View Full Version : I need your opinion on something....

Aspen and Misty
11-08-2002, 03:42 PM
(It will make sense later...just read it all, please)

Me, My father, and my older brother are going to be moving ou soon into a diffrent house. They way the house is set up there is a large living room and kitchen then a small doorway that leads into another living room and down the hallway to the 3 bedrooms. You could put a baby gate up in between the kitchen and the hallway door way to block off the hallway and other living room from the kitchen and the living room. It would devid the house evenly. My question is....

There is a 6 year old Sheltie named Molly who belongs to my friend. I went over to see Molly and I noticed right away shehad a bad flee problem and ear problem. She shoke (sp) her head and then would lift her back leg up to scrach her ear but once she got her foot in there she would yelp in pain. :( . I felt so bad, she is the cutest thing! She is like the size of a Pomerianian, but I wonder if my friend even likes her. She said "I bet if somone stole her we wouldn't even notice". :( :( The dog obviously loves her, she followed her around like a lost puppy, but I wonder if the feeling is mutual? My friend is asking her sister if I cna have her. I'm not the one who brougth it up. She said "You want her, I will ask my sister" I never answered her but then when we were about to leave she said" I'll ask my sister about what we talked about". She was seriouse to. She told me to take the dog home and see if she fit in. I don't know what to do, I'm torn.

My question is, Do I help Molly? Or do you think that if I gave them a gift certificate to a groomers and for a free ear cleaning she would be ok where she is? Please help!


11-08-2002, 04:56 PM
Hmmm truly a dilemma...I guess the first question that ran through my head is how old is your friend??? Are her parents involved with/attached to the dog?? Is it something that they would regret if the dog was given away?? (I'm just thinking that if it was my kid giving away the family dog, I would NOT be happy about it at all!)

I think that the second thought you posed about the cleaning and grooming is a good idea. That way, at least you are helping the poor little thing.

11-08-2002, 08:50 PM
i agree. it is a hard descision. i think that if you are willing to take molly in and that your friend isn't attached to her, you will be doing molly a favor. i don't really knwo what to say. good luck :)

11-08-2002, 11:09 PM
That is a tough situation. It is good of you to want to help the dog. If you don't take it maybe you could help get it to a groomer or maybe a vet for its ears as they sound infected.

11-09-2002, 01:07 PM
This question is VERY tough , indeed ...! I would try to find out how mutual this love is between your friend and Molly . If it is only one-sided ( doggie-> friend) , I would rather see that sweetie in your care ... ! You seem to be a true pet-lover , so Molly will think it is heaven at your place :D http://users.telenet.be/eforum/emoticons4u/animal/1118.gif

Aspen and Misty
11-09-2002, 03:25 PM
Thax guys. Her paretns don't care about the dog. She caleld her mom and her mom said I could have her. She just had to ask her sister. And she brought up the whole thing about giving Molly to me, which makes me think she doesn't care. :( I think they only go out to feed her and give her water. And my friend says hi to her on her way in. I'm so confussed, I wanna do whats right.


11-09-2002, 06:16 PM
What about Chewey's aggression? Would he be okay with Molly at all ?

Aspen and Misty
11-09-2002, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
(It will make sense later...just read it all, please)

Me, My father, and my older brother are going to be moving ou soon into a diffrent house. They way the house is set up there is a large living room and kitchen then a small doorway that leads into another living room and down the hallway to the 3 bedrooms. You could put a baby gate up in between the kitchen and the hallway door way to block off the hallway and other living room from the kitchen and the living room. It would devid the house evenly. My question is....

That is what we would have to do. And they would have to be fed at diffrent places. I was wondering, do you think Chewy would be agressive with a female dog? Like is he fighting with Teddy to be the alpha dog and thats why he is so aggressive? Or do ya just think he is agressive? Hmmm, somethin to think about. :rolleyes:


11-09-2002, 07:03 PM
Its quite possible he will more readily accept a female.

I don't remember, has Chewey ever played with other dogs? Like at a park or something?

11-09-2002, 07:28 PM
I think he might be ok...but like Aly said has ever been around other dogs besides Teddy?? He maybe alright around a female dog I really don't know.

11-09-2002, 07:32 PM
Also, is he neutered ?