View Full Version : What am I not doing?

08-24-2011, 05:53 PM
I've heard it's a good idea to put your hand in the pups bowl when it's young to prevent food aggression. I've been doing it off and on since I got her, and today she actually growled at me when I did it. I immediately corrected her and she had to wait til she was calm before she could eat again. I did it again, she growled. So I corrected again. The third time she didn't growl so I let her eat.

Am I not suppose to do this? I do not want her to be aggressive. I try to do everything I can think of to show her I'm in charge. She waits at the door for me to enter or leave first. She sleeps in a pen at night. She's not allowed up on any furniture. I feel I'm doing it right, so why would she feel she needs to growl at me? Obviously she doesn't see me as being the leader...So, how can I make her see I am?

08-24-2011, 05:56 PM
You are not doing anything wrong, she is a puppy. She will test her boundaries over and over, until you are at your wits' end, and then suddenly she'll stop! I have never heard of putting your hand IN a dog's food bowl, mind you. But we never had a problem with food aggression, either.

08-24-2011, 06:02 PM
I just worry I'm doing it wrong and will MAKE her aggressive over her food. I just heard that if you do that she'll learn I can be around her food and she doesn't need to worry that I'll take it from her.

08-24-2011, 06:17 PM
LOL, te joys of puppy hood!

You are on the right track, as Karen said.

She is a puppy, learning things. I ve not heard of putting your hand in the bowl, but it sounds like you did very well, she learned that if she wanted to eat, she best NOT growl. GOOD JOB! Do this few times, and then you will think you are all set.

You are going to teach her lots. Some she will even master. And THEN . . . your beautifully trained baby girl is going to hit the teens years and rebel; you will feel you have to start all over again! :D Just stick with your training, you are doing great.

She isn't a teen yet, she is still just learning. I'm just pointing out, you will see set backs now and then, for varied reasons. Don't lose heart, just return to consistent training.

08-24-2011, 08:34 PM
You're actually doing everything right. Every dog will test you at some time as Karen said and your pup is doing it right now. Just be persistant and make sure she lets you do what you want with her bowl. Every so often when you take her bowl you could add something yummy in it so she realizes that it pays to let you be the boss. Work with the NILIF method and the pup will get on the right track real quick. Make her sit, down or stand before she gets to eat, that really works wonders too.

08-24-2011, 09:16 PM
You're actually doing everything right. Every dog will test you at some time as Karen said and your pup is doing it right now. Just be persistant and make sure she lets you do what you want with her bowl. Every so often when you take her bowl you could add something yummy in it so she realizes that it pays to let you be the boss. Work with the NILIF method and the pup will get on the right track real quick. Make her sit, down or stand before she gets to eat, that really works wonders too.

Thanks, it's good to know I'm not messing up. She has to sit, and wait calmly before she gets to eat. Sometimes I get her to "down" and "paw" too. This is the first she growled at me, she has growled at my boyfriend before too. He corrected her as well.

08-24-2011, 10:06 PM
Your doing well. I used to do that with Sam when he was a puppy, and he hasn't developed food aggression until recently. I think he learned it from Molli.

Molli is horribly food aggressive at times. As long as no one bothers her she won't snap. It's NO fun to deal with, better prevent it than let it start!

She's so young and still learning. Seems like your doing a great job with her so far!

08-24-2011, 10:55 PM
Yeah you are doing nothing wrong especially if you want kids down the line if you don't have them that is... is she on NILIF?? (nothing in life is free) if not, do that with her it helps a lot of dogs that are dominant or trying to be. Just don't put your hands in her food AFTER giving it to her, that really isn't fair really.

08-25-2011, 02:45 AM
I don't see that you're doing anything wrong what so ever, but...
just don't give it a Key to the Refrigerator. :D

08-25-2011, 08:07 AM
I don't think there's any particular move you're making that's totally wrong. Hand feeding or putting your hand in the bowl is great for teaching tolerance around the food bowl.

I hate to be mean, but I do think dogs pick up on personalities and with all the questions you've had, you seem very insecure. Not that this is unusual for a first time owner, especially if they've been exposed to extreme training methods like the dog whisperer. I don't believe you have a dominant personality to begin with. Dominance does not mean you are mean to the dog or some sort of punisher. It means you are confident and can lead naturally. Know what you want to do and do it, don't go into a situation with anxiety that it may not work. Its not really something that can be taught though, only developed perhaps with time and experience.

On another note, I think sleeping in the pen is a bunch of bologna. Yes, it great for a dog to be comfortable in the pen in case of emergency, but it does not make you any more of a leader. Let a puppy sleep on your lap and they will learn to be secure and totally relaxed around you. Make them sleep in a pen and they will be a "lone wolf" only secure enough to be sleeping deeply when they are alone, alert and awake when you let them out to be around you. Why would they have to be alert and awake when they are around you if they can trust you? Don't forget to play and have fun and don't worry that tug o war is going to make her aggressive. The bond you form with your dog will determine how well they will listen to you. Free-will following is always better than a dog who follows against their will.

08-25-2011, 08:21 AM
I am impressed with all that you have taught your pupster so far. I would keep doing what you are doing with the food problem.

I have this thing that I do, or say, when my dog is doing something wrong. It stops her dead in her tracks....it's a word of sorts....I do a ...constant sound (pick you own...hey hey hey, or shhhhhhhhh or whatever...lol) that gets her attention and lets her know she needs to stop it....of course, it doesn't work when they are running away!:rolleyes: The sound sometimes is easier than saying drop it....when she is outside especially.....

Wait is a really important doggie thing to. My dog gets it. She will stop on the steps or whatever she is doing.....well, most everything.

I still cannot get my dog to come to me off leash where there are no fences. She runs the other direction. I see more doggie training in my future!

Anyway, you are doing a fine job. Keep taking the upper hand with your pup, and you will be fine. It will pay off later in life, honestly.

Good luck. More pictures please.:cool:

08-25-2011, 05:01 PM
I know I almost NEVER post here, but I wanted to share this article about a dog & growling:


You can be leading yourself to even worse problems if you punish a dog from growling. Growling is not a behavior problem that your dog has - it is a reaction to YOUR behavior. You just need to find a different way to relate to your dog when it comes to food. Things like this game: http://tailsofsuccessny.com/web_media/Give%20Command.pdf can be modified to work in favor of you AND your dog.

Just a different point of view - veering away from the whole 'pack leader' / 'dominance theory' ideas....

08-25-2011, 05:19 PM
I haven't been around here for some time, but I stopped by for a browse today and your post caught my eye.

I'm going to stray from popular opinion here and say that maybe you should back off a bit on the testing/dominance type things at mealtime. Growling is not always a sign of a dog thinking they are the leader. It's also a purely defensive gesture. I have 3 dogs, and my most submissive dog will most definitely growl defensively if he feels cornered and that he might lose his meal to my more dominant girl. As an aside, an interesting thing about this is my oldest and the one who is at the top of the pack order between them NEVER tries to take food or bones away from the other two. It's my middle girl who pushes more than she should. She never asserts her control or dominance by taking something that has been given to the others.

Anyway, it's possible if you do this at every feeding or most feedings that you are creating an anxious and defensive feeling environment for her when she is trying to eat. Some behaviorists even suggest when taking away something a dog isn't supposed to have that offering something (an appropriate toy) as an alternative is a positive way to redirect attention from what is being taken away. If your pup didn't growl before but is starting to, she might be feeling a mounting tension and increasing threat. If she is not growling as you approach her bowl, or give her a quick pat as she eats, I'd just let her eat in peace and foster a confidence that she has nothing to be defensive about.

It is just something to think about. It may not be dominance at all, but anxiety and pressure that she is feeling. If she then reacts because of that and is corrected, it could exacerbate issues in a way that is undesirable.

A few years ago I read a book called The Dog Listener by Jan Fennell. While I don't agree that there is any simple solution that deals with all dogs and all issues, her philosophy on showing leadership and assertion was one that really changed how I think about dogs and the cues they take from us. I even recall a chapter specifically dealing with food issues and her experience with it. I'd highly recommend the book for learning how to behave in a way that makes your dog choose to follow you as leader rather than enforcing it upon them.

08-25-2011, 05:52 PM
Um punishing a dog for growling will NOT make them aggressive in my experience. Growling is not acceptable in my house and will not be tolerated unless the person deserves it.

If they are being a naughty puppy, it's BEST to teach them it is NOT acceptable to growl unless you are in a really bad situation and if the OP is planning on kids or has kids it's best that she plays with the food bowl a bit.

