View Full Version : Prayer request for my brother

Malibu's Mom
07-29-2011, 06:14 PM
I won't go into too many details because it is complex, but there are a few people at work that have it out for him for no reason at all. The woman (who he was EXCEEDINGLY nice to, but is trying all he can to avoid now) sent a few of her "grunts" (she is very pretty and loves to manipulate guys to do her bidding) to beat him up when he was in the bathroom last time he was at work. Nothing became of it but it was close to becoming a fight. She is really crazy and manipulative.

The other person is a guy who has a very bad drug habit and does not like being told to do his job and likes to report everybody for silly reasons. He completely overreacted to a compliment from my brother (all he said was "nice sunglasses, where'd you get them?" and he interpreted that as my brother accusing him of stealing) and kept on ranting to everybody about it for days afterward, even calling all the people he knew at work at 7 AM to complain about him.

Today is his first day back to work and I'm worried. My brother has always been a nice, polite, hard working person his whole life and people just love to try to push his buttons for that reason. He's a very big guy and he does have friends there but I'm still worried about him. These are potentially dangerous people he's dealing with. I have wanted him to leave that horrid place and put some applications elsewhere but he hasn't yet. Who am I to tell my adult brother what to do anyway? But I'm still extremely worried and would appreciate prayers that he stays safe and that he realizes that he must quit his job. :(

07-29-2011, 07:07 PM
Geepers! I think it is time for a new job! :eek:

Malibu's Mom
07-29-2011, 09:58 PM
I agree completely. He quit once before when they promoted him to another position and made him work 2x as hard for only 16 cents more an hour, but they lured him back by offering him his old job again. I won't say which but it's an incredibly large organization with a reputation for not being a particularly good place to work.

I just don't think it's worth it to continue working there. I think he gets minimum wage or just slightly above it, he's doing backbreaking work and has to deal with this incredibly hostile working environment on top. They just don't appreciate him and he is frankly wasted there. He is smart, good with mechanics, and is an all around good guy. He'd never say that about himself, but he is. They really take advantage of him and it really frustrates me. :(

07-29-2011, 10:21 PM
Prayers for your brother - that he does something good for himself and leaves!

07-30-2011, 01:25 AM
I agree that it sounds like your brother needs to move on. I know the economy is still not the best but there has to be a better job for him some where. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

Malibu's Mom
07-30-2011, 11:14 PM
The two people weren't there last night, but are there tonight. My dad talked with him as to how to deal with the situation and gave him good advice. He generally takes my dad's advice to heart, I think, especially in situations that my dad is very experienced in like this one.

My brother is very much at the stage in his life where he forgets he isn't invincible and believes in facing his threats. He doesn't realize that it isn't worth his trouble. It's frustrating for me because I see him letting people take advantage of him and him making poor decisions and there's nothing I can do about it. I KNOW he's smarter than that!

I realize that most everyone goes through stages like that. I'm just praying he gets through his relatively unscathed.

Thank you all for your prayers. I know I can always get support at PT.

07-31-2011, 07:37 AM
Hope everything went well for your brother at work yesterday . Surely there must be some solution to the problem short of quitting his job. But if things are so out of hand it might be the best solution for him.

07-31-2011, 04:28 PM
This is a very sad and frightening situation! Please know that prayers are being prayed for his safety and that a much better offer will soon come his way.

07-31-2011, 09:38 PM
The trouble with bullies is that they don't stop. Once they find that they can assert themselves over someone, it becomes amusing to them to dominate their victim. It's a power thing.

Complaining to management usually makes the situation worse.

If your brother chooses to stay at his workplace, then he has to either work in another area, away from his tormentors, or simply confront each individual and take them around the corner and give them a good smack in the earhole.
I'm not condoning violence here, but sometimes the only way to extract oneself from a situation like that is to make a connection between your brothers fist and his tormenters mouthes....it shuts them up.

Either that, or he leaves and gets work elsewhere. ;)

07-31-2011, 10:33 PM
I sent you a PM, Malibu's Mom, and we'll keep your brother in our prayers.

08-01-2011, 07:01 AM
I would suggest he find another job. Maybe stay within the company, if possible, but leave the area where these bullies reside.

I worked in an office with two bullies. I left within a couple of years. They too left eventually but it was enough of a bad experience for me, that I would never go back to that place. The fact that "the powers that be" allowed these bullies to stay for as long as they did, spoke volumes. Bad management allows bullies to thrive. Such a shame.

I hope your brother finds another place to work, where they reward him for his dedication etc. Maybe there is a non-profit place, i.e. animal shelter etc. where he could work. He sounds like a valuable employee to me.

Positive thoughts coming his way........

08-01-2011, 10:40 AM
I think he needs to leave and cut all ties with these people.
Also I think perhaps some therapy for self-esteem might be helpful.
This can take a toll on a person's self-esteem through no fault of their own.

08-01-2011, 10:42 AM
Prayers coming for your brother and for you as well.
