View Full Version : What smart phone do you have?

08-28-2011, 10:17 PM
Soo.... I'm getting my first smart phone next weekend. (I know, behind the times) I'm just wondering what phones some of you have, what you like about them or don't, etc. Learning things on cell phones comes easy to me, so I don't care about how complicated it is or not.

My main thing is I can't decide between an Iphone or going with an android. I REALLY love the HTC Evo but I have Verizon Wireless.

My bro and boyfriend, both tech guys, tell me opposite. My boyfriend says go with the IPhone and my brother says go with an Android.

I know its just a phone, but I use mine a lot and don't replace them every year, so I want something I'm happy with.

08-28-2011, 10:41 PM
I just got my first smartphone too :).

I have the LG Optimus V from Virgin Mobile.

Androids are great, some support Adobe flash, while an iPhone does not. If you think you're going to need flash support, I'd consider the iPhone.

The only thing that I don't like about my phone is the crappy battery life, but I believe that's to be expected with all smartphones, even the iPhone.

I think you'd be happy with either. I don't really find much difference in iPhone versus Android. I think it's mostly a personal preference whether you want an apple operating system or a google powered operating system.

Good luck and let us know what you choose!

Scooter's Mom
08-28-2011, 11:22 PM
I just got my first smartphone, too! This weekend, in fact.

I got the Droid 3. I ordered it from Verizon online, should have it in a couple of days. I have heard good things, aside from the battery life issue. But I hear that about all of them. I went with the Droid 3 because I really like having a little keyboard to do my texting on. I'm old, and like being able to type on a keyboard instead of the screen.

08-28-2011, 11:29 PM
I have an HTC Evo. It's not a bad phone by any means, but the BATTERY LIFE is enough to annoy the crap out of me. That is one thing I can say I absolutely HATE about this phone. It didn't seem that bad at first, but now that I have no time to do anything on the actual computer, alot of my FB updating/tweets/etc are on my phone, the battery life of the stock battery was really sucking. I bought a $7 extended battery off Amazon and it has significantly helped but it isn't the greatest. The Android Market is absolutely fantastic though, it has a much better free app market then Apple does. Another thing I don't like about my Evo is that they charge you $10 a month for 4G and I never even use the freakin' 4G feature because it is barely available in my area, and not available in many others. I suppose that's just Sprint's doing though.

I've had the phone for a year almost, and I haven't had any major issues with it. It has a mind of its own like most phones of mine tend to have :p But overall, I like it. Sprint is finally getting the Iphone in October and I'm thinking of switching to that as I am can buy a new one at a discounted price come October 1st. If I do, I have my EVO as a back up in case anything happens to it.

Good luck in your Smartphone search, there are ALOT of options out there!

08-29-2011, 08:11 AM
I have a dumb phone. It's a tracphone. :D

finn's mom
08-29-2011, 09:43 AM
I have an iPhone, and had a roommate with an Android. He switched over to iPhone, because he hated the Android. I like my phone. I'm not particular at all, though. ;)

08-29-2011, 09:48 AM
I have a land line. :rolleyes:

08-29-2011, 12:46 PM
I have a land line. :rolleyes:

I still have one of those too! I know a lot of people that are going with their cell phones only and no longer having a land line. I am afraid to get rid of my land line. :eek:

08-29-2011, 12:53 PM
It's a bad idea to get rid of your land line, as if you dial 911 from a cell phone, they have no idea where you are, but if you dial it from a land line, their computer system can always find you!

Paul has an iPhone, it's perfectly fine. We don't use our cell phones a lot, but his always works when he needs it!

08-29-2011, 03:05 PM
I got my first smart phone about a month ago. It is an HTC Status and I have AT&T. I like it becuase, like Crystal, I prefer to have a real keyboard verses the virtual keyboard. I'm not a huge fan of touch screens. But this has both. I'm getting use to the touch screen.
I love my phone! I've been sick for the past four days and this phone has kept me in touch with facebook and entertained me when I'm not sleeping. I do have to charge the battery every night, but that's not a big deal. Sometimes I even have to charge it during the day if I use it alot (like right now, I was talking to my sister on facebook chat earlier).
The other great thing is I got the minimum data plan at $15 a month for 200MB and I think that is fine for me. When I'm home I connect to the WiFi and that doesn't use any of my data usage. Beautiful! Especially the past four days. :)
My boyfriend got the HTC Inspire and he LOVES it as well. It's more like an iphone. Of course he loves it because he had a horrible phone and plan for a while before coming back to AT&T.
I can't give an opinion of iphone or android. But I have several family members with iphones and they like them just as much as we like ours. Haven't learned of any major differring factors.......yet.

