View Full Version : Pssst: Catmobile kitties

07-18-2011, 01:18 PM
August 13th is Angel Rose's 2nd birthday. I'd like to have a surprise party for her if any of you can make it.

They've all been in such a funk this summer with all the hot weather. A surprise party would be just the thing. You all can meet Frankie too. He goes in for his big boy surgery the 15th so the party would help keep him entertained too.

I have a big back yard, plenty big for the catmobile to park in, with electricity and water hook ups.

Anyone interested? I know Angel and Winnie, and Chip and Chuck too have missed seeing all their friends. :love:

07-18-2011, 03:27 PM
Oh, yes! I'm so very interested! A surprise party for Angel will be awesome!

How about a Theme Party?? or a Costume Party?? Wouldn't it be cool??

And, of course, I'm gonna have to go shopping for treats and presents... oh! I'll call Chels!!

And we can have a fabulous birthday cake!!! And maybe a barbecue on the back yard!!!

OMG!!! I'm so excited!!!
--posted via CatBerry Mobile

07-18-2011, 03:56 PM
Oh, we're all in for this!!!!!

Since the Pipers and Dancer have already been invited to perform in the Dublin, Ohio Irish Festival August 5-7, they'll already be not far from Kansas and all set to do a special birthday performance!

We can't wait.. What a wonderful surprise treat this will be for Angel Rose!

Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, Lavinia, and Princess Poppaea Sabina Eugenia

07-18-2011, 04:09 PM
Cassie would love to go to the party for Angel's birthday and Frankie's good luck wishes!

http://www.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSKSBkFbB2fXAO2jO_dS2jcZiSEZF3w 6rAk5hILpSwiS2Ony2uv2_6rQ

07-18-2011, 04:19 PM


Pinot's Mom
07-18-2011, 04:43 PM
Oh, I'm in! Let me call Groucho, we'll get the gang together, no worries!

07-18-2011, 11:30 PM
My boys are in! Ming is tuning his pipes as we speak. I bribed Mac to take Kimba with him. I love kittens, but sometimes a meowmom needs a break!:rolleyes:

07-19-2011, 12:46 AM
Franklin and The Princess will be there too....they can't stand to miss out on anything!:D

07-19-2011, 09:27 AM
We will all be there, and we will bring Josephine Spunkette will be there too.
We will bring Take Out for Angel, and lots of Treats :love: Toys :love: and Food:love:
Happy Purrthday Angel!!!:love:

Edwina's Secretary
07-19-2011, 11:37 AM
We are in...as long as we don't have to sit too close together!


07-19-2011, 11:58 AM
A BBQ sounds purrfect!!! What should the costumes or theme be? We have an old west fort here. Maybe a western theme? The girls would be cute dance hall girls. :D Or a beach party? It's been super hot here this summer. The gang could show off their swim wear.

Grandma heard the pipers were coming. She plans on coming out of the bedroom to hear them. :D

07-19-2011, 01:26 PM
Grandma heard the pipers were coming. She plans on coming out of the bedroom to hear them. :D

I think a serenade for Grandma would be beautiful! :love:

The western theme sounds fun and perfect for a BBQ!
I'm sure Lady Edwina will wear a fabulous hat and Frankie will have a lot of fun with Kimba..

I can't wait to see all the gang!!!

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

07-19-2011, 04:05 PM
Mine have never been on any of the catmobile trips. Do you think you'd have room for 6 more cats? Alani & Blaze might be a handful though. We can't miss Angel's surprise birthday party.:)

Pinot's Mom
07-19-2011, 04:19 PM
Mine have never been on any of the catmobile trips. Do you think you'd have room for 6 more cats? Alani & Blaze might be a handful though. We can't miss Angel's surprise birthday party.:)

There's ALWAYS room! :)
Of course you're all coming!

Killearn Kitties
07-19-2011, 04:32 PM
Woo hoo! Of course Samantha will be there to celebrate darling Angel's birthday! Has it really been two years???
And she is so looking forward to meeting Josephine Spunkette! A beautiful grey kitty like herself. :love:

07-19-2011, 04:39 PM
:eek: WoW A Party Yaa Horrayy.. We is all packing for sure.. Just think the TX Sibies will get to see their KS Sibies again.. Whatss Funn Wess to Havess.. We Bringing Some CatNip Tea & Snackee Pooss..

Edwina's Secretary
07-19-2011, 07:21 PM
They're ready! Edwina is searching for the purrfect gift...


