View Full Version : A Visit From Beyond??

08-18-2011, 07:21 PM
I was sitting here at my computer and felt a cat rub against one leg and then the other. I looked around, thinking it was Chelsea but then noticed the door was closed and she wasn't in the room....:eek:

I know some of you have said you have been "visited" by your RB kitties but this is the first time I felt like it happened to me. For some reason, I think it might have been Winston although I'm not sure why....wishful thinking, probably.....

My heart is still pounding....

08-18-2011, 07:26 PM
Awwww, it was nice of Winston to visit like that!

08-18-2011, 07:27 PM
Isn't it wonderful?!

08-18-2011, 07:37 PM
You're not alone in your experience. Since he passed away a year ago, Chessie has come back to visit either Casey or myself (in one case both of us) at least 10 times that I know of. On three of those occasions, I've felt whiskers and breathing on my hand, foot, or leg and looked expecting to see Casey or Smokey but instead not seeing anybody. Even though he's supposed to move on to wait for me and Casey, his visits are welcome since this is always his home.

08-18-2011, 08:05 PM
I've never had a visit personally, but I do believe Paizly saw Taz shortly after he passed. It's only happened once that I know of. I'm thinking she's use to his visits now and isn't as freaked out as she was that first time.

08-18-2011, 08:30 PM
Hobbes visits me and Calvin every so often. Sometimes Calvin stares in the direction of the bedroom and I know he's here. Miss my big guy. :love:

08-18-2011, 08:57 PM
Kuhio has visited me several times over the years. Usually when I'm away from home. I'll feel a cat jump up on the bed and look around -- no kitties within miles of my room. :D I always talk to her and thank her for visiting. Figure it can't hurt.

Halo? I've never felt her visit. But that is her personality. Never liked to draw any attention to herself. :)

It's a great feeling, isn't it?

Malibu's Mom
08-18-2011, 09:45 PM
I felt that frequently after Morris passed. He would always rub against my legs when I was on the computer. I'd feel it, reach down to pet thinking it was Buddy and realize that there was no one around and nothing that could have possibly caused that sensation. I would feel cold air around my legs prior to it.

When I'm really sad and stressed out I have a dream where I step out on the porch and Tiger greets me. It's disconcerting at first, but once I wake up after having "spent some time with him", I feel very at peace.

08-18-2011, 09:57 PM
It is a pretty cool experience.

I had it happen to me once. I don't remember why I had stepped out onto my deck one evening but as I was standing in the doorway looking out into the yard I felt a cat at my ankles. I looked down and there was no cat there. I thought it had to be my RB kitty Kit-Kat. I just remember what a calming effect it had on me.

08-18-2011, 11:15 PM
Here's one - not a cat one, but a dog one that will give you a smile.

When I was a kid growing up, we always had a dog. Always a pretty big one, too - there was the German Shepherd mix, then Saint Bernard, then Great Dane mix. When I was a junior and senior in college, I moved out of the dorms and lived with a mom and young daughter, they had no pets. My role was basically to be the child's nanny, though we never called it that. Anyway, one night, I had been out very late, I don't even remember why. So when I came home, I entered very quietly, stepped inside, patted the dog and was most of the way to my room when it dawned on me where I was, and that no dog lived there. It wasn't a ghost, though, a very real irish Setter was quietly walking me to my room - cousins from Vermont were visiting for the weekend, and brought Zoe with them! The next morning they were kind of surprised she hadn't made any noise when I came in, but Zoe and I "knew" each other on sight, no fuss needed. Her job was to greet me at the door, my job was to give her some love!

08-19-2011, 12:50 AM
My RB Pepper has visited me several times. Shortly after he passed, I was sleeping one night and I heard someloud purring. I also felt a cat on my bed. I opened my eyes and nothing was there. I knew it was Pepper. Once I woke up because my shoulder was aching. I sat up and I saw a cat walk by with a big bushy tail. I thought it was Sky. Then it walked by me again and I turned the lights on and there were no cats in my bedroom. I had closed the door. I knew it was my Pepper.:) I know he's visited my other cats too. When I asked a pet pyschic about Pepper she received the message yellow walls. She didn't understand what this meant. I told her that I had just painted my walls yellow. This proves that he was visiting me. I haven't seen him in a long time and I wish he'd show himself to me again.

