View Full Version : Some outstanding photos of damage in VT

09-06-2011, 09:46 AM
A friend sent this link to me. The photos are outstanding, for sure. It gives you a real clear idea about how much damage was done in different parts of the state. For those who said the warnings were hype, well, the warnings may have saved lives. Here's the link:


09-06-2011, 12:00 PM
Wow, thanks for sharing that!

09-06-2011, 12:08 PM
That's a lot of damage, hope everyone survived it. Thanks for sharing.

09-06-2011, 02:50 PM
My heart aches at the devastation...and to realize that I have been and closely recognize those places. :(

Thanks for posting the link SAS!

09-06-2011, 03:26 PM
Amazing photos. It's sad to see all of this destruction in such a beautiful part of our country. Who ever would have thought that a hurricane could devastate this area, even tho the damage was caused by flooding. One tends to think of coastal damage, and not something like this. :(

09-06-2011, 03:44 PM
The worst flooding in 100 years. People forget between generations. Living near a stream/brook/river/lake is always risky. Mother Nature can be cruel.

I suspect not everyone will rebuild. Some of the businesses and homes were not insured for flooding. FEMA can only help so much. For some towns, it will be a long time before they return to a new normal.

And then there are the fires in Texas. Over 1,000 homes have been lost to the fires. Can you imagine that? Nothing left. Gone. Such a shame. We should truck some of that excess water in Vermont, to Texas!

09-06-2011, 04:02 PM
Thanks for sharing those photos.

As you know, we had wind damage here in RI, which made for major power outages. (I was lucky, didn't even lose power.) Lost electricity is a big inconvenience; but once the crews clear the downed trees and re- string the lines, power comes back and you pretty much pick up where you left off in your life.

Flooding is completely different. At first, there is nothing you can do but wait, for the water to leave (as we had to wait for the power to come back on). But you already can see quite a bit of what you've lost. And then, once the water leaves, you have work - days, weeks, months of work, to get back to some sort of normalcy. Homes are gone; for some, their business as well. My gosh, how do you even begin?!

The power of Nature - wind, water - just so forceful.

09-06-2011, 05:03 PM
Wow, what a mess.:(

09-06-2011, 08:05 PM
Thanks for posting that link SAS, those are really amazing photos.
It really is sad how much damage was done in parts of Vermont due to the flooding from Hurricane Irene.
I'm really glad that the area I live and work in only had minor damage.
I'm glad to see you and Cookiebaker posting and that neither one of you had much damage from the storm.

09-07-2011, 04:20 AM
Oh how terrible! I am so sorry for all the people who lost their homes and their work.

09-07-2011, 07:29 AM
There was devastation as close as 10 miles away from our house to the SE, S, E, N, and NW. But for some reason, (even though our house borders a river), we had NOTHING. No wind, no real rain to speak of (heavy rain in the morning for a couple of hours) and then just a fine mist all afternoon. I ended up going for a 5.5 mile walk that afternoon, and didn't even see one single fallen tree. So we had NO idea what was going on just a few miles from us until we turned on the news that night, and were shocked. I'm glad that you both, VTcat and SAS, are safe and made it through, too! :)

09-08-2011, 10:45 AM
So sad to see the destruction in such a beautiful State.Talk about the
differences in too much water there, with no rain for months in Texas,
Mother Nature seems fickle. I've often wondered, if we can build oil pipelines
from the far north to anywhere else in the country, why can't we build
pipelines for water to send it to another part of the country that needs it?

09-08-2011, 11:08 AM
Stunning pictures, but it's sad to see all the damage. I hope some of the destruction is able to be repaired.