View Full Version : Class reunion

08-16-2011, 12:14 PM
My 35th class reunion is coming up the end of this month. I graduated in 76. I was suppose to graduate in 77 but skipped my junior year and moved to Germany. By the time the class of 76 graduated I was living in Germany, married and just found out I was going to have a baby.
Have not lived in that town since, although still have family and friends in and around that area.
So all these people are FB me and many have stayed in touch and or never left that town. I don't remember them at all. Since I have not lived there I have not run into them in the supermarket or Dr's office or department store. I am going to have to get out the yearbook and see who they are. I have seen some pictures and only one girl looks somewhat like she did in High School. She is still thin and beautiful. Every one else looks well like they are 52. Rather older, heavier, wrinkles, gray, bald. I have not escaped the ravages of time either. I was 97 pounds when I graduated. Damn, not anywhere close to that now.
Will anyone recongize me? I don't recongize them. As I said some have FB friend requests and I am clueless to whom they are.
Hoping there will be good food, wine and someone to laugh with.
Saw a photo of a boy I had a crush on in high school.
Not looking so hot now...........
Are we all going to look at each other and see the old, the tired, the fat, the bald.
I hope we see the laughs, the jokes, the music, the crazyness.
The crowd I grew up with, heck the whole school in the 70's where heavy pot smokers. Maybe someone will bake brownies. :D

08-16-2011, 04:10 PM
Only 35 years??? - you're just a baby. My 50th is next year. I might go if I can still hobble around by then. Maybe I'll feel better after I see what some of the others look like - I've heard some real horror stories!! :eek::p:D Have fun at yours and enjoy those brownies! :D

08-17-2011, 12:04 PM
My 10 years will be in 2013. LOL.. and I doubt I'd be going.