View Full Version : Online heartworm, flea prescriptions

09-02-2011, 11:29 PM
I got Advantage Multi Heartworm/Flea medication online and it didn't require me to get a prescription from my vet. I told that to my vet today when I took my dog in for her routine visit and she didn't like it that I got it from a place that didn't require a prescription. She doesn't carry this stuff, btw. Anyway, as long as it is the same stuff, I don't see the problem and I have used this online pharmacy before and it seems to be reputable. I guess it doesn't really matter one way or another except more steps to verify prescriptions and maybe higher prices?... what do you think?


09-03-2011, 09:02 AM
Many (if not all) flea meds are available over the counter. It is the heartworm meds which require a prescription. This one, Advantage Multi, includes a heart worm component.

Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

You will see this on any reputable site offering it. I would never get a script med without a script, not for me, not for my pets. How do you know it is not counterfeit? It may not be "real," and hence not effective. That would worry me.

Drs Foster and Smith, and 1-800 Pet Meds are both reputable, and have Vet-VIPPs certification.

VETERINARY-VERIFIED INTERNET PHARMACY PRACTICE SITES CM accreditation through the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®).

09-03-2011, 09:20 AM
I buy flea meds on line (Advantix) since they are much less expensive than what my vet charges. However, the heartworm med that I use (Heartgard Plus) requires a prescription, and I buy it from my vet. She is just as cheap, if not cheaper than on line pharmacies, and there is always a mail in rebate form when I buy 2 boxes and buy from her too.