View Full Version : My class fellow's cat passed away...

08-15-2011, 01:45 PM
My class fellow's Persian (probably mix) cat, Edward passed away a couple of weeks ago. I had to post earlier, but, I was a little busy... :(
Well, here's his story.

I remember my class fellow was very excited and happy when she got a cat. We all thought it was a girl at first, so my class fellow had it named Bella. I loved to see her pictures on facebook. It was a Persian, but, not all persian, there was something else in it too. It was a total doll, seriously, my class fellow would be squishing and hugging it, and it used to let her.

I remember a funny incident that happened.. My class fellow had a male cat in the neighborhood and it was a Persian. Well, my class fellow wanted some little persian kittens, so she used to bring that neighbor's cat over. They used to hiss at each other, but, my class fellow was very stubborn :D She used to keep bringing the male cat over.

Well, we all laughed when she took Bella/Edward to the vet for a check up. The vet told her that Bella/Edward was a male cat. When my class fellow told this to us in school, we all kept laughing.

..One Day..

I was checking some Facebook notifications and I came across her post...

She told us her cat had passed away.. :(

It was a sudden and a heart breaking news.
She told us, that, dear little Edward had a stone in his kidney
Later, she made a page that was for Cat Owners. It said that the ME-OW cat food was bad for the cats and that people shouldn't buy it. It killed her cat, she said.

I always wanted to see Edward in real life. But, I couldn't go over to my class fellow's house and so I never got to see it in person...

Rest in Peace, dear Edward. :love:

08-15-2011, 01:57 PM
Rest in peace, dear Edward!

08-15-2011, 04:44 PM
My deepest sympathy to you and all who love Edward, ..even if you didn't get the chance to meet him, Sana.

Rest in peace, little Edward. You are loved and missed.


08-15-2011, 05:06 PM
So sad about Edward Sana.:( What cute stories about him.

08-15-2011, 08:22 PM
I'm sorry to hear of his passing.:( RIP sweet Edward.:(

08-16-2011, 10:59 AM
RIP sweet Edward :(

08-17-2011, 09:17 AM
Rest in Peace Edward.
By now you have your job with the Awesome Angels Army, and are wearing your Wings of Silver and Gold.
You have a whole class of friends to visit , and keep up with as they hopefully grow to be Animal Lovers.
And many years from now , you will be reunited in love,:love:
One Fine Day.:love: