View Full Version : Albert going to the vets today...not sure what's up with his back

07-22-2011, 07:29 AM
Back in May I wrote this thread and the 2 boys have been at our place ever since. We have them on a rescue's waiting list but that can be up to a year or so...so that will make it even harder to give up but we just may need to.


Anyway, Simon is just an absoulte sweet heart, he loves to be near you and petted and just a love bug. Albert is improving more than I thought he would. We had them spayed in May about a week or so after we rescued them and combo tested and they were negative for that. They were given their shots, dewormer. Albert has had some runny poo so we were feeding him Purina One Salmon & Tuna formula and then this month I've switched them to Purina One Sensitive Stomach so I'm hoping that will help.

Anyway, I've had his poo tested and it's been negative, just yesterday I gave them another sample and it was negative but still kinda runny.

I'm not sure what's going on with his system. I need to montior his brother to see if his poo is the same or not but recently it was firming up some.

So the real reason though for today's vet visit is we noticed last month that he has a scratch mark on his back. It looked like it was healing so we figured we'd let it go. We've been monitoring it and it's about a nickle size area on his back and it's kinda firm on the skin so I'm not sure what it is but he's missing hair there and so we are taking him in to get checked out.

I'm hoping nothing is wrong with him. He has become a very sweet boy just a little scared at times but he's improved so much. Albert is the mostly white one. Simon is behind him.


07-22-2011, 09:22 AM
We are praying that nothing iswrong with Albert.
Its always scary when Our Cats are ailing and we dont know why.
Get Well Soon Friend Albert.

07-22-2011, 11:41 AM
Prayers and good thoughts for him :)
Love and kisses for both of them :love::love:

07-22-2011, 11:58 AM
You do take such good care of your cats, Melissa. I hope the problem is easy to fix. Perhaps his immune system is a little fragile because of his life before you and so healing takes longer.

One year waiting list - yikes! I thought it was bad that I have to wait six weeks to get one of my recent rescues out into the shelter's adoption system. They look like the kind of cats people will find appealing and by the time they go out they will be super friendly and a lot more confident.

07-22-2011, 02:01 PM
I can tell that neither one of them has missed any meals, Melissa. ;) I sure do hope that all is well w/Albert.

07-22-2011, 04:52 PM
Prayers and good wishes and healing energies that all is well with Albert.


07-22-2011, 05:51 PM
Albert is doing just fine, he was such a good boy the vet said that his wound was infected so she gave him an antibotic shot so hopefully that will take care of the problem.


07-22-2011, 06:32 PM
Just seeing this now. Glad you had him in to the vet. Paws crossed it all heals up properly now.

07-22-2011, 06:55 PM
That's good. I'm sure you are both relieved.

07-22-2011, 07:49 PM
That's great! Be all well soon, Albert!


07-22-2011, 10:07 PM
Glad to hear the good news :)

07-22-2011, 10:10 PM
Have you tried mixing a little canned pumpkin in with his food? Might help....

07-23-2011, 09:43 AM
That's a relief, I'm sure, Melissa. Glad Albert is on the mend. :)

07-23-2011, 06:40 PM
They're both so adorable and look wonderful.:) I'm sorry to hear about Albert and I hope he'll heal up quickly. I'm also sorry to hear that they may both have runny stools.:(

Both Alani and Blaze also have very sensitive tummies and ever since I've had them they usually have diarrhea or loose stools with most foods that I've fed them.:( I've been feeding them Chicken Soup For The Cat Lovers Soul Light dry formula which has a lot of fiber in it and it does seem to help them. They do need more moisture in their diet but everything that I've tried causes them to have more loose stools.:(

I read this about Manx cats and here's a recipe for loose stool problems:
Many Manx cats and kittens tend to suffer from soft, semi-liquid, smelly stool which their owners have repeatedly linked to canned food and even quality dry food. These cats and kittens reportedly have to use their litter box up to five times a day, some time after they had some commercial food. This problem can affect kittens' weight and growth rate. Canned and dry food may also cause flatulence in Manx cats, as some owners report. This problem can be very frustrating for both cats and their owners, as a result some owners choose to keep their Manx cats and even kittens outside when they are not able to produce hard stool, thus exposing them to cold weather and a risk of predators. The following home-cooked diet has been effectively proven to produce regular, hard, normal stool without any unpleasant smell. Feed your Manx (or any other breed with a soft / semi-liquid stool problem) a mix of home-cooked poultry (turkey, chicken or duck) or fish with little amounts of cooked white rice. A few finely chopped grains of white rice added to each meal are enough to prevent the 'poopy butt' syndrome the Manxes are known for. You can adjust how much freshly cooked broth can be added to this wet food (most cats enjoy drinking fresh, low-fat, non-concentrated broth). Both poultry and fish should be fed to a Manx on a daily basis to provide necessary nutrients. The exact ratio is 2 Tsp. of cooked and chopped fish or poultry to 1/3 teaspoon of cooked, finely chopped white rice. Depending on steak thickness, cook fish for 30-40 minutes, turkey or chicken for 60-90 minutes. Once the broth starts boiling, let it simmer under a lid for the time indicated. Never add any spices or onions to the poultry or fish when cooking, just water and a tiny bit of salt. Cooked poultry can be safely stored in the broth in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, the best storage time for fish is 24 hours. Rice can be cooked in advance and kept in the fridge for up to 5 days. All food should be at room temperature when it is fed to cats, never hot or directly from the fridge. The home-made rice-added diet tends to stabilize stomach problems almost immediately, with permanent results after 4-5 days (flatulence and smelly, drippy stool are eliminated). If a Manx cat gets its home-cooked meals 3-4 times a day, 1 Tsp. of premuim dry cat food can safely be fed at bedtime, this amount should not affect its digestion or stool quality.

I may try something similar for Alani & Blaze. I hope you'll also be able to find something that'll work for your two as well.

07-25-2011, 09:29 AM
Well everything was going fine when I posted...until yesterday he started having a lot of runny runny diahrea. Poor guy he must of gone at least 4 times yesterday.

The vet gave him Metronidazole Flagyl 250 mg which we are only giving him 1/2 a pill and it's just once a day. So Friday he got his first pill at the vets, Saturday and Sunday night. I called the vets this morning and I'm still waiting for a call back. Poor guy though I, he was doing semi-better before the vets, his stool was loose but not this loose.

I don't know if it was the Convenia shot or not or if it's these Met. pills.


07-25-2011, 03:22 PM
I hate having to give my cats Metronidazole, it's so very bitter and you begin to wonder if the side effects aren't worse than the reason you are giving the med.

None of mine have ever had diarrhoea after the Convenia shot, though they have after some oral antibiotics.

Have you tried putting cooked pumpkin in his canned food as someone else suggested. It comes highly recommended.

I'm sorry you and Albert are having a rough time and hope he gets better soon.