View Full Version : Question about URI's.

08-07-2011, 02:01 PM
If an cat gets a URI are they prone to get it for the rest of their lives?

08-07-2011, 02:25 PM
Whose sick???

Not that I'm aware of. Having done rescue with ferals, most of my 6 kittens had URIs when I trapped them. One had a recurrence about a year later. In the 3 years since (4 years total) no one has had one.

Chestnut had one as a kitten (he was a foundling) and again in January 2010 -- he as 12 years old.

08-07-2011, 02:52 PM
Neither of my babies is sick. Sorry to worry you.

My friend went to ARF yesterday to look at a Siamese mix kitty and she is sick with a URI. I just wanted to make sure that she will not keep getting sick with it throughout her life. She is only a year old.

The good news is my friend is going to adopt her today!! :D :D

08-07-2011, 02:55 PM
The Princess was sick with a URI when I adopted her in 2007 and she was preggies too. None of the kittens got ill and Chelsea has not been sick since.

08-07-2011, 03:31 PM
Congrats to your friend.:) I think that if a cat has a low immune system then they'd be more likely to get them. Also if a cat has the herpes eye condition, I think that this could progress into a URI if it's not treated early but I could be wrong. A vet once told me that all kittens have low immune systems and they're much more prone to get URI's and other illnesses than adult cats.

Here's a good link about URI's in shelter cats: http://www.thecatsite.com/Health/92/Identifying-Common-Ailments-in-Cats-Adopted-from-Animal-Shelters-and-Rescue-Groups.html.

08-07-2011, 06:12 PM
Thanks everyone!
Well, I noticed Magnolia was not on the website this morning. So I stopped by there today and asked. They said if she didn't get adopted yesterday they were going to pull her from the adoption list until she is better. So she is still there, but they are going to let her get healthier before they adopt her out.
Now my job is to check the website often and as soon as I see her back on there to let my friend know so she can go get her. :) My friend felt good about it and said she'd rather have her healthy anyway.

08-07-2011, 09:02 PM
That is pretty common, to hold an animal until healthy, especially with something easily treated. You'd be surprised, some folks take a sick animal, don't continue th treatment, don't do follow up w/ a vet, and then return the pet more sick than when it left. :rolleyes:

You need to get your friend on here and teach her how to post photos! ;)

08-07-2011, 10:23 PM
They would have adopted her out yesterday but my friend took too long looking at kittens and ran out of time. So they said if she didn't get adopted yesterday she was going to the back.

I doubt I can get her on here, but I will definitely post pictures of her. When she goes out of town I have volunteered to watch the kitty for her. :D She has checked on my two for me in the past as well. So we can exchange kitty sitting duties.

08-08-2011, 01:35 AM
Yay for new adopties and for a supportive kitty sitter community! Hope for pics soon.

08-12-2011, 01:59 PM
So, Magnolia is back up for adoption. My friend went yesterday to get her. But they could not find her paperwork she filled out on Saturday. She got there pretty late so she couldn't get her last night.
She is supposed to be going in this morning to put her name on the list and then she'll go back at 3 to get her.
My friend was very concerned about getting her because she is going on vacation the 29th through the 9th and is worried about her being home alone. I told her I'd come over as often as possible to just sit and watch TV with her. That's still two weeks away, so I think she will be adjusted enough to her surroundings. She seems like an outgoing kitty, like my Jax. Not a hider like my Paizly.
So, I will let you all know if she does go get her tonight. I'll probably try to go spend time over there too so she can get used to me as well. But maybe the second week. She needs to get use to the occupants of the house first.

I don't want her to pass up this opportunity. I really think this cat is meant for her. She's everything she wants in a kitty and Siamese to boot!! :D

08-12-2011, 10:31 PM
Well, I guess she got her. I haven't heard from her since she said "yes I got her". LOL
I have attached her Pet Finder picture. My friend said she wants to name her Twinkie. But her boyfriend and son may have a problem with that...we shall see.

08-12-2011, 11:12 PM
What a cutie! Congratulations on your new home, Magnolia/Twinkie!

08-13-2011, 05:53 PM
I'm so glad to hear that she was finally able to adopt her.:) She sure is a beauty and I'm sure you'll enjoy spending some time with her too.:)

08-13-2011, 06:35 PM
Ok, I'm a little irritated with my "friend". Let me just say she's technically not MY friend but my boyfriends friends girlfriend/ex-fiance.
So, she went to the shelter last Saturday, while I was there. Didn't get the cat because she was too late and they looked at several cats/kittens first to make a decision. Then she went back on Thursday night...again, pretty late. Only 30 minutes before adoptions were over. Didn't get the cat Thursday night. So she went back on Friday morning and put her name in so when she came back at 3 she was first on the list to adopt. Well, she brought her mom and had her mom adopt the cat just so she could get the senior discount. Mind you an adult cat is $50 and the senior discount is $50. So basically she got the cat for free. Which isn't a big deal. BUT she didn't give a donation or purchase anything (other than litter) in the store. :mad: I am so mad about this. This totally makes ME look bad at the shelter. You could only tell that was her plan all along, was to bring her mom in and get the cat for free. 98% of the people that get a senior discount give a donation, even if its just $5. This woman, who can pay big bucks for plastic surgery on herself (bad plastic surgery), can't even fork out $50 for a cat. :(

But on a better note....she absolutely LOVES her! She said she played all night last night (her first night home) and slept on the bed with her. Her boyfriend isn't fond of the cat sleeping on the bed, hee hee. She said she's so happy she got her and she loves her little white toes. She did send me pictures of her, but I have to learn how to get them from the phone to the computer. I got a new phone last night so that could take a while to figure out. :p

So despite what happened, I am very glad that the kitty is happy and so is the person.......I guess. I'm looking forward to visiting her and watching her while they are gone. I will see what toys she has and probably bring her some new ones. :)

08-14-2011, 11:45 AM
Well, if anyone is reading this thread, I must apologize for jumping to conclusions about my friend.
Last night she was over and we were talking about Magnolia (she decided to keep her shelter name). She told me she spent almost $200 at the store in ARF. I was skeptical at first so I asked her what toys she bought her. She named several toys we do sell there and that she bought two litter pans. Yesterday when I was at the shelter we were looking at a receipt and thought it couldn't be hers because there were two litter pans and three scoops. But the total of the receipt was like $193. So I know it was hers.
This makes me feel so much better. :D I mean, it was still sneaky of her to do the senior discount thing.

08-14-2011, 01:48 PM
I'm reading. I'm glad you got the facts but am even happier that Magnolia is feeling better and has found herself a wonderful home!

08-14-2011, 02:17 PM
Thanks Moe! :D Now that I feel much better about the situation, I can't wait to go see her. I'm going to tell her that I should come over a couple times next week to visit. But she said she's adapting very nicely. A friend came over and she hid under the bed at first then came out right away. :)