View Full Version : WHY ME??? SERIOUSLY....I have an invisible sign I swear

08-05-2011, 10:55 AM
Well yesterday I got held up at the office till 12:15 p.m. (normally I take my lunch hour from 12-1). I left for lunch and I thought KFC sounds good so I went there.

I had a lot of phone calls to make during my lunch hour so I figured I'd go to this parking lot where a building sits but it's not in use and make my calls and eat lunch.

I parked in the shade and made my calls.

It was about 12:50ish when I looked to my left and BAM there is a petite calico sitting there watching the birds.

There is 5 lanes of traffic right near where she was sitting so I didn't want to scare here so I got out with my chicken fingers and tossed her some small pieces. She gobbled them up.

Just as I was giving her chicken a squirrel with 2 bad feet came up next to me. I’m thinking what the hell is going on here is everyone that needs help just coming to me. So I thought how would I go about picking up a squirrel, well those thoughts got interrupted because the squirrel took off and then the cat ran a little bit to another set of bushes.

I was able to get her attention so the squirrel could hop away. She was talking to me and I tried to get her but she didn’t want to come but she let me get very close.

I gave her more chicken and thought well I better trap her and if she isn’t friendly I’ll just fix her and release her. I called my friend who lives very close because I had to get back to work and I just thought about leaving my trap there and she could check on it for me. She came down and stayed with it and I left and within 5 mins. she got her.

My friend put her in her outside cage until I got off work and I went to get some flea medicine before picking her up and took her over to our place.

She is friendly and cute. I’m guessing maybe a year old. I have a vet appt. set up for tomorrow to have her combo tested and checked out.

So who wants an adorable Halloween Looking Cat?


08-05-2011, 11:19 AM
:love: Aweee little Miss Cali looks so Sweet & Adorable.. Great Job done.. many thanks.. This baby should be able to find a furrever home real soon..

08-06-2011, 03:48 PM
What an adorable little sleepyhead! Thank you and bless you for caring enough to help this sweetie. If you get the chance, please let us know how the vet check goes?

08-06-2011, 06:42 PM
What an adorable little calico!

Again, God bless you, Melissa, and may the little darling find her way Home soon.


08-06-2011, 07:33 PM
Well, if you had gone to lunch on time you may not have seen her. So that's why you were late to lunch....so you could find her, bring her home, get her all fixed up and find her a furrever home. :D :D

She is adorable. :)

08-08-2011, 07:18 AM
Well, if you had gone to lunch on time you may not have seen her. So that's why you were late to lunch....so you could find her, bring her home, get her all fixed up and find her a furrever home. :D :D

She is adorable. :)

I know I'm going to blame my co-worker for this one. He is the one that held me up or I would have gone to lunch on time :)

Anyway, she went to the vets on Saturday morning and she is negative for FIV/FELV!!!

She is 7 lbs. which is more than I thought she was. She is just such a sweetheart. I've been posting up flyers incase she escaped from someone's home but she is just a sweetie.

I'll have to take better pictures of her too. She's just such a cutie and she loves to talk too.


08-08-2011, 10:00 AM
:love::love:I have taht feeling too as Tabster and Tabster Jr come here to eat , and rest in my backyard as does Silver Mane, and Graystoke , and I think another Black Cat , Midnight.:cool::cool:
I think Animalcan sense who loves them, and that you are full of love, Melissa for those who need you.
God Bless You for caring:love::love::love: