View Full Version : Need Some Advice & Help On This Please!

08-01-2011, 08:20 AM
Hi All-

Many of you know that I rescue kittens/cats for time to time. I try hard not to get involved as much as I can with not doing it but sometimes it just happens.

My sister sent me a message not too long ago about 2 kittens showing up outside her place. There was also a bear spotted last week too. Needless to say I didn’t want anything to happen to the kittens so this past Friday evening I went out to my sister’s place to trap them.

Before I went I tried my hardest to find a place for them to go because my place is full and I didn’t want to bring 2 kittens into it. Two weeks ago I found a rescue to take one of those cats from the 100+ house in NJ and John was kind enough to help transport this cat to her. The rescue told me that the pregnant mom would stay in her house. So I contacted this rescue group again wanting to know if they could take in 2 kittens. She said they could and they could also take in a pregnant cat if I got one.

On Friday evening I set the trap up and waited. I don’t recall what time it was exactly but I got both of the kittens in the same small trap! Both are boys.

I was so excited. My sister and I took them up to her spare room and let them out and of course they acted like a bunch of crazy monkeys for a while and they did settle down a little bit.

I tried to catch the mom cat because she’s pregnant but I put tuna in the cage and then I tried can food and that didn’t work.

On Saturday night I put the trap back out hoping to get the pregnant mom cat. Instead I caught a black and white male cat. Poor guy had some battle wounds on him and his skin behind his neck looked like either he was scratching himself or something might be up with his skin. So we moved the 2 younger kittens in the bathroom area and put him in the spare room. We opened up the trap and he walked out pretty casually like he’s been in a home before. I just thought this poor guy getting dumped and getting in to fights.

He was definitely not a stray or feral. We let him alone and put the trap back up because pregnant mom was back outside again and she wouldn’t get in the trap. I’ve had this trap set up before and she has gone in the traps to get the food and walked out without setting it off. She is very tricky.

After waiting another hour or so it was around 11:50 p.m. Saturday evening and I caught a younger kitten ~8 months or so, feral as well…but female this time.

I put this kitten upstairs with the other kittens because my sister said they know each other and they have been seen eating food from her front porch together.

This kitten as well was feral and acted like a crazy monkey too. Finally it was time to get some sleep and I gave up getting the mom cat for now because she wasn’t going to get in it and I wanted her to eat.

In the morning I already made arrangements with the rescue that I was going to take 2 kittens and a pregnant mom. I didn’t know if she would take the black and white one or not or the other grey kitten.

But I figured I’d try and she could say no.

We arrived at the rescue, first we went to her house so I could meet Lily the cat she took in 2 weeks ago.

Lily was upstairs and she looked very comfortable.

Then we had to go the barn which is a converted into an office and the one other part is converted into the rescue.

When we walked in there was a big horse in the first stall. The end stall had 2 dogs in it that she left outside so that we could deal with the kittens and black/white cat.

So she opened the second stall and there were cages, 3 or 4 big ones on the side that had 2 cats in one cage. A big dog cage that had 3 kittens in it. Along the left hand side there were about 5 cages, 3 seemed bigger than the first 2. So she said she would put them in the bigger one at the end. We put all 3 kittens in there and meanwhile I’m feeling uneasy about leaving them in this type of environment even though I’m sure cats love barns, etc. But I just felt terrible putting them in a cage like this. It has a wire bottom too.

The other 3 cats that she had looked good and healthy and so did the kittens but of course my gut is just like maybe you should take them home with you. But I can’t take all 4 cats with me. Then the grey tiny kitten put its head though the cage, OMG I freaked a bit. But luckily he got it back out….then a few minutes later he was out of the CAGE!

I went down to try to get him and he tried to bite me and then actually bit me and ran off and got out of the stall.

I was able to corner the kitten and the rescue lady got the cat carrier and I had a towel and I went ahead and grabbed him and put in him the cat carrier.

While this was all going on the 2 dogs were back in the stall too and when we went back into the cat stall the orange/white one was out and standing on the stall while the dog was barking at the kitten and the kitten was trying to scratch the dog. So I put one glove and tried to grab the orange kitten and he bite me…and I was able to get him down and in the corner and he was just so scared. I felt so terrible for them.