07-20-2011, 09:01 AM
I most definitely will be there to help our friend Angel celebrate her purrthday in PT style. This sounds like it's going to be a great party! Arrangements have been made for the Catmobile and I'll be going to FYE to find us some cowboy music for the occasion.

Pinot, I'm sorry I missed your call. We'll connect later and start mapping things out.

07-20-2011, 12:33 PM
Sounds like we will all have a great time. Be sure to pack your sunglasses. Summer in Kansas is usually very sunny and hot too.

Chip and Chuck will be so excited to see their Texas sibbies again. How are they getting along with their new little sibby? Chip and Chuck think their new little sibby is a pain in their bums. ;) :D

07-20-2011, 12:53 PM
:love: They all get along great.. However the older ones always think the younger ones are wittle rats to chase.. I keep telling the older babies = dont you all remember what it was like to be young & small.. And I get this :rolleyes: look back..

07-20-2011, 03:01 PM
I most definitely will be there to help our friend Angel celebrate her purrthday in PT style. This sounds like it's going to be a great party! Arrangements have been made for the Catmobile and I'll be going to FYE to find us some cowboy music for the occasion.

Pinot, I'm sorry I missed your call. We'll connect later and start mapping things out.

The pipers and dancer have informed me that they are getting together some cowboy ditties and CW music for the occasion! And how about a square dance?

07-20-2011, 04:05 PM
I most definitely will be there to help our friend Angel celebrate her purrthday in PT style. This sounds like it's going to be a great party! Arrangements have been made for the Catmobile and I'll be going to FYE to find us some cowboy music for the occasion.

Pinot, I'm sorry I missed your call. We'll connect later and start mapping things out.

Dear Groucho,
Cassie and I would be happy to pick up bagpipe arrangements of cowboy songs from Performers Music in downtown Chicago. Just let us know what music you want. We'll happily make the trip! (Performers Music is one of my very favorite places.) We'll be sure to get "Home On The Range" which is the Kansas state song.

Your admiring fan,

07-20-2011, 05:50 PM
A square dance sounds like lots of fun. I had to let Winnie in on the surprise so she can help me get their outfits and things. She is really excited too. :D

07-20-2011, 06:31 PM
Dear Groucho,
Cassie and I would be happy to pick up bagpipe arrangements of cowboy songs from Performers Music in downtown Chicago. Just let us know what music you want. We'll happily make the trip! (Performers Music is one of my very favorite places.) We'll be sure to get "Home On The Range" which is the Kansas state song.

Your admiring fan,

Hi Auntie Elyse,
Performers Music sounds like a great place! I was talking to Meowmie about what music to get and she suggested that we let the Pipers and Dancer decide what THEY want to play. No matter what they choose we know it will be a top #1 hit! It's so nice of you and Cassie to do this!

Purrs and headbumpies,

07-20-2011, 07:06 PM
Since this is Kansas.. perhaps the Wizard of Oz (and the music... "We're off to see the Wizard...") should figure in to this celebration, too!

07-20-2011, 11:03 PM
Cassie is worried. She wonders if the other kitties will have bandanas and she won't. I told her not to worry-- if that happens I am sure Auntie MoFF or Lady Edwina will know what to do.


07-20-2011, 11:27 PM
Cassie is worried. She wonders if the other kitties will have bandanas and she won't. I told her not to worry-- if that happens I am sure Auntie MoFF or Lady Edwina will know what to do.


Not to worry Cassie, we have plenty of bandanas in lots of colors for you to choose from. :love: We also have cowboy/cowgirl boots in different sizes should any one want to wear them. :love:

07-21-2011, 11:38 AM
Hi Auntie MoFF,
Bandanas, how cool is that?!? Should all of us get cowboy hats too? Maybe we can find ones that match our sunglasses.

Your friend,

07-21-2011, 12:01 PM
Now you've done it! With all of this cowboy talk, Mac has asked me for spurs!:eek: I did not have the heart to ask why.:rolleyes:

07-21-2011, 12:07 PM

Lady Edwina: As usual you look fab. Question: Where can I get a hat like that one? I have a white bandana with baby blue flowers, do you think it'll match?

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

07-21-2011, 12:59 PM
Cowboy hats are optional!!! Spurs, I don't know about. We wouldn't want any one getting hurt. :love:

07-21-2011, 02:37 PM
Gosh, cowboys and cowgirls, cowboy/girl hats, spurs... Maybe we should invite some of our horsie friends too?!

Edwina's Secretary
07-21-2011, 03:58 PM
Lady Edwina: As usual you look fab. Question: Where can I get a hat like that one? I have a white bandana with baby blue flowers, do you think it'll match?

