View Full Version : Sigh! The Annoying Mr. Spunky

07-29-2011, 10:52 PM
You know how some people can be annoying to the pi0nt you want to slap their face off? This is how Mr. Spunky is with Samwise. Poor Sam. He would rather be an only cat and Spunks just has to push him to the edge.

So the fur started flying, with Emily accidentally in the middle. Lots of water was sprayed by me. Spunky was in a self-imposed exile for a few hours (his idea) or he was sulking because he knew I was pi$$ed. I had to check out Sam and Emily to make sure there were no injuries. Egos are bruised and equilibrium shattered but we will heal.

So Sam has adopted a newly reclaimed basket as his. Spunks is back on the couch. Emily is back asleep on her chair. And Bob and Jane are hanging around like they don't know what the he!! happened.

And I sprayed Feliway on lots of bedding, trees, and such.

I may just have to spend more play time with Spunks.

So can I spike their water with Chamomile tea?

07-29-2011, 11:01 PM
Well, you could always spike it with nip!:D

07-30-2011, 01:00 AM
Well I haven't tried this before but you could put some rescue remedy in their water. Here's a link about it:http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=3550. I don't know if you can buy this at a pet store or not. Good luck.:)

By the way, how old is Mr. Spunky? My Blaze has no fear of my other cats and he also likes to bug them a lot. He acts like he doesn't understand what hissing and growling mean.;) Alani is a bit better about this but he still has his buggy moments too. They're both only a year old so they still have a lot of kitten energy in them.:)

07-30-2011, 07:58 AM
Spunky, please don't feel you HAVE to live up to your name daily! :D

Glad all is calm, for the moment at least!

07-30-2011, 09:14 AM
Miquelito can be like that too an Oriental Short Hair , who is a bully. He chases Pouncierge around and tries to bully the much larger Tubster Panther:eek:
I pray that My Star Cassandra Charlene Victoria Josephine Ghost Spunkette Killearn Smokey can fight back, and not get hurt. Shes a bit feral, and is about 6.6 pounds, I just pray noone gets hurt.:love::love::love: