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Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-08-2002, 03:08 PM
We were upstairs last night when we heard a herd of horses downstairs. I came down to find this.
With "someone" looking conspicuously innocent?

I said "Hey, what's going on down here?" Then Peanut proceeded to turn around and start sniffing at the rug as if to say "Gee, I don't know, Mom. Somehow this durn rug got all messed up."
Then Terry came down to see what I was laughting at, and she walked towards him, over the hump in the rug, as if that's the way the rug always was and it was no big deal to have to step over the hump.

Tubby was to the right of the half wall that is to the right of the rug, and he looked like he was looking for trouble, so I don't know if Peanut was the innocent bystander or the perpetrator. She's really good at being both. :rolleyes: :D

Then, to top it all off, when I went to pull the rug back into place, Tubby got all excited and started attacking it. You know how they act if they are standing on a piece of paper and you start pulling it out from under them? He started trying to bite the rug (and once or twice got the tile instead - ouch!) and jump on it and tried to get underneath it. So here I am, pulling the rug back and forth for about 5 minutes trying to amuse him. :rolleyes: Silly kitties. :D

Edwina's Secretary
11-08-2002, 03:49 PM
Dateline: Chicagoland

A conspiracy between the mini-blinds and the hall runners has just been discovered. Thes hall runners are vicious and can attack at any hour of the day or night. Often disguised in peaceful looking pastoral camouflage they use innocent looking humps, bumps, and patterns to lure the feline population into battle.

There is significant concern that this conflict will spread to other household accoutrements.

11-08-2002, 04:24 PM
LOL! Love the pics! I noticed you said "last night" - these things always happens at night, don't they! Since Fister has become an indoor cat (almost), he occasionally races around late in the evening, bumping his head pretty hard into doors sometimes. :rolleyes: Yesterday evening when John went to the bathroom, he followed him and lay behind a door to attack him on the way back. Silly cat! :D

11-08-2002, 04:30 PM
Tubby and Peanuts Mom- That is EXACTLY what happens to my runner rug..fortunately for me, mine is about 1/4 of the lenght of yours. It will get so congested next to the basement door that I can't get the door open from the inside! I have to put my hand through the cat hole and straighten it out! And of course, they think, "Hey, it is game time again"...

11-08-2002, 06:22 PM
LOL!!! Sounds like the battle I have with Chester when he 'helps' make the bed.:D

11-08-2002, 06:47 PM
"But mom, that's the way I think it looks best!"

I have a small square latch hook rug that is constantly (and this is no exaggeration) constantly in a state of upheaval. They lay on it, they lay undr it, they push it and play with it and lay in it all bunched up. I fix it go, down the hall, come back up the hall, fix it again. etc..........

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-11-2002, 03:09 PM
All was quiet on the rug front this weekend. My poor kitties are so bored, no mini blinds attacking and the rug only acts up every now and then. ;) :rolleyes: :D

11-11-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I have a small square latch hook rug that is constantly (and this is no exaggeration) constantly in a state of upheaval. They lay on it, they lay undr it, they push it and play with it and lay in it all bunched up. I fix it go, down the hall, come back up the hall, fix it again. etc..........
I hear you! :) We have a rug on our kitchen floor and Noah is forever moving that thing around. He loves to burrow under it and get all tangeled in it. :rolleyes: Such sillies!

Peanut sure is cute....and oh so innocent looking. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-12-2002, 12:16 AM
Then, to top it all off, when I went to pull the rug back into place, Tubby got all excited and started attacking it.

Oh sounds like fun!!!!! You still havta love them even when they are nawtee!!!

smokey the elder
11-12-2002, 09:03 AM
TicTac MUST slay the monster hiding under the hallway rug nightly. I guess it doesn't stay dead.:D

11-12-2002, 03:00 PM
Bad Hall rug! It was going to attack mum! Better attack it first!

Making the bed gets Bastet all excited!

11-13-2002, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
TicTac MUST slay the monster hiding under the hallway rug nightly. I guess it doesn't stay dead.:D

LOL That's it. Here, the monster lives under the bathroom rug!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-13-2002, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
TicTac MUST slay the monster hiding under the hallway rug nightly. I guess it doesn't stay dead.:D

Aahhhh yeeessss....the rug monster! I forgot all about him since he hasn't shown himself for quite awhile. The rug monster used to make appearances all the time.

Here's Tubby taking a rest after slaying the rug monster a long time ago.

But, like Smokey the elder says, evidently that durn monster doesn't stay dead, because here's Tubby looking for him again a few years after the first picture.

And the monster has shown up on a regular basis since then - just not recently so I forgot all about him. :rolleyes: And here I blamed Peanut and Tubby for the messed up runner when all along it was that durn monster! ;) :D

11-13-2002, 05:22 PM
Thankyou for sharing those pics! I laughed! That black furry face just says it all! Has the monster been slayed yet? :D