View Full Version : 6 Nov - Richard's birthday!

11-06-2002, 08:30 PM
Hippo Birdie Ewe Ewe!!! And miiini mooore!!!

Hope it's a happy one!

11-06-2002, 10:00 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD!!! I hope you had a good one.

11-07-2002, 02:56 AM
Does Richard walk on his 4 paws or only on 2? Does he have fur or skin?

11-07-2002, 03:47 AM
Happy Birthday Richard!

Love Bastet

*Smoochy Kissy Kitty faces!*

11-07-2002, 05:46 AM


11-07-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
Does Richard walk on his 4 paws or only on 2? Does he have fur or skin?

Richard is human, but *blush* I've forgotten what his fur-baby's name is... (Usually I remember the cat's name and forget the human's. I gotta get more RAM for my brain!)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-07-2002, 03:44 PM
Happy Birthday, Richard!!!

I believe Richard is owned by Eddie. :)

It's also all Richard's fault that Peanut has turned into a treat monster! He first mentioned Temptations treats in a post warning us about them, and of course I had to ingnore his warning and go out and buy them. Ever since, Peanut is relentless with her begging for treats. No other treat is good enough anymore. Temptations and Temptations only for this little princess. And it's all Richard's fault. ;) :D

11-07-2002, 04:03 PM
Happy Birthday Richard even though I have no clue who you are lol!!:D

11-07-2002, 06:28 PM
i did have a hippo hippo birdie day!!!!

yes i am owned by Edward D. Katz

--which reminds me of my favorite all time joke-what has four legs and chases (K)at(z)???

Mrs (K)at(z) and her lawyer.......

i have been known to travel on four legs.......(that evil AL K. Hall!!);)

tubby and peanut's mom, again my apologies for turning your kids into treat monsters..........(what's their favorite flavor?)

And Floppsy, you are blessed by not knowing me:eek:

thanks to you all! :)

this site has become a little bit of a learning experience and therapy for me.....eddie's mom became sick and passed away, so
he came to live with me. It's been a pleasure to read your experiences, habits and stories about your furbabies. (eddie's mom loved to call him a 'hairy teenager'-it fits at times..) Having eddie come live with me was a huge adjustment..... in a little over 7 months i have learned to ..........
wake up on command, open cat food packages, clip nails, brush his fur, spend money on treats, toys and anything he wants, stalk, be stalked, understand "CAT ", speak "CAT", dodge the
books, radio and other things on the shelf over my bed, wrestle,
and dress wounds caused by rough housing......

i wouldn't have it any other way......

thanks again to you all and.....

"I'm still learning"

11-08-2002, 09:26 AM
Can't understand why I missed your Birthday Richard - just pleased you had a good time. So a very belated Happy Birthday to you.
I'm so pleased you're becoming a REAL cat person - Eddie must be one darn good teacher!!
Speaking of Temptations, yes I remember you starting the whole of Pet Talkers rushing out and buying them - we can't get them over here in the UK yet, but recently while visiting my daughter over there - I managed to get HER cat, Tabitha well and truly hooked on the things!! (Her Mummy was thrilled of course :D :D) She's trying to put Tabitha on a diet!! Isn't it nice to help people as we go along?!!