I've never seen my RB Starr but a former roommate has seen him a few times. I've only caught glimpses of my RB Sunny out of the corner of my eye. I know that probably both of them have visited my other cats. Sometimes my cats just stare at nothing and Pearl will start meowing like crazy at something on the wall and nothing is there. They all know that they're welcome to visit me any time.:)

08-19-2011, 08:31 AM
I know my Patch is still around. I have not seen her and we joke that she wrote the book. Mits and Lucky have read the book and I think that she keeps an eye on them as they will do exactly the things that she would. Like put me to bed, Mits has to make sure I go to bed on time. If I get up during the night he has to start al over again. Patch love to play ball, lucky has turned that into a game of fetch.
If I get sick then I have 2 making sure that I stay in bed, Patch would sit on my chest so that I could not get up. She did this only when I was sick, this is the only time the Lucky will do this on the bed.
Pic's are Patch, Lucky, Mits (Mittens)
It takes the 2 boys to do her job.

08-19-2011, 09:28 AM
I see My Found Cats all the time, and we often have a picnic with a hot dog, chips and water.
I see them at Tony Romas, Poco Loco and the Centre Food Court!!!
We have quite a gathering when we dine out!!!:love::love::love:

08-19-2011, 09:38 AM
Some of them definitely do come back occasionally. I've had several RB pets over the years that have done this. Not only do I feel them, but other pets in the house have seen them. It's been a long time since we've had any visits tho - guess they are satisfied that all is well and they don't have to check on us anymore. I miss those visits tho...........:(

08-19-2011, 03:10 PM
A few months after our Kitty died, I was driving and in my head I heard her talking to me (she just knew things that only Kitty would know). I started crying and she told me to stay with my bf and not leave him because he would be needing me in the future. About 4 months later his mother and his cat died withing 2 days of each other. Strange. Every so often she would 'visit' and remind me not to leave him. The night he had his fatal heart attack, I had worked late and was not going to go to his house but I heard Kitty say in my head to go "he will need you". I went and I was the only one there when he had his heart attack and I was the one who called for help and signed him in at the hospital. If I hadn't been there, he would have died alone. Yes, I believe they visit us. I haven't "heard" from Kitty since that night, but she accomplished her mission, I guess.

08-19-2011, 05:10 PM
A few months after our Kitty died, I was driving and in my head I heard her talking to me (she just knew things that only Kitty would know). I started crying and she told me to stay with my bf and not leave him because he would be needing me in the future. About 4 months later his mother and his cat died withing 2 days of each other. Strange. Every so often she would 'visit' and remind me not to leave him. The night he had his fatal heart attack, I had worked late and was not going to go to his house but I heard Kitty say in my head to go "he will need you". I went and I was the only one there when he had his heart attack and I was the one who called for help and signed him in at the hospital. If I hadn't been there, he would have died alone. Yes, I believe they visit us. I haven't "heard" from Kitty since that night, but she accomplished her mission, I guess.

Amazing story. Thanks for sharing.

08-21-2011, 08:14 AM
I am ALWAYS being visited by my RB kitties. I've had my neck brushed up against, and have felt someone brush up against my back, when there's no one in the room.

08-21-2011, 08:33 AM
I truly believe they come back and visit. One year after RB Mandys death I planted a tree on what would have been her birthday. Layla was a puppy and 'helped'. That night, Layla woke me with a steady woof, woof, woof at the back door. Never before or since has she done this. I thought she needed out. As I walked to the back door she turned around and went back to bed.:confused: My thoughts are that Mandy came to her and told her to take care of her mommy.*insert tears here*Also, I swear when she first died I felt her walk on my bed.

Many times I swear RB Sassy had jumped on my bed, right by my pillow wear she'd sleep. No cat was there.;)