I put him into the other cat carrier and my sister said you are going to take them home aren’t you.

I said yes right away but then I had to think…should/could I do this.

I didn’t feel right leaving them and I don’t know if it’s just because it was not in a home environment or if it was because this lady said she was more the dog person and her sister was the cat person.

This really sucks…I just felt so terrible about this whole thing and maybe because the 2 kittens got out and they were like take me take me even though maybe I was just thinking that and not them.

So I left them there…I kept feeling like I should go back and I told her in 2 weeks if they weren’t any better than I could possibly take them back but she said her sister was this cat whisperer and maybe she is..but I just didn’t feel a lot of comfort.

I guess I’m asking what you guys think about this and I’m not trying to offend anyone who uses a barn or has a barn that cats stay in, etc.

It was just a new situation for me and it was so hard leaving them in that cage. It was small but they are small still. I felt bad too for the black and white one because on Saturday morning he wanted attention and he was such a love and I hated to put him on a dirt floor even though I’m guessing it’s cooler for the cats. I also know I shouldn’t judge places either because they are a new rescue and they are probably trying the best they can but I didn’t like it either that the 2 bigger cats had a small rabbit litter box. It just didn’t seem fair. I just don’t know what to do I can’t take 4 cats in but I don’t know if any of you might be willing to help them out?? I would travel to you…I just feel terrible right now that I left them in this condition and I shouldn’t have should I have??

I thought this morning I would feel a little better about leaving them and I know I can’t save them all and that this is better than them getting eaten by a bear or dying outside but I just feel terrible. Below are the photos I took of 2 cats that have been there and are waiting for home as well. There is also 3 kittens and that the size of the cage that they put the 2 into.


08-01-2011, 08:33 AM
Here are the photos that I took when they were at my sister's place.

08-01-2011, 08:41 AM
Here are pictures of the black and white one.

08-01-2011, 08:47 AM
Aww! I just wanna squeeze them! I'm sorry that you're in a condition like this. I really wish I could come over and take care of these kittens. I live so far away :( I pray that these kittens find their purrfect forever home, real real real SOON! :love::love::love:

08-01-2011, 09:21 AM
Did she mention anything about getting the black and white one to a vet?

Those photos are great, especially the wee orangie on the sill - so nervous, poor baby.

Do you know anything about how the rescue adopts out?

08-01-2011, 09:33 AM
Did she mention anything about getting the black and white one to a vet?

Those photos are great, especially the wee orangie on the sill - so nervous, poor baby.

Do you know anything about how the rescue adopts out?

She said that they will take the cats to the vet but she didn't say when. He needs some antibotic on the wound but I don't know if the sister handles that part, I'll message her to find that out.

She said they do check out the people who they are adopting out too. I guess they have a private investigator that checks them out and they are able to get the animals back if they don't like the way the dog or cat is being treated.

So far they haven't adopted out any cats, just dogs.


08-01-2011, 09:44 AM
Just found out too that they do not allow declawing so that's good news!

08-01-2011, 01:35 PM
God bless you, Melissa. You do so much for so many.

I'm sorry I can't offer much more than lots of {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and lovies from me and the cats.

Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, Lavinia, and Princess Poppaea Sabina Eugenia

08-02-2011, 07:25 AM
I will take the hugs and purrs, I just wish I didn't feel so badly about all this.

08-02-2011, 09:47 AM
Mekissa, you realy are Our Hero as you do the best you can for so many. I hope that thse Poor Strays ae all right.:love:
At least they are not loose , and in danger from mean peope and predators , and hopefuly can find thei Furr Ever Home soon.:love:
All you can do is your best Melanie:love:, and you certainly do that.:love:

08-02-2011, 10:02 AM
It's a bit worrisome that they haven't adopted out any cats. I was going to say don't worry about the conditions of the place since it is just temporary. But if they haven't adopted out ANY cats.......:confused:
I do hope they get the black and white guy to a vet.......soon. You've done all you can do, which is a lot more than most people would. You should be proud of yourself for how many cats you have helped through the years. :)

08-02-2011, 12:44 PM
It's a bit worrisome that they haven't adopted out any cats. I was going to say don't worry about the conditions of the place since it is just temporary. But if they haven't adopted out ANY cats.......:confused:
I do hope they get the black and white guy to a vet.......soon. You've done all you can do, which is a lot more than most people would. You should be proud of yourself for how many cats you have helped through the years. :)

I didn't think at that time to ask how long they had the cats for but I just sent her a message asking her that so I know. I know they have adopted out a lot of dogs but just no cats.