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

Dear Sophie,

I will let you wear that one. It will look very nice on you - rather bring out the lovely tans in your fur.

I have this one - a gift from my beloved Auntie Barbara!


In a sharing mood,

Edwina e/s

Pinot's Mom
07-21-2011, 04:30 PM
Lady Edwina, Mom says I should wear a purple one for the Ravens, since I watch those games with Mom & Dad. I said I had to ask you...am I ok in purple?

Purrs, Pinot:)

Edwina's Secretary
07-21-2011, 04:44 PM
Lady Edwina, Mom says I should wear a purple one for the Ravens, since I watch those games with Mom & Dad. I said I had to ask you...am I ok in purple?

Purrs, Pinot:)

Oh Pinto! Purrple would be purrfect on you! It will make those hints of pink in your fur just pop!

But I am purrplexed...you watch birdies play games? Isn't it hard not to try and eat them?



Pinot's Mom
07-21-2011, 08:58 PM
Oh Pinot! Purrple would be purrfect on you! It will make those hints of pink in your fur just pop!

But I am purrplexed...you watch birdies play games? Isn't it hard not to try and eat them?



Edwina, honey, I don't go after birdie Ravens...that's a little ambitious even for me! There is this box with people on it that makes noise. It seems to make my purrents happy (but they yell, too) for me to be with them when they watch this. These people are called "Ravens" and they wear purple. I just go along with the program..... Thanks for the advice!! :love:

Purrs, Pinot

07-22-2011, 05:50 AM
Dear Auntie Moff: Is there room for an orangie, elderly gentleman??? Since Meowmie can't go because of something called w-u-r-k, she would like to send me along and I'd love to go. Only thing is I don't have any "what you call" Western wear. Could I borrow a bandana too please?

Will my beloved Sparkler be attending??? I do hope so.:love::love::love:


07-22-2011, 12:57 PM
Dear Auntie Moff: Is there room for an orangie, elderly gentleman??? Since Meowmie can't go because of something called w-u-r-k, she would like to send me along and I'd love to go. Only thing is I don't have any "what you call" Western wear. Could I borrow a bandana too please?

Will my beloved Sparkler be attending??? I do hope so.:love::love::love:


Mr. Merlin you for sure may come along!!! Yes, you may have a bandana and even a cowboy hat too if you want. :love:

I'm sure if Sparkler hears you are coming she will try her best to be here too. She is so over the moon for you, I hear. ;) :love::love:

07-22-2011, 04:57 PM
To my darling Merlin, OF COURSE I am coming because I have been dreaming so much of being together with you again! And just think, you and I will be square-dancing together!

LOVE from your Sparkler! :love::love::love:

07-22-2011, 07:49 PM
Oh my sweet, sweet Sparkler. :love::love::love: I want to join paws and square dance wiff you all night long. My Meowmie has a collection of C & W music so she's sending some CD's along wiff me, and she found some "chaps" for me to wear. I'm mean really, do cats wear chaps? :rolleyes:

I have a GPS now and can meet you guys anywhere you ask. Meowmie can take me to the airport, she just needs to cash in some air miles for my flight. Let me know where to hook up with you.

Oh yes, and I got a new iphone so you can text me or call 604-555-PURR.

My dear Sparkler, I have something very special to give you so I hope you and I can find some private time together. :love::love::love:

Your furrever,
Merlin xoxo

07-23-2011, 12:28 PM
Getting ready....
See you guys soon!

--posted via CatBerry Mobile


07-23-2011, 03:27 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Well, I got a call this morning from the local Jaguar dealer. Because of this horrible heat (it's 102 degrees in Trenton right now) the service crew is installing a new, state of the art air conditioning system to meet the need. They're also putting something with our water fountains so we can have ice with our drinks. Are they on top of things or what?

Pinot, when do you think we should plan to head out? Do you think maybe we should plan a stop at a mall so everyone can get new bandanas, cowboy/girl hats, and maybe upgrade their sunglasses?

Sophie, that bandana looks purrfect on you! Meowmie saw your picture and said how adorable you look in it!

Your friend,

07-23-2011, 05:22 PM
Please make sure the Catmobile driver fits into the route a stop in Dublin, Ohio or the Columbus area late on or after August 7 to pick up the Pipers and Dancer after their performance at the Dublin Irish Festival. Since their performance will be held in the Ohio State stadium, the driver needs to be sure and take into account that the traffic will probably be very congested in the area.

