View Full Version : Isolation

08-12-2011, 12:03 PM
Mystic went back to the vet and his crystals were worse, and his urine has lots of blood in it. :(

So home he came with two more meds, and the recomendation that he be isolated. I isolated him yesterday with Mikey because they were both tearing the door to get to the other :rolleyes: and left him isolated alone all night.

I moved him from the front room downstairs to the spare bedroom to the bathroom (because its where he hangs out most often). He's utterly miserable. He's just sitting there, crying his head off. We've spent time with him (hey, there's a permanent seat in that room! ;) ) but he just wants OUT.

As with Pouncer, I'm starting to think isolation is more stressful than being out and about. There's no Cameron this weekend - Cameron terrifies Mystic. And the little boy just wants to be sweet to Mystic, but Cam's idea of calm and quiet is Mystics idea of a nightmare.

I'm thinking of letting the sick little boy free. He's NOT using the litterbox, and I supppose I'll just have to clean up whatever he does, whereever he does it. I don't blame him on not using the box. The pee I cleaned up this morning was obviously red. :( Poor guy must be in serious :( :(

08-12-2011, 12:23 PM
Poor Mystic. :( I really hope the meds start working and he feels better soon.
I've had a nasty bladder infection so I know exactly how he feels. :(

08-12-2011, 12:27 PM
:love: Poor wittle baby.. Get Well Real Soon.. Sending lots of Huggss && Prayers..

Poor Mystic. :( I really hope the meds start working and he feels better soon.
I've had a nasty bladder infection so I know exactly how he feels. :(

08-12-2011, 01:26 PM
Sending prayers and healing energies and love for dear little Mystic.


08-13-2011, 09:18 AM
Poor Little Mystic, its tough being in one room when you are used to being giuven the freedom of the house, and all that interacting with her Cat Companions!
We are praying that Mystic is better soon, and that things are back to normal

08-13-2011, 05:50 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that he's worse.:( It sounds like stress has a lot to do with his crystals. Did your vet give you something to help to calm him down? I sure hope that the new meds will start working quickly. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.