View Full Version : What are Your Thoughts?

07-22-2011, 07:58 PM

I am considering this for Zen but wanted to get some opinions first before making a final decisions. I can see how if it works it would save a lot of money in litter. And no more issues with smell. But I am wondering if something like this would really work or not.

07-23-2011, 01:51 AM
I wonder if it would work??

I was looking at this, but it requires more water hook ups, and more training(can't imagine training 6 cats to use it, lol). Cat Genie (http://www.catgenie.com/?gclid=CMCqwv_vlqoCFYHb4AodDEaayg)

07-23-2011, 03:33 AM
I heard it from somebody that some relative in my family had a cat that used the toilet seat like we do and then used to flush it as well :D This should probably work. It might be easy for you as you only have one cat. :)

07-23-2011, 03:41 AM
A cat is a cat is a cat. They do cat like things. Like pee! I consider myself lucky Calvin uses the box! LOL! I KNOW he'd never go for that. Having an animal comes with the side effects...fur on everything and cleaning a litter box. Totally worth it to share his fuzzy life with mine. :) It would be flushing money down that same toilet in my house! LOL!

07-23-2011, 08:41 AM
My RB Meezer Ming taught himself to use the toilet - no props needed. This method that is advertized has been around for years - it works for some - but not for others - so I guess that's why you don't see it advertized very much. A good idea for the would be money makers to drag up every now and then I suppose. Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks.............:rolleyes:

07-23-2011, 08:47 AM
I would prefer my three kittys to use the litterboxes in the basement. I'd like to keep my toilet for myself.;) I scoop all three twice a day and tell the kittys I'm digging for gold.:D I knew I would have to do this when I brought them all home, so no complaints. To me it just seems natural, kittys=litterboxes.;)

07-23-2011, 09:17 AM
I was also looking at both of those myself
The one you put on the toilet seat i think I can get 1 of my 5 to do. LOL
I was looking at the cat genie one. the reviews I read said it takes about 1 hours to clean itself and its loud.

I heard from someone you should not flush the poop.
Later I typed in -flushing cat poop

Here is one I read, there are more websites if you want to research yourself.
Link below and I copied and pasted what it said.

: Good question. Actually, you should not flush cat feces down the toilet. Studies are showing that toxoplasmosis, a parasite found in cat feces, has infected marine mammals and otters. Toxoplasmosis cannot be destroyed by sewage treatment, and therefore escapes into our waterways, where crabs and starfish will feed on it, thus jeopardizing the health of other marine mammals who feed on the crabs and starfish. Toxoplasmosis can cause brain damage and death in sea otters. Most (if not all) litter manufacturers warn on their packaging not to flush feces or litter down the toilet, and that is the reason

So right now I buy the 55 gallon drum liner garbage bags from BJ"s
(they are $15 for 50 bags and they are thick) and line the litter box,tidy cat scoopable-blue lid ,scoop every day and usually change the bag out once a week.
I was using the Van Ness liners they were good but exspencive when you have 6 litter boxes!
Hope this helps

07-23-2011, 09:23 AM
I wonder if that would work fior Older Cats , or would they have to learn to use these as Kittens.:cool::cool:
That would save some money, but raise the water bills.:cool:

07-23-2011, 09:42 AM
I would prefer my three kittys to use the litterboxes in the basement. I'd like to keep my toilet for myself.;)

Me, too. Besides, my Fur Posse would never go for it, especially Creamsicle b/c she's so spastic being a CH baby. She could never balance.

07-23-2011, 10:47 AM
Thanks everyone. You have all defiantely given me some food for thought