View Full Version : New avitar!

11-07-2002, 08:39 PM
Hey everyone, I have a new avitar! yippee.....let me know what you guys think of it ok. :D

11-07-2002, 08:56 PM
i love it its socute!!!!

11-07-2002, 09:01 PM
It looks great! Could you tell us the names and type of the critters you have in there? I see a cute hedgehog, and is it a gerbil or chinchilla or what else?

11-07-2002, 09:50 PM
Urrgh! I am trying to add a pic to my sig and it won't work!:mad:

11-07-2002, 09:55 PM
hehe I am such a dork!!!!!!

Well I got the sig to work but I mispelled my dogs name at the end. :rolleyes: Now I have to start over, lol. Oh, well. It will be updated soon.

11-07-2002, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
It looks great! Could you tell us the names and type of the critters you have in there? I see a cute hedgehog, and is it a gerbil or chinchilla or what else?

Ok I will start with the first pic:

1)Pantangonian Cavie (Homer) and Bun Bun the bunny
2)Speedy the Hedgehog
3)Peanut the rock cavie
4)Speedy the Hedgehog
5)Male degu (no name)
6)Chinchilly Willy the Chinchilla

Like my signature?

11-08-2002, 05:07 AM
Peanut's the one from the avatar that I think is SOOOOOOO cute. Good work on bothe slide shows.

11-08-2002, 06:45 AM
How cool!! :D :)

11-08-2002, 07:32 AM
There so cute!!, i LOVE the signatature.

11-08-2002, 07:34 AM
They are both wonderful!

11-08-2002, 08:09 AM
They are so cute! Good job. I still couldn't figure out how to do those. :o Do I need Photoshop? I have the CD but its not installed on my computer. Guess I'll have to install it.

11-08-2002, 01:10 PM
Thanks everyone. Those were my first attempts at an animation that wasn't scripted. It's so much easier to use an animation than script, sheesh.

Anyways, my first attempt was the avitar. There were a few pics I had to take out because it was too big to be uploaded. The second Thanksgiving pic was my second attempt. My first ones ever....and they turned out ok! hehe.

I will try to attach another animated banner I created for my website but it might be too big to upload. Anyway, you all will see it eventually.

Yes Peanut is soooooooo cute! Rock cavies are a wild relative of the guinea pig and are just adorable. He grunts like my guinea pigs do too, and they can jump five feet in the air! :eek:

Aren't my pups cute? hehe:p

11-08-2002, 01:13 PM
I used Photoshop for the images and then animated them in Animation Factory. You just line up all the images inthe frames in the order you want them to show and walla! It's that easy. ;)