View Full Version : Dogs and cats, living together?

07-31-2011, 09:16 AM
Ed has adapted, remarkably, to living with his 'half brother', Tucker the Labradoodle.

There have been a few things, really basic pet needs, that we have had find some creative answers to.

The cat box has a barrier around it, Because Tuck has a demented 'taste' for the contents!:eek:

They do share a watering station.

That problem was solved by purchasing a bowl, the kind with the miniature water bottle as a reservoir attached. Ed would drag the old water dish around the floor, causing problems on the hardwood floor.:rolleyes:

Because the Tuckmeister loves cat food? Ed's feeding station is now perched on a small bookcase. Easily accessible for him, but a little difficult for the dog to get to.

Ed also has learned to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. Being a cat, Ed loved to walk up and sniff the sleeping dog, until Tuck woke up, in a snit and barked a stern warning!

I guess Ed startled him and Tuck's answer was to delineate his area. I watched The event from a few feet away. Tuck, up like a shot, showing teeth and barking, while Ed jumped away, arched his back and pondered the reaction.

NO swats or nips, just a real loud ruckus and the new found idea that indeed, sleeping dogs should never be effed with.

Even tho your intentions are pure!


The last thing, that I find rather funny and a poke in the eye of the house canine?

Ed has taken to stopping by the dish of dog food, dipping his head into the bowl and having a few nuggets of doggie dry food.

I suspect that Ed, eating a few morsels of DF isn't going to hurt him in any way, should he start to bark, I will know something is up.

I do love the fact that while I stand in the kitchen, Tuck ready to beg or grab a morsel that I drop on the floor? Ed will saunter into the room and begin to dig thru the dog bowl - With Tucker standing a few feet away.


In the movie GHOSTBUSTERS, Dan Ackroyd's character has a line about the world going crazy and he mentions something about 'dogs and cats living together'.

I have always loved that line and the movie.

Little did I know, or suspect, that life often does imitate art.

But, it's way more entertaining, too!

07-31-2011, 10:00 AM
LOLOLOLOLOL --- my goldendoodle does the same thing! Litter boxes are now hidden behind big pieces of furniture that I can swing out of the way easily.

All kitties now eat in the bedroom up high on bookcases and the dresser. Though Trixie has developed a fondness for doggy food and I think she's developed an identity disorder because she has no idea she is a cat.

I too laugh as a cat gets a good swat at the big monster. Harry planted a good one last week that made Callie yelp and jump on the bed for me to "save" her. Big wimp :rolleyes:

07-31-2011, 10:20 AM
Before I brought my Casey Jones home in September 2007, he was living for a short time up to my Mom and Dad's house with their toy fox terrier Shiloh. Mom said that those two were inseparable.




After I brought Casey home, Mom said that Shiloh kept looking for him all over the house. Even now, when I call my mom (usually have her on speakerphone since she'll talk for an hour), if Casey hears Shiloh barking in the background, he'll come running and looking for her.

07-31-2011, 10:25 AM
Ed has adapted, remarkably, to living with his 'half brother', Tucker the Labradoodle.

There have been a few things, really basic pet needs, that we have had find some creative answers to.

The cat box has a barrier around it, Because Tuck has a demented 'taste' for the contents!:eek:

There is a product that can be put in the dog's water supply. It supposedly makes the contents of the litter box undesirable.

07-31-2011, 07:44 PM
Hello Richard
Don't know how much space you have but a friend of mine bought a baby gate with the cat door opening and she puts the cat box behind it. She got hers at The Christmas Tree Shop for $30 I just seen one on amazon extra tall for $55

Chatanuga love the picture of the cat using the dog as a pillow:D
Do they ever get to visit each other?
The last pic looks like the kittens saying " whatcha got " TOO CUTE!

07-31-2011, 07:53 PM
The baby gate is an excellent idea and something we used when we had kittens here and also our Lab Casey. We bought a $10 baby gate and cut a cat sized hole in it.

Also, I put cat doors on some of my doors when Casey was still with us so the cats could go in but the dog could not. Don't know if this is an option since this isn't your home but you could try it.

It is pretty fun to watch dogs and cats learn to live together. And, it is definitely a learning process.

We still need some photos of Ed. :D
Pretty, pretty, pleaaaaassssssssseeeeeee. :)

07-31-2011, 08:24 PM
I have baby gates blocking off rooms with cat food, so the cats have places to escape and be dog-free, and the dogs can't get to the cat food.

Litter boxes are down cellar, the door is always open and a gate across the short hallway to that door.

Lots of ways of doing it. As long as the dog does NOT get the cat food or cat "tootsie rolls," all is fine.

Ed is making this place HIS home, I see! That's what I got from your descriptions. :cool:

08-01-2011, 07:19 PM
Hello Richard
Chatanuga love the picture of the cat using the dog as a pillow:D
Do they ever get to visit each other?
The last pic looks like the kittens saying " whatcha got " TOO CUTE!

Unfortunately, they haven't seen each other since September 2007 when I brought Casey home. With them being an hour away, I don't want to put him through that long of a drive unless it's absolutely necessary. Plus, I'm not sure how Smokey would handle being alone for that length of time. As far as bringing Shiloh down to my place, she gets car sick if she's on the road too long. Plus, with Smokey afraid of visitors, I know he'd be scared of a dog coming in.

08-02-2011, 09:44 AM
My Dear Aunt Joan always had Ctas and Dogs iving together, and there was hardly any problem with fighting. Our Animals are usualy very good in blending and make great friends.
I havealways wondered how a Litte Dog will do at the Hotel.:D:D

08-02-2011, 12:45 PM
I've had cats, still do, and I've had dogs, but I've never had them together. Seeing as how dogs are not allowed in my complex, I probably won't have this experience in the near future. I don't see why it can't be a harmonious arrangement, though. I've seen it done at other people's houses.

08-02-2011, 03:37 PM
Litter boxes are down cellar,


OMG Sandie - you just took me way back with that. I haven't heard, or used that term since I left RI many, many moons ago! :eek::p Here we say "down in the basement".

As far as the dog/cat issue in this house-------the cat's dry food which is left out for them to free feed is in a corner of the family room which is off limits to the pups. The litter box is in a small sitting room off the family room, so no problem there either. Occasionally Sparky sneaks in there to root for "kitty treats" tho. YUK!!! The cats also split a small can of wet food in the evening, and that gets put on top of the washing machine, so there's no way for the Fuzzbuttz to get at that.

08-02-2011, 06:02 PM
I have LilGirl dog and Luke cat living in same house. Annie is an outside dog. Overall the situation is ok ... but I have to make sure of the following:

1. Put Luke's cat food in a chair (he sits on stool to eat) and make sure no cat food is left out or dog will eat it. I wait when I feed both dog and cat. I KNOW dog will eat cat food, not sure if cat will eat dog food. Both of them have a water bowl which works out ok.

2. Keep tabs on Luke cat or he will "stalk" LilGirl dog and corner her. He doesnt hurt her but he scares her. He loves to hide behind a door or chair and jump out at LilGirl dog when she walks by. Luke can't help it; he is a CAT. When I see him doing this, I warn LilGirl and I think she knows when I say "Luke is waiting for you" and I get up and block him. oh yes, we have fun LOL.

3. Then sometimes LilGirl is very brave and barks in cat's face especially when cat wants to jump on couch where LilGirl dog is. She can act very ferocious but then again very wimpy. It varies.

4. For litter box I put litter box inside a big deep cardboard box which is a good idea whether you have a dog and cat or not. When cat scratches the litter, the cardboard box catches any litter he knocks out. Also being high, dog does not bother it.

Once in awhile, I'll find the two of them lying close together on couch. I had visions of them being best buds but I dont think that will ever happen. I've had LilGirl for 3 years and Luke cat for 10. When LilGirl was a puppy she wanted to be near Luke cat and on a few occasions she slept on top of him and he let her. I wish they were cozy with each other but dont think it's going to happen.

Good Luck. 7:02pm

08-02-2011, 08:32 PM
I once had 2 dogs and 2 cats (all are RB now) at the same time. Dogs liked the cats better than the cats liked the dogs but all got along OK.:D
The only reason I don't have a dog now is because I'm away from home so much.....

08-02-2011, 09:10 PM
Glad to hear that your little family is getting along well.

My sister had a husky-mix who came down with pancreatitis from "snacking" from the cat box and eating the cat food.

She solved the problem by putting both the cat box and cat eating station in the laundry room. Then she installed a cat door in the laundry room door so that only the cat could come and go.