Unstable genetics is what causes aggression in dogs.. if you don't discipline your dog for growling the dog will think it's OK when it's not acceptable behavior to growl at the hand that feeds it. You should be able to take anything away from your dog.

I would understand if the dog was starved and scrounging on the streets for food and then was rescued; but this is a VERY young puppy we are talking about here. Better to put your hand in a dog's food bowl as a puppy than to try it when the dog is full grown and you had them since a pup. Like I said I think this dog would benefit from NILIF.

08-25-2011, 07:25 PM
Unstable genetics is what causes aggression in dogs..

That's a very broad and sweeping statement and one I disagree with strongly. Environmental factors and experiences can very much play a role in developing behavior problems including "aggression." I say "aggression" because far too often everything is thrown into the pot and called aggression when it's not. Insecurity, fear, defensiveness, anxiety can all play a part in a dog growling and it may have nothing to do with aggression. Genetics can certainly predispose dogs to being less mentally stable, just like a person can be more predisposed to depression or other mental problems genetically, but it is by far not only factor that determines if a person, or dog, will develop mental or emotional problems.

Puppyhood is a crucial time for a dog and they go through various stages as they learn to develop trust in the people around them. I'm not there, obviously, and can't see exactly what is going on, but it sounds like this food testing is done fairly often, and if so it could very well be causing an anxious and defensive situation for her. As a puppy she knows "I need food to survive" instinctively. She doesn't have the trust and understanding yet that comes with time in building a relationship between human and dog. It does not by any means necessarily mean she considers herself "the boss."

I understand this is a different viewpoint and perspective on the situation than what some others have presented. I'd like to point out that I'm not out to call anyone wrong or bad, but sometimes there are more complex factors going on that may not be taken into consideration, and it's always good to get those different perspectives and then make a decision on what feels right to you. Dogs are more complex than we give them credit for sometimes, and are certainly capable of becoming stressed and acting out. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and determine what we are doing and if there are different approaches we can make.

I've read countless books, watched anything I could find on dogs and dog behavior, because I think there is always more to learn. Even after having dogs for 25 some years I feel like I'm always learning something new, always considering a new perspective on something I hadn't considered before. Even when one author's view may clash with another's, I always feel like I take something of value from their insights and experiences.

Clover looks adorable and I hope you get through this little hitch with her quickly.

Edited to add: My own suggestion would be to start working with the "leave it" command. It's very easy and is a nice way to build trust between you and the pup as well as teach a valuable command. Make a game out if it. Make it fun. It will build your relationship and I bet will take care of any food protective reactions. Here's a link that explains more specifically how to teach it. http://www.boxerworld.com/forums/view_the-leave-it-command.htm Once she knows that, you can practice with her at dinnertime with setting her bowl down and having her leave it for a moment or two and then praising happily and saying ok so she can eat.

08-25-2011, 08:18 PM
Um punishing a dog for growling will NOT make them aggressive in my experience.

Punishing a dog for giving a warning signal, such as growling, will teach the dog to ditch the warning signal and bite instead.

My JRT Micki growls constantly. He'll growl and snuggle into your lap at the same time.

Sowa, all that talk about entering doors first, not sleeping on the bed, etc is all bologna in my book. Do what you can to build a relationship and trust with her and try not to make it so much as you being 'in charge' and dominant over her.

08-25-2011, 10:02 PM
Nobody ever said anything about hitting the dog. ;) If you tell a dog not to growl, it's only showing it that warnings are pointless. This causes you to create a dog that bites without an obvious warning.

I'm not saying you should ignore the growling, but you need to address the problem and not the symptom. The dog is obviously uncomfortable about something and that issue should be addressed, not the dog telling you that it's uncomfortable.

Malibu's Mom
08-25-2011, 10:25 PM
Count me in with the ones who do not believe in punishing a growl. All you're going to do is create a dog who is fearful of expressing itself. When my dog growls (which is very rare, because I usually spot his behavior prior to growling and act accordingly), you know what I do? I back off! A growl is a symptom, not the underlying problem. You need to take a step back, think about what caused the growl, and then take a different approach. You need to work on changing her underlying emotions around food.