08-29-2011, 07:10 PM
I have a droid phone, the Samsung Continuum. It is a touchscreen, which took some adjusting, but I love it now. I have large hands and the small keys were frustrating.

I had a Blackberry Curve for a year. It had problems (was rushed to market) so one day when I had had enough, I went to Verizon and said enough. That's what I like about Verizon, They will work with you.

So IMO, don't get a Blackberry. It required updates every two weeks. I don't think the continuum has ever updated or not that I noticed.

The other carriers in this area are not the greatest in support so that's why I stay with Verizon.

You know, I wondered why this thing had WiFi on it. I think I've not been paying attention. hmmmph

08-29-2011, 08:55 PM
I have an Iphone that my work gave me, and I like it, I guess ;) It makes my job a billion times easier, but if I didn't need it for work I doubt it'd get much use. I do really like getting my emails on it though, and I use the map feature daily. (I'm just trying not to get attached to it so I won't be heartbroken when I give it back in 6 months).

I do find random addicting games that I obsess over for a period of time, then move on to the next random addicting game. :o

08-30-2011, 10:24 AM
I just got my first smartphone, too! This weekend, in fact.

I got the Droid 3. I ordered it from Verizon online, should have it in a couple of days. I have heard good things, aside from the battery life issue. But I hear that about all of them. I went with the Droid 3 because I really like having a little keyboard to do my texting on. I'm old, and like being able to type on a keyboard instead of the screen.

I was actually thinking about this phone too. I too think I would miss having an actual keyboard to type on. Let me know how you like it!

08-30-2011, 10:26 AM
It's a bad idea to get rid of your land line, as if you dial 911 from a cell phone, they have no idea where you are, but if you dial it from a land line, their computer system can always find you!

Paul has an iPhone, it's perfectly fine. We don't use our cell phones a lot, but his always works when he needs it!

I actually heard on the news the other day that they are now making it so that when you call 911 they will be able to tell where you are on a cell phone. Just a kind of GPS system I guess.

08-30-2011, 10:29 AM

My boyfriend has an Evo also and my brother just got the Evo 3D. I like it from what I've used of them.
Battery life unfortunately is the let down of any touch screen now a days. I'm sure they'll eventually make a new technology so that they last longer.

Thanks for the comments everyone! I'll let you know what I decide!

Sure wish they would tell me exactly what day the IPhone 5 comes out though.... I would hate to buy the 4th one because I know the 5 comes out in September sometime! I'll bet they'll be on back order though.

I'm thinking about the Incredible 2, Droid 3, and Thunderbolt right now.

08-30-2011, 12:10 PM
You could pre-order an iphone 5, couldn't you?

08-30-2011, 02:31 PM
I have the HTC Incredible through Verizon Wireless. I was thinking about waiting till they had the IPhone, but the Android had me hooked when I played with it in the store. I love it! :)

08-30-2011, 02:45 PM
I actually heard on the news the other day that they are now making it so that when you call 911 they will be able to tell where you are on a cell phone. Just a kind of GPS system I guess.

You are right. Many smartphones have Enhanced 9-1-1 enabled automatically. It's on my droid and it's a feature that can't be shut off.



08-31-2011, 11:12 AM
It's a bad idea to get rid of your land line, as if you dial 911 from a cell phone, they have no idea where you are, but if you dial it from a land line, their computer system can always find you!

I haven't had a land line in years. I think most people can agree that the need to have a land line to call 911, just in case, is pretty remote. However, I have used my CELL phone to call 911 often- to report accidents, situations that the police should be aware, etc. I have my CELL phone with me at all times. A land line? It is only in one fixed location. I have also used my CELL phone to call 911, while inside my house.

Poor land line phone companies. The monopoly they enjoyed for so many years is just gone.

08-31-2011, 11:21 AM
I have a landline, and a Blackberry Pearl for my business (and some personal).

Just voice and text. That's it. Works great for me!:)

08-31-2011, 11:58 AM
I haven't had a land line in years. I think most people can agree that the need to have a land line to call 911, just in case, is pretty remote. However, I have used my CELL phone to call 911 often- to report accidents, situations that the police should be aware, etc. I have my CELL phone with me at all times. A land line? It is only in one fixed location. I have also used my CELL phone to call 911, while inside my house.

Poor land line phone companies. The monopoly they enjoyed for so many years is just gone.

You live in an area where coverage must be pretty good, no matter where you are. That's not the case for everyone. You are also relatively young, but when an elderly person has a stroke or fall and cannot speak, the cell phone is of limited help.

