your other little sibby. :(

10-25-2011, 03:41 PM
LES :(:(:(
You did all you could MOFF.

Love ya....
Slick and Merlin

10-25-2011, 03:44 PM
Oh my, LES here. I have been following this thread, but haven't posted. I am so sorry MOFF. You did all that you could for him. More than others would have! (((hugs))) from me and Sasha.

10-25-2011, 04:42 PM
Oh my God, I am so very sorry. That is heartbreaking. Much LES here too. You and Mike both did so much and fought so hard.

God bless you both. Love from us all :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:.

10-25-2011, 04:50 PM
In my heart, I don't think he had rabies. He was never agitated around me and no foaming at the mouth or anything. I've never heard of any rabies here in town either. Of course, we have possums and skunks and racoons that are in town so I guess it could be. :(

10-25-2011, 05:43 PM
Thiis is heartbreaking news.:( I did look up rabies in cats and found that
there are different stages of the disease. There are a lot of animals that he
could have contracted the disease from including bats.


It sounded like a hectic day at the Vet's office today. Maybe you could get a chance to
talk to the Vet again later on tomorrow or when there's not so much going on there.
She should be able to explain why she feels the way she does about the diagnosis.

10-25-2011, 06:40 PM
I can't begin to tell you how sorry and how sad I feel about little Mike. But I'm still praying for one more miracle here.

You didn't let Mike down. You cared for and about him and did everything you possibly could to help him. Anything could have happened while he was outside. Along with all of your efforts you gave Mike the most important thing of all, because of you Mike knew what it means to be loved. There's no doubt that he loves you too :love:

10-25-2011, 08:49 PM
Thanks for the link liz. None of the symptoms really fit Mike. What ever it was he had, I first noticed on 9/6 when I saw him with his head tilted. That's when I first was able to find the sore on his ear or around that time.

He never became irritable or vicious or disoriented that I know of. He did become more lovable his last night, he wanted his head and ears scratched. He was like that at the vet until yesterday. Then he did get antsy. He never ever tried to bite anyone. In fact he got better for a while. Never heard of them getting any better during rabies.

Also, if when I first saw the ear wound, he already had rabies and that was making him wobble when he walked, he would have died by now. There was just 2 to 4 days between phases according to that site.

He got so he was walking normal before he disappeared for that week.

I guess we will just have to wait and see for sure.

I hope I don't get thrown in jail if it turns out he did have it. How can I get a cat shots when I can't catch it? :(

10-25-2011, 08:59 PM
WOW! I haven't been on this site for a few days and I can't believe all that has happened for the worse, not only with Mike but also with poor Mystic....I haven't read any of the other threads yet.......

You continue to be in my prayers! I admire you for everything you did for Mike! Since he wasn't officially your cat---he was a stray that you tried to help and intended to find a home for---there's no way that you could get in trouble for not having him vaccinated for Rabies!! Your intentions were to make sure that he was healthy, including shots and neutering, as soon as possible once you were able to "catch" him, and nobody can find fault with you for that!

I know that Mike knew he was loved, and that he will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge with a happy, free, painless spirit.....


10-26-2011, 05:39 PM
Hi MoFF,
Is there any news about Mike? He has been on my mind all day. If you get the chance and if it's possible, would you give him some very gentle lovies from me?

10-26-2011, 05:58 PM
momcat, Mike's memorial thread is here: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=170255

10-28-2011, 10:03 AM
Went to the vets to pick up my cat carrier and the test results are back.

Mike did not have rabies!!!!! I didn't think he did but so relieved to hear it for sure.

They didn't tell her what he did have. Probably some neurological problem in which case, it wouldn't have ended well for him either.

Thank you for all the prayers, love and support for us. You are all so wonderful. See why I love Pet Talk? :love::love: