View Full Version : Harmony in Peril Re-Post

07-25-2011, 06:26 AM
Sorry for the dual post, but I feel this needs more exposure than it gets in cat behavior. It got plenty of views but not one comment or suggestion. This behavior of Sam's is distressing me. My skin is itching due to stress and so on. I am wondering what will happen when I go back to work in two weeks.

Well, the honeymoon is over for me and the kitty kwintet. Sam has taken the addition of Bob and Emily the hardest. He guards the cat tree he thinks as his and no one else can be on it at the same time he is.

He has also been picking fights with any cat. He either directly attacks them to get them to move from a spot he wants, or he sits in one of their favorite spots.

He's even nipped at me and is clearly mad at me.

EDIT: AND HE POOPED IN THE TUB!!!!! This is the second bathroom and I just decided to check in there today. So I moved a spare litter box in there and hope no one else notices it's there.

I've done my best to give all of them (attention and Love) time but I'm not sure what to do about this.

Any suggestions?

07-25-2011, 07:44 AM
I"m so sorry this is happening. Consider yourself lucky he pooped in a "cleanable" spot...not peeing on carpet! I think time is the only answer. Whenever you introduce a new kitty to a clan, someones whiskers will get bend out of shape. If Sam needs to establish his Alpha cat status, the rest will fall into place eventually. Sorry this is stressing you out but it's part of meowmiedome. :( Try some Feliway (sp?) and let them sort it out on their own. Some extra lovin for Sam might make him less angry at you.

07-25-2011, 08:27 AM
Try spraying Feliway in the air. I use it all the time for my crew. It works great! It has an enzyme in there that only cats can detect. It's very calming. Try spraying the cat tree with it too and any bedding they may have. Do NOT spray it directly on the cats.

I have a shower pooper. My 20 lb tuxedo Spikerdude poops in the shower. Not all the time. But I've learned that it is a "marking" mechanism in a cat. Cat's anal glands cover the poo with the scent of the pooping cat. It tells the other cats that that is HIS crib! I've tried putting a litterbox in my shower for him. It just got too messy so I decided to allow him to poop there. I can scrub it down with bleach, and he hasn't done it anywhere else. Poor cat was dumped at a shelter in a cat carrier 3 sizes too small. He's a great cat, except for that one little "indiscretion".

Thanks for not giving up on him. I'm sorry I didn't answer this before. Been busy with a dog stabbing trial. Get some Feliway concentrated spray. It really works!!!

07-25-2011, 09:31 AM
WE hope that you can settle things too. Scrappy Two and Miquelito are a bit miffed with the arrival of Star Saccandra Josephine Spunkette Killearn and are letting me know it.
Let us pray that we have peace iin our homes very soon.:love::love::love:

07-25-2011, 09:34 AM
Medusa will also recommend Clomicalm, which a cat or two of hers have been on and works great.

However, if Sam is hard to pill - and it might stress him out a bit more anyway - spraying the Feliway on his tree/bedding and in the air is well worth a try! It saved my friends' cats from being PTS when they had exhausted every single other option - it was a peeing issue.

07-25-2011, 01:11 PM
Time is your best friend in this situation. That, and Feliway. Neither Mac nor Ming like Kimba at all at first. For about two months,there was growling, snarling, and actual fights from time to time. Kimba always stood his ground, heck, sometimes he was the instigator. It's been three months since I took Kimba in and things are much quieter now. I still here the occasional growl, but no fur has flown in awhile. The boys are just getting used to having him here and have accepted him, sort of. They may never be best buds, but it seems they are working it out.:rolleyes:

07-25-2011, 10:06 PM
Thank you all. Sprays are best. I bought some today along with the diffuser for constant protection. I haven't used it yet. :rolleyes:

Sam appears to have made his statement for now and is back on his tree.

07-26-2011, 12:27 AM
You've been given some great advice. I hope that the Feliway spray will help Sam. Good luck.:)

07-27-2011, 12:04 AM
I put the diffuser in the litter room. I'll spray as I need to.

Things are up today. Sam was on my bed (after sulking for the last week) and Bob was on the bed not one foot from him. Progress! :)

07-27-2011, 12:41 AM
I put the diffuser in the litter room. I'll spray as I need to.

Things are up today. Sam was on my bed (after sulking for the last week) and Bob was on the bed not one foot from him. Progress! :)

This is wonderful news!!!:) I hope Sam will continue to stay much calmer now.:)

Malibu's Mom
07-27-2011, 01:03 AM
Yay!!! Hope things continue to improve for your kitties. Just earlier this year Buddy would NOT let his little sisters come within a few feet of him and now they all play together and sleep next to each other. Cats are really amazing the way they learn to coexist. :D

07-27-2011, 05:03 AM
I put the diffuser in the litter room. I'll spray as I need to.

Things are up today. Sam was on my bed (after sulking for the last week) and Bob was on the bed not one foot from him. Progress! :)

Great news!!!