View Full Version : So, Anybody Know About Science??

11-08-2002, 02:32 PM
OK I just got my report card and it said I got a 70 in science. Unfortunately that is just too horrible for my parents and if I do not bring up my average to an 85 or above by next quarter they will start taking away my privilages, including going online, which means no Pet Talk. I don't want to be punished for doing my best though and I DEFINETLY do not want to get taken away from Pet Talk(yeah I'll handcuff myself to the computer lol). So if anybody knows much about science or ways to inprove my grade please let me know ok? These are specific things I need help with for the finals:

Parts of a cell(like nucleus and stuff)
Parts and functions of a microscope
Life functions(like resperation, regulations, etc.)
Thanks in advance!:)

11-08-2002, 03:08 PM
I've worked for SCIENCE, a multi-disciplinary weekly journal, for over 15 years. Probably a bit too technical for school aged younguns but if you can find the WEB site for Bill Nye the Science Guy you may be able to find all kinds of sources that will help you. He's entertaining and educational too. 'Ask Jeeves' is a good search engine for specifics. If you need more than you can find let me know & I'll see what I can do.

11-08-2002, 03:09 PM
Ok I'll try this is getting annoying now my science teacher is on my trail too why is a 70 such a big deal??:confused: :eek:

Aspen and Misty
11-08-2002, 03:11 PM
Me and my 57 in science will help you ;) :D


11-09-2002, 04:43 AM
not only can i help But, I am a licensed jr and sr highschool teacher in science(and history). If you have any questions please Pm me and i will try to help.

11-09-2002, 10:36 AM
my degree is in Biochemistry. I can try to help also.

11-09-2002, 01:53 PM
is that 70 out of 100!!??! my mother would have been ECSTATIC with a grade like that! ROFL!

11-09-2002, 04:11 PM
I would have loved to got a 70 back in school in Science!:D

11-09-2002, 06:33 PM
Parts of a cell(like nucleus and stuff)
Parts and functions of a microscope
Life functions(like resperation, regulations, etc.)

Ooo I'm in biology, we did that stuff this yr, last and the year before. I love science! I can try to help you if you want :D Just let me know