It just bothers me so much right now. I wish it didn't.


08-02-2011, 02:21 PM

I know how difficult it is for you. I've been there. You do such great work, girl. But there are times when you just have to let things go. I had a woman stop me to say she had 3 cats that were her mom's and her Mom was in a nursing home. The vet offered to euthanize all three for $120. He's despicable and I will never recommend him to anyone. These cats aren't old either. They're fairly young, 4, 5, and 6. I gave her my card and told her to call me. The cats are currently in her mom's house, which will eventually be put up for sale, so there's no threat of them being dumped. I've called her to let her know I'll take pictures and put them of Petfinder.com My friend offered to foster them, but this woman won't call us back.

I felt bad and even concerned, but it's out of our hands. Obviously this lady isn't that concerned, so I'm not going to be either. I've got other fish to fry.

All you can do, Melissa, is hope and pray. I know it's difficult not worry. I totally get that. But you will drive yourself crazy if you allow it to get to you.

Hang in there, girl and if you need to talk, give me a call. You've got my number. Keep up the great work you do!!

:love::love: and hugs,

Donna and fur crew

08-02-2011, 05:53 PM
I'd feel exactly the same way you feel, Melissa - guilty, frustrated, exhausted, drained, worried. However, the facts are these. They are in a safer place than they were. You are in contact with the rescue place. Your home is full. You cannot afford to take care of any more cats, either financially and emotionally. All over this country right now kittens and cats are being euthanized, not because they are sick or slightly disabled, but because they are excess to our wants. Some are euthanized because they are black, I know because I called a rural shelter in the mid-west a few years ago and the manager told me they euthanized all black kittens on arrival. That has haunted me because I love black cats best of all. You have given these kittens and cats a chance.

You have done your damndest and more. You have to let other people take responsibility.

You have everyone's admiration and respect for the work you do, and we all wish we could help you more. We want you to think about all the good you have done and enjoy the cats in your home that you have rescued. Put your hands in their soft, warm fur and let all that guilt and worry flow out of you.

08-03-2011, 10:26 AM
Thank you. I'm trying to let them go. It's hard but I'm trying.


I'd feel exactly the same way you feel, Melissa - guilty, frustrated, exhausted, drained, worried. However, the facts are these. They are in a safer place than they were. You are in contact with the rescue place. Your home is full. You cannot afford to take care of any more cats, either financially and emotionally. All over this country right now kittens and cats are being euthanized, not because they are sick or slightly disabled, but because they are excess to our wants. Some are euthanized because they are black, I know because I called a rural shelter in the mid-west a few years ago and the manager told me they euthanized all black kittens on arrival. That has haunted me because I love black cats best of all. You have given these kittens and cats a chance.

You have done your damndest and more. You have to let other people take responsibility.

You have everyone's admiration and respect for the work you do, and we all wish we could help you more. We want you to think about all the good you have done and enjoy the cats in your home that you have rescued. Put your hands in their soft, warm fur and let all that guilt and worry flow out of you.

08-03-2011, 03:15 PM
Melissa - Have you contacted them to see how the kittens and cat are doing and to ask if they have never had a cat adoption or if that's only recently?

08-03-2011, 03:19 PM
The black & white is placed. He will be in the company of Fendi. The new dad is looking forward to welcoming him.

08-03-2011, 05:59 PM
The black & white is placed. He will be in the company of Fendi. The new dad is looking forward to welcoming him.

That's wonderful news and must be a great weight off Melissa's mind.

08-04-2011, 07:21 AM
The black & white is placed. He will be in the company of Fendi. The new dad is looking forward to welcoming him.


I can't thank you enough for this! Seriously, this is the best news ever!! :) THANK YOU & YOUR FRIEND TOO!!!!

08-04-2011, 07:48 AM
Melissa - Have you contacted them to see how the kittens and cat are doing and to ask if they have never had a cat adoption or if that's only recently?