By punishing her, you are, at the moment, actively creating a negative association with people being near her while she is eating. This will create a dog that is defensive and timid while eating. I've seen it in plenty of dogs, including in my OWN dog, after I used force-based training methods to fix his mild food aggression (and, no, I didn't do it "wrong", I actually have good natural timing, which has come very handy in clicker training)

Here is an good excerpt from Sophia Yin's article (http://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/treatment_of_food_possessive_dogs_is_about_finesse _not_force) on how to deal with resource guarding. This is method 1 -
"At every meal, while Fido's eating his plain dog food, stand a safe distance away and toss a steady stream (10-30) of bite-sized treats that he loves. Then, when he's finished and has nothing left to guard, move closer and toss more treats to him or into his bowl. Note that you'll have to cut back on his regular food so that he gets his normal daily caloric alottment of food. After a few meals using this method, move a bit closer each day, always staying outside Fido's defensive range. If Fido tenses up or even growls, then you've moved too close, too quickly, so watch his body language closely. The key is that he stays relaxed at all times around the bowl and learns to expect even better treats from you. If this method takes you any more than a week, or Fido looks tense, or you're in any doubt about your ability to safely read Fido's mood, then you should go to method 2."

I also suggest "trading" the food bowl for a high value treat, and feeding by hand.

I also need to add this. Sowa, it seems as though you are very concerned with your dog's behavior. That's very good! But what's worrying me is that you appear to also be concerned about constantly making sure you are the "boss."

Please, do yourself a favor and don't think that way. I did the same thing for many years of my dog's life. I was a rabid Dog Whisperer fan and was constantly correcting my dog. Our lives were not happy because I was always so concerned about whether or not I was the "dominant" one. I read a great book by ethologist and dog behavior specialist Dr. Patricia McConell called The Other End of The Leash and it really changed my mindset. I stopped worrying and just starting enjoying him. He's much happier and so am I. This does NOT mean he does not have boundaries and does whatever he pleases. He doesn't, but I rarely have to redirect him anymore because I'm always making it clear what I want him to do, not what I don't want him to do.

Instead of looking for reasons to say NO, look for reasons to say YES! That's the fundamental idea that has totally changed the way I relate to ALL the animals I work with, whether it be dogs, cats, horses or birds.

I'm only saying this because I wish somebody would've told me this earlier. I wish somebody would have recommended books like The Other End of The Leash and The Culture Clash. I don't know if I would've listened, but I hope I would have.

Sowa, I really hope you can enjoy your dog as a puppy as much as possible. It's such a precious time. :)

08-25-2011, 10:26 PM
Nobody ever said anything about hitting the dog. ;) If you tell a dog not to growl, it's only showing it that warnings are pointless. This causes you to create a dog that bites without an obvious warning.

I'm not saying you should ignore the growling, but you need to address the problem and not the symptom. The dog is obviously uncomfortable about something and that issue should be addressed, not the dog telling you that it's uncomfortable.

I am not sure exactly what you're addressing in this comment. If you tell a dog not to growl (unacceptable behavior) it is not going to drive them to bite! Get real. I TOTALLY do not agree with you! You can't read a dog's mind. How can you determine why the dog is "obviously uncomfortable"...... My dog has growled at me - when she was young and guess what, she has NEVER bitten me or anyone else. She was told NO when she growled.


08-25-2011, 10:33 PM
I agree with k9krazee and K9soul. Worry less about "asserting dominance" and focus more about building trust between you and your dog :)

08-25-2011, 11:18 PM
I am not sure exactly what you're addressing in this comment. If you tell a dog not to growl (unacceptable behavior) it is not going to drive them to bite! Get real. I TOTALLY do not agree with you! You can't read a dog's mind. How can you determine why the dog is "obviously uncomfortable"...... My dog has growled at me - when she was young and guess what, she has NEVER bitten me or anyone else. She was told NO when she growled.


Three rolly eyes, I win! :D

Growling is unacceptable behavior to whom? Growling is the dog's way of letting you know that they feel threatened, uncomfortable, possessive, defensive, whatever. I don't have to read the dog's mind to know that that.

Let's say a dog has a bone and it growls at you because it doesn't want you to take the bone. You tell the dog not to growl. He STILL feels uneasy that you're going to take the bone away. You stopped the growling, but you didn't stop the way he feels in the situation. I'm not saying that it will "drive the dog to bite", but he's not left with many other options to let you know how he's feeling. Some dogs may submit to the correction and you won't have any problems, some may feel like they have to use physical means to get the point across. All dogs are different and all situations are different.

I'm not advocating letting the dog get away with growling, just that you should look into the cause of the growling. In the bone situation I'd play trade games until the dog felt comfortable giving up his bone, thus eliminating the growling without correcting the dog for doing it. I want to teach the dog not to feel possessive or uneasy that I'll take it away.

Or in Clover's situation I'd probably cut back on sticking my hands into her food bowl. Too much of a good thing can be bad. Maybe instead I'd hand feed her or use her meal times as training times. I'm a huge advocate of hand feeding your dog anyway, I think it's a nice bonding thing.

08-25-2011, 11:20 PM
I don't think there's any particular move you're making that's totally wrong. Hand feeding or putting your hand in the bowl is great for teaching tolerance around the food bowl.

I hate to be mean, but I do think dogs pick up on personalities and with all the questions you've had, you seem very insecure. Not that this is unusual for a first time owner, especially if they've been exposed to extreme training methods like the dog whisperer. I don't believe you have a dominant personality to begin with. Dominance does not mean you are mean to the dog or some sort of punisher. It means you are confident and can lead naturally. Know what you want to do and do it, don't go into a situation with anxiety that it may not work. Its not really something that can be taught though, only developed perhaps with time and experience.

On another note, I think sleeping in the pen is a bunch of bologna. Yes, it great for a dog to be comfortable in the pen in case of emergency, but it does not make you any more of a leader. Let a puppy sleep on your lap and they will learn to be secure and totally relaxed around you. Make them sleep in a pen and they will be a "lone wolf" only secure enough to be sleeping deeply when they are alone, alert and awake when you let them out to be around you. Why would they have to be alert and awake when they are around you if they can trust you? Don't forget to play and have fun and don't worry that tug o war is going to make her aggressive. The bond you form with your dog will determine how well they will listen to you. Free-will following is always better than a dog who follows against their will.

I'm not a first time owner. She is the second pup I've had, my first was 13 years ago so no I don't remember everything. I want to raise her right, I don't think there is anything wrong with asking a lot of questions. That doesn't make me insecure. I'm very firm with my dogs, but not mean. I also have a lot of fun with them. Just because the only things you hear from me are questions, doesn't mean I'm clueless. :p

My pup only sleeps in her pen when I'm out or over night because she is in a stage where she is into everything and I'm worried she'll eat something she's not suppose to. Anytime I'm around, she is allowed out with me. I have lots of bonding time with her. When she is old enough and house broken, she will no longer need a pen.

We have a lot of play time too. Maybe I mistook what you said, but it sorta felt to me you're saying I'm not letting her be a dog and have fun.

I just need to know I'm on the right track with her, as I said it's been a while since I've raised a pup. I worry about her, and I want her to have the happiest life possible.

08-25-2011, 11:31 PM
As for the other comments...I guess everyone has their own way to deal with their dogs behavior. I have seen dogs get extremely food aggressive and was told this was a good way to show them they don't need to worry about it.

I never hit her, or hurt her. I simply say shhh! She'll stop and sit for a second and she can have it back. I don't do this everyday. Only every so often.

I sort of feel maybe I should back off with the questions. I'll just do as I feel is right for me. I've been doing a lot of research on training as well as take her to puppy classes. I just like to hear from other people their opinions.

I really won't accept growling though. It's not even about dominance or whatevr I just won't accept it. She won't get away with behavior I don't like. I don't see anything wrong with that.

08-26-2011, 08:56 AM
I don't think anyone here is advocating ignoring or accepting growling. As k9krazee says it's better to focus on the root of the problem, however, which is building a trusting relationship with the dog so that growling just doesn't even come up. Making a training game with meal time, teaching "leave it", etc, are ways of doing this. It's a different approach than "I'm going to put my hand in your food and if you react wrong I will take it away." which doesn't address the underlying issue of trust and deepening your relationship, which would eliminate any possible anxiety or defensiveness she may feel about her food.

But do realize many people have many different views on dog behavior, dog training, dog problems, and that yes, you will get many conflicting views because of this. When it turns into rolling eyes emotes and people getting more personal it probably really does make you feel uneasy. I would just suggest to continue reading up on various viewpoints, maybe trying some of the books out there on dog behavior because even if you don't agree with everything an author says, you can still learn and gain a lot from it. I'm sure your pup will do just fine.

08-26-2011, 10:42 AM
Sowa, your sound like a loving pupster parent. You seem to be doing a good job of giving loving instructions and direction to your little one! Clover looks like a happy pup for sure. You want a well behaved, safe, happy dog like we all do. Some of us have different approaches to training a dog and allowing it to blossom, if you will.

No one could love their dogs more than we do and all want to do the right thing. The problem comes up when we don't agree - and guess what? Each dog is so different, that there are many ways to get YOUR dog to behave. You have to do what works for you.

I really enjoy seeing your photos of Clover. She is such a pretty girl. They grow up so quickly, so enjoy her puppyhood while you can.

My pup is now 18 months old and is settled down. She is the love of my life. She is a good girl and loves her Mom, for sure. She is my shadow except when at the dog park! She loves her buddies too!

Keep up the good work. It will pay off in the end. Lots of positive reinforcement for good behavior. I, too, agree with saying NO and Shhhh.

08-26-2011, 07:48 PM
I would never punish a dog for growling. This will just lead them to stop growling all together, which is a warning signal you want to be there. I would stop trying to be the 'dominant' one and start trying to be a team. You need to teach her she can trust you. (EDIT: I see you aren't worried about being the 'dominant' one. That's good :-D) She's uncomfortable with how close you are to her food because she thinks you're going to take it away. So in essence, taking the food away will just reinforce her behavior because you ARE taking it away. Instead, I would take a handful of kibble out of her bowl before you give it to her, sit next to her as close as she is comfortable, and casually toss a kibble in her bowl here and there. She will learn that you are the provider of good things, and when you are around, you give her things. If you ever do need to take her bowl away, it's best to trade it with something amazing, like a little bit of shredded boiled chicken, or something way higher in value than plain ol' kibble.

There are quit a few good books on resource guarding/fear issues.

This one is EXCELLENT


08-26-2011, 08:21 PM
I would never punish a dog for growling. This will just lead them to stop growling all together, which is a warning signal you want to be there. I would stop trying to be the 'dominant' one and start trying to be a team. You need to teach her she can trust you. (EDIT: I see you aren't worried about being the 'dominant' one. That's good :-D) She's uncomfortable with how close you are to her food because she thinks you're going to take it away. So in essence, taking the food away will just reinforce her behavior because you ARE taking it away. Instead, I would take a handful of kibble out of her bowl before you give it to her, sit next to her as close as she is comfortable, and casually toss a kibble in her bowl here and there. She will learn that you are the provider of good things, and when you are around, you give her things. If you ever do need to take her bowl away, it's best to trade it with something amazing, like a little bit of shredded boiled chicken, or something way higher in value than plain ol' kibble.

There are quit a few good books on resource guarding/fear issues.

This one is EXCELLENT


Thanks for the alternative. Maybe I'll try that.

08-27-2011, 07:31 AM
I would never punish a dog for growling. This will just lead them to stop growling all together, which is a warning signal you want to be there.

Totally agree. Dogs can't talk, so they growl to let you know something isn't right. It's up to us to figure out why they're growling and remedy the situation or reassure them if they're afraid of something.

Keep asking questions Sowa even though some may cause a difference of opinion, we can all always learn more.;) Oh and by the way, here at Pet Talk, the more questions you ask, the more pictures you have to post!:D:p

08-27-2011, 08:08 AM
Keep asking questions Sowa even though some may cause a difference of opinion, we can all always learn more.;)

Yes, absolutely! :)

08-27-2011, 10:25 AM
Oh and by the way, here at Pet Talk, the more questions you ask, the more pictures you have to post!:D:p

oh, and I definately agree with this statement.:D LOL

08-27-2011, 12:49 PM
There will always be a differing of opinions as there are SO many ways to train. That's why you must simply do research, learn what you feel is right and comfortable, and follow what you want and just tell the others you don't feel comfortable with that approach. But it's always good to hear from all the different sides, because then you can really believe in what you are doing, but still try to understand maybe why others feel the way they do.

08-27-2011, 05:38 PM
Well she still growls, even if you just pat her (not even going near her food). So I tried to feeding it by hand. She didn't mind that. I'm a little confused as to what's right. I see so many people saying different things. Honestly I just want whats best for Clover and what will make her a happy pup. I'll do or try anything to accomplish that.