08-31-2011, 12:07 PM
@Karen- well, I do appreciate the 'relatively young' part. If an elderly person has a stroke or a fall, chances are good they aren't standing up, walking 30 feet to the land line and placing a call to 911. A cell phone would be a much better bet, it is small, portable and easy to use.

Its 2011, most of us don't live in the wild boonies of no cell service. Most of us don't fall or have a stroke, and if we do, well...we aren't getting up to call 911. I would still kick the land line to the curb. I did, and haven't ever looked back. I am also pretty eager and open to change. For my age.

08-31-2011, 06:11 PM
@Karen- well, I do appreciate the 'relatively young' part. If an elderly person has a stroke or a fall, chances are good they aren't standing up, walking 30 feet to the land line and placing a call to 911.

Most of the elderly I have dealt with over the years have a phone in every room of the house, for example, one by the bed (frequent fall zone) one on the kitchen table, one near their living room chair, and that physical "land line" can be used to pull the phone closer to them (and snagging it with a cane has been brought up, too). And they've thought about this, every one that I have known, and have a big button or preset for 911. I still advise any elders to get and carry a (charged) cell phone for whenever they exit their own door, but many of them rarely do, anyway.

Look at the map some time, that the cell phone companies use to brag about their coverage, and you'll still see large swaths of the country get little to no coverage. And where we live, coverage can be blocked in certain areas by buildings, hills, etc., even though every map will tell you we get service everywhere here.

09-01-2011, 12:07 AM
I currently have a Samsung Fascinate - I have Verizon - Hate it - so once the iPhone 5 comes out - I will be switching to AT&T and to the iPhone. :)

09-01-2011, 09:02 AM
I don't know any elderly person that has a phone in every room in their house. We must be more frugal here in the midwest. LOL.

09-01-2011, 09:15 AM
I don't know any elderly person that has a phone in every room in their house. We must be more frugal here in the midwest. LOL.

Or have bigger/more rooms! ;)

09-01-2011, 09:29 AM
I don't know any elderly person that has a phone in every room in their house. We must be more frugal here in the midwest. LOL.

At 67 I suppose I have to be considered "elderly". :eek: I still have a land line, but only because I have to have it for the Rescue Alert system that I have. I don't have a phone in every room - I have a phone in my bedroom as I have always had, and the main one with the answering machine and the alert monitor is in the kitchen. No large buttons!!! :p I have my cell, but never think to take it with me when I just go outside in the yard, but my panic button for the alert system is always with me and has a 600' range. When I fell on the ice at the end of my driveway and fractured my hip, I didn't have this system, and if someone hadn't seen me laying there in the freezing rain, I would have been there till the family got home from work. I don't trust my cell in an emergency out here in the semi-boonies. Sometimes reception is good, other times, not.

09-01-2011, 11:48 AM
I have the Droid, and LOVE it. I hated my crackberry. I have Verizon, and get near perfect reception, rarely drop a call (unless it is because of the touch screen being touched by my fat face), and can't believe how much simpler life is with a 'smart' phone. Makes me smarter, I swear. I have my calendar on it, it links through google, so it is backed up daily. I like conveniences, like microwaves, toaster ovens, coffee makers, pre-set radio station buttons, a/c, etc. Could I live without them? Sure, but why would I want to?

Pom- you aren't elderly. You are elderly/NR. If you ever look at the real estate ads, you should get that one quickly. LOL.

09-01-2011, 12:17 PM
Pom- you aren't elderly. You are elderly/NR.. If you ever look at the real estate ads, you should get that one quickly. LOL.

I don't look at real estates ads, but let me guess; elderly/No Rugrats?? :D

And my son loves his Droid too. I can't believe all that it can do. Too much for me..........

Scooter's Mom
09-01-2011, 06:56 PM
Been playing with my droid 3 for a few days now.


09-04-2011, 08:03 PM
I have a Nokia E71. It's a good phone, with great to excellent battery life depending on what I'm using it for. I found a good balance with it - I like the keyboard; It's excellent for texting and such, but I simply just don't enjoy watching huge HD videos or writing blog posts or other such things that more featured smartphones are used for, on a smartphone. If I need to do any of that, I'll just tether my laptop to my phone and use the laptop via the phone's 3G connection.

I'm a fan of Android (mostly because of the Linux-based aspect and the fact that it's not like a preschool toy (iPhone)), and if I had the money to spare I would buy a phone that's loaded with it, but I'm happy with my setup as it is.

09-04-2011, 09:56 PM
Thanks for all the replies guys. I ended up going w Android. The HTC Thunderbolt. I heard battery life is very poor due to the 4G but I can just charge it in my car while I'm in classes. Love it so far! I'm actually on it to right now!