Hi Lizzie:

When I was there I asked if they ever do Petco adoptions or anything like that and she said no, we just post them for now.

I asked her this yesterday mid-morning:

I was wondering how the kittens & black/white male cat are doing. Are the 2 smaller kittens any calmer or being friendly? How is the wound looking on the black/white male? Thank you, Melissa..

This was her reply yesterday afternoon:

it's been two days so no there really isn't a change someone is deciding to foster them most likely in a few days so we'll see how it goes. If good they might keep them and he's getting cream for it so should heal up fine.

So that's all I know for right now. I'm hoping that someone will take them in but I hope they have experience as well too because they need a lot of care and love.


08-15-2011, 09:35 AM
I sent this reply to the rescue on Aug. 5th

Would you or someone that volunteers/works for you be able to take the black/white cat to the vets to get combo tested and checked out? If you let me know how much that would be I can see about getting either my friend to help pay for his visit or something. I wasn't able to find any vets that could see him on Aug. 13th which is when I'd like to pick him up if that's ok but I need to make sure he's negative for FIV/FELV. If this isn't an option please let me know and I might pick him up sooner, I'm not sure just yet.

I didn't hear anything so on Aug. 8th I sent another message:

HI - Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you got my message about getting the black/white male to the vets to have him checked out and the shots, combo test, etc. and we'd pay the $25 for him then?

Still didn't hear anything....

On Aug. 10th I sent this message:

I sent you an e-mail @ ....yahoo.com can you please get back to me by that way. Thank you.

She has continued to post on facebook and didn't reply to any of my messages so I figured on Friday, Aug. 12th I was going to message her by Facebook to see if she had anything to say or if I was going to be ignored.

Here is my message to her:

Hi,How are the 3 kittens doing? Does someone have them in their home? If so would it be possible to get an update from them on how they are doing?

Her response:

they're fine. the kittens are still here. the grey one actually let your pet it without it getting too angry the orange is still pretty feral. and the black one is here but unhappy with being enclosed instead of running around..

My response:

That's great to hear. Yeah the orange one was pretty cranky. Did you happen to get the black/white male to a vet and if so was he combo tested?

Her response:

we've been trating his wound with ointment we've gotten from the vet. Unfortunately as far as the combo test and the black cat and the other cat goes we will be unable to combo test him and then adopt him out to your contact. We are a strictly donation and private funding only. For us to spend the amount of the vet visit/tests required and then have the adoption fee be $25.00 (even with the discount we get) just wouldn't be feasible for us. The person willing to adopt him can gladly take him and then do their own tests and we will waive the $25.00 but as I said we cannot do it any other way at this time...

As far as the orange cat and the gray one. The gray one will most likely be able to be places easily as it is starting to warm up. Unfortunately everyone has kittens and cats around here and it will be awhile I feel before they are placed. The orange one we'll see, when a cat has been feral for so long it's going to either stay mostly feral or not be a very good housecat. But we shall see as our animal worker tries....

I must say though and I don't mean this in a rude way at all but our rescue is small as I said and is a minor part of what I do here as I run the other main business and if I dont' reply I apologize but I am the 2nd in command of the company and sometimes I just do not have the time or answers for you. So if I do not reply please don't write and write as I will get back to you...

My response:

I understand that you are a very busy person and I wasn't trying to irritate you. I was simply trying to figure out if I was going to transport this black/white male cat this weekend or not, that's really all I was trying to find out. I will just leave the black/white cat with you. I do apologize and my sister and I are grateful that you were able to help us by taking them in. I would appreciate it though if we could get an update from time to time on how things are going (such as adopted, etc)? Would that be ok?

Her response:

it's I'm not upset or anything just explaining. That's absolutely fine. They should be fine. We've had about 20 more cat/kitten take in requests and unfortunately we're just loaded now. With dogs as well.

My response:

If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. I can try to help by cross-posting if you want to send me a link from time to time. If the orange guy continues to be nasty I can try to find a friend of mine who can take him in and try to tame him a bit if needed. Thank you again and let me know if I can be of any help.

Her response:

sounds good. you can post them off the website i know we have to try to get their pictures up but our girl is out this week.

And last my response:

Ok take care and thank you again. ta ta.