View Full Version : Didn't Get the Pregnant Cat I wanted to but got another one!

08-15-2011, 09:23 AM
As some of you are aware I do cat rescuing on the side and seems that my sister always gets the cats out near her. It’s probably because she lives out in the middle of nowhere.

So my last rescue was the 3 kittens and 1 adult cat. Since then I was trying to get a very pregnant female.

I’ve tried the following things and they didn’t work.

(I always put a little in front of the cage, a little in the middle, and then the rest in the back.)

Tuna, sardines, can food, mackerel, KFC chicken, and we even tried just putting her dry food in there for kicks, I’ve also tried to put a towel over it thinking I could fool her and a towel inside so she didn’t have to step on the wire.

This cat is just too smart for me.

I tried last year to try to get her and we watched her walk right in and walk right out, we did try to get her to accidentally trip it off but nope that didn’t work.

So this past Friday evening I was up at my sister’s again trying to get her before she pops. We set the trap out around 7:30ish and waited.

She showed up around her normal time so we waited to see if she would go for the tuna and sardines. Nope….so we wait and figured we heat up the KFC chicken and see if we got her….nothing.

We let the trap up for a while and then gave up because we couldn’t see her.

Saturday evening it was raining like mad…I thought I really need to get her so we’ll see if the rain stops at any point. It finally did around 11:15 p.m. This time I put mackerel can food in the trap, a little in the front and a little in the middle (this is my fault and I learned my lesson to never put a piece of paper on a towel that they can grab out).

I went to bed with the screen door open so I could hear the trap go off and set my alarm for every 30-45 mins. to check it anyway.

I got up way too many times, I can’t even count. Finally around 3:20 ish I think I noticed that someone (I’m assuming the pregnant cat) grabbed my green towel from inside the trap and got the middle food out. Which wasn’t a lot; but apparently enough for her.

I decided at that point that if she is hungry enough she will get in the trap so I didn’t put anymore in front or in the middle of the trap.

I got up around 4 a.m. checked the trap nothing…so I laid back down and BAM around 4:20 ish I got a cat!!!

Not the pregnant calico but another cat.

I tried to feel if it was a boy or not because I had a lady who agreed to take in a pregnant cat and I wasn’t sure if she would take in a boy.

So I was trying to feel it to see if it was a boy or girl and I thought it was a boy but I figured I’d take it upstairs because it looked like the sibling of the cat I caught 2 weekends ago.

I opened up the trap in the bedroom and she/he walked out. The cat started circling my legs and I was thinking either this is good or it’s going to end with me being bitten or attacked.

I finally realized that he/she was friendly, extremely friendly. My sister and I were looking at her and I still thought it was a boy and then I looked closer and my sister said it’s a girl and oh yeah its girl and she’s pregnant.

Big swollen nipples not nursing though. (Maggie thank you for reassuring me of this :D) She was so skinny, I couldn’t believe it. We fed her and gave her water. I set the trap back up hoping to get the really pregnant cat but sadly that didn’t happen.

That mom cat just won’t go in my traps so maybe I’ll try to do a drop trap at some point but for now my hands are full.

I called the lady who agreed to take a pregnant cat in for me and told her I didn’t get the really pregnant one but I got a pregnant one and I delivered her mid-morning in the rain and said my goodbyes for now. She is going to take her to the vets and get her checked out. She’s in good hands :D I felt very comfortable leaving her with this lady.

I will post up some photos of this girl when I get a chance, she’s beautiful.


08-15-2011, 09:40 AM
You are our Hero Melissa, always there for the lsot and homeless:love::love:
Every stary that you save will be another Gold Star by your name at the Rainbow Bridge . a reward for yoir love and kindness.
One Fine Day:love:

08-15-2011, 09:49 AM
Thank you....it's hard work for sure...I went to bed last night and figured I'd knock out...nope that didn't happen but I did get some sleep but not enough...oh well I'm sure there more time for that later on :)

08-15-2011, 10:22 AM
Oh Melissa... What a wonderful story! God bless you, once again.

Prayers that you get the very pregnant cat before she pops!

Pat and cats

08-15-2011, 12:16 PM
Melissa, how can I begin to thank you for all the love and care you give to so many kitties in need? Because of you, this new kitty family will get off to a good start and a positive future. I'm sure the Awesome Angels are trying to get the first mommycat-to-be into the cage where she will be safe. As you have the chance, please let us know how both of these kitties are doing?

Groucho sends you loads of purrs, headbumpies, and kitty kisses to thank you for helping his fellow kitties in need. :love: :love:

Bless you!!!!