08-27-2011, 06:36 PM
Puppies change every day. I think whatever you elect to do, if it is change from what has been done in the past, it will take time for Clover to catch on to the new routine.

Some people feed their dogs in their crates! My dog free feeds. I fill her bowl up every three days! That's how long it takes her to eat her food. She is not a big eater. She would probably gobble it if there was another dog around. She does not have a weight issue.

Hand feeding sound like fun for Clover but not for you. Why not just let her eat..... and leave her alone? I think most people end up feeding their dogs once a day, once they are older, so you would need to deal with the situation once a day. To tell you the truth, I've never taken Prue's food from her. I never thought to do that. I am sure she could care less what I do with her food since it isn't the highlight of her life....eating, that is. Now treats could be another story. Actually, she only growls when something is outside and she doesn't know what or who it is..... and then she barks.

Maybe someone else has a better idea about your concern over Clover's food growling..... I would just leave her be....to eat in peace if that's what she wants. Maybe she'll outgrow it.

Prue was terrified of going up and down steps, for months. I would have to carry her. Then, one step at a time, she decided it was ok. Now she is up and down with ease. She had to grow up a little, built some confidence I suppose. My princess!

08-27-2011, 07:33 PM
What I personally would do:

If she knows sit, I'd have her sit or lay down and reward her with her dinner. I'd just put it down and walk away and let her eat at that point.

If I wanted to reinforce for awhile that good things come from my hand, I might sometimes feed her a few kernels first and then set the bowl down, or feed her part of her dinner and then add a bit more as she eats or when she finishes. This would not be a permanent thing I'd do forever. It would just be something for awhile to teach her that I am the food bearer and bringer of good things.

I'd teach her "leave it," and once she has a grasp on it practice "leave it" before dinner and then rewarding with dinner.

I also highly recommend clicker training, it's a wonderful and positive way of making training fun, and a way of "marking" the behaviors you want her to know are good.

http://www.clickertraining.com/ Is a good place to learn more.

I bet it'll turn out just fine. Don't get too distressed.

08-27-2011, 08:45 PM
I'll just keep doing things my way and keep it to myself or ask Clovers obedience trainer when she starts. I tend to take things from forums personally lol.

Just so you know though, I do not do this every meal. I don't even do it that often. As for the hand feeding I only fed her a few mouth fulls and let her be.

I just know these things can escalate. And I'm not going to have her bite my young niece or nephew some day they are over and pat her without thinking and have her bite them. I'm not saying she would do that, she's a sweet dog. I just would rather her know she doesn't need to growl.

I guess I felt even when I tried to take someones suggestion, I still get shot down saying "You're doing it wrong!" Which makes me feel bad, because I'm trying to do everything I can for her.

08-27-2011, 09:58 PM
I wasn't trying to imply you were doing things wrong. Just throwing out there what I personally would try to do. I'm sorry if you are offended. Sometimes it takes some trial and error, because every dog is different.

08-27-2011, 10:22 PM
I wasn't referring to you or any one person. Sorry if it seemed that way.

08-27-2011, 10:28 PM
I can empathize in how it would be uncomfortable to have people scrutinizing what you are or aren't doing, what you should or shouldn't do. That's a reason I like to read articles and books a lot. They aren't personally looking at me and saying "Ah! that's not the way!" :p. I have no doubts that you're a very caring dog mom.

08-27-2011, 10:59 PM
When all of my dogs were puppies I put my hand in their bowl every so often to get them used to me being around them with food...fed them from my hand...never dealt with the growling issue but I can say none of my dogs are food aggressive with people at all. They can be brats about sharing with other dogs though. I could take a steak out of their mouths and they would be okay with it. One thing I did that may help is a lot of times when I put my hand in their food dish I'd be adding a treat to their dish too. So me putting my hand in their food was often a positive thing for them. You may have said you already tried that I didn't read all of the responses so sorry if somebody mentioned that already.

08-29-2011, 08:27 PM
Feeding from your hand isn't bad. I know many many people, and I would do the same if I fed kibble, that make the dogs work for every piece of their kibble. Throughout the day, using their kibble as treats in small training sessions. Or feeding half the allotted amount and using the other half for training sessions.

Don't worry, there are lots of ways to deal with things and someone will always find something wrong. But then that means someone will always find what you're doing right. :-D Lol