The pipers and dancer are very busy getting ready for the Dublin Irish Festival, Aug. 5-7. (See http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=2368319#post2368319). They tell me that this will be excellent preparation for Angel's surprise Western party, because many of the same musical instruments are popular in both Irish and Western music! And Sparkler's Irish and Scottish dancing talents enable her to be a fine square-dancer. She can't wait for her beloved Merlin to "swing your partner!"

07-23-2011, 05:23 PM
Sophie, your bandanna is utterly ADORABLE on you!

07-24-2011, 10:44 AM
Sophie, that bandana looks purrfect on you! Meowmie saw your picture and said how adorable you look in it!

Your friend,

Sophie, your bandanna is utterly ADORABLE on you!

Thank you!
Purrs and kitty kisses for you :love::love:
--posted via CatBerry Mobile

07-26-2011, 12:57 PM
Miss Sophie you certainly do look fetching in your bandana!!! Winnie agrees!!! She is peeking over my shoulder. We can't wait for Angel's party next month.

Our local weather guy just said August is supposed to have higher than normal temps and lower than usual rain fall. So we should have nice weather. :love:

07-26-2011, 03:49 PM
Oh my sweet, sweet Sparkler. :love::love::love: I want to join paws and square dance wiff you all night long. My Meowmie has a collection of C & W music so she's sending some CD's along wiff me, and she found some "chaps" for me to wear. I'm mean really, do cats wear chaps? :rolleyes:

I have a GPS now and can meet you guys anywhere you ask. Meowmie can take me to the airport, she just needs to cash in some air miles for my flight. Let me know where to hook up with you.

Oh yes, and I got a new iphone so you can text me or call 604-555-PURR.

My dear Sparkler, I have something very special to give you so I hope you and I can find some private time together. :love::love::love:

Your furrever,
Merlin xoxo

To my dearest Merlin, I can't can't can't WAIT to see you again! to tuck my paw in yours as we step onto the dance floor...

I am looking forward SO MUCH to that private time together, and I am bringing a special surprise for you too, my sweetie :love::love::love:!

All my lovies forever and forever from your adoring SPARKLER

Pinot's Mom
07-27-2011, 08:11 PM
Please make sure the Catmobile driver fits into the route a stop in Dublin, Ohio or the Columbus area late on or after August 7 to pick up the Pipers and Dancer after their performance at the Dublin Irish Festival. Since their performance will be held in the Ohio State stadium, the driver needs to be sure and take into account that the traffic will probably be very congested in the area.

The pipers and dancer are very busy getting ready for the Dublin Irish Festival, Aug. 5-7. (See http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=2368319#post2368319). They tell me that this will be excellent preparation for Angel's surprise Western party, because many of the same musical instruments are popular in both Irish and Western music! And Sparkler's Irish and Scottish dancing talents enable her to be a fine square-dancer. She can't wait for her beloved Merlin to "swing your partner!"

Kitties, check that thread for my latest post on our trip! Busy, busy....see you next week!

08-08-2011, 10:58 AM
Hi Ms. Moff!
Just wanted to let you know the Catmobile is on its way to you-know-where for the you-know-what of you-know-who, be prepared ;)

(I didn't say her name so Angel won't know!)

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

08-08-2011, 01:13 PM
My boys cannot wait to wish you-know-what to you-know-who!

08-08-2011, 03:39 PM
The kids will be so excited, specially you know who!!!

Just checked the weather channel. Looks like we will have great weather. Highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s. :):love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-09-2011, 03:32 AM
I would ,love to come too!! Can the catmobile pick me up in Brussels?? My human doesn't want me to fly to the US on my own......! I told her I would be a good kitty, as long as the stewards would give me lots of chicken nuggets.........


Of course I want my beau Groucho to be there too :love::love::love:

08-09-2011, 01:51 PM
Cassie is counting down the days until someone's special day! We are packing extra chicken for the Catmobile trip to Belgium to pick up Inka :D

08-09-2011, 02:57 PM
I would ,love to come too!! Can the catmobile pick me up in Brussels?? My human doesn't want me to fly to the US on my own......! I told her I would be a good kitty, as long as the stewards would give me lots of chicken nuggets.........


Of course I want my beau Groucho to be there too :love::love::love:

Hi Lut,
Inka arrived in Trenton a day or two before the Catmobile left on its latest excursion. Did she not tell you she was coming? Groucho told me they were making arrangements for his lovely princess to get here but I don't know any details. Inka went shopping with Sophie at Quakerbridge Mall and had a nice time with the other kitties who stayed here. If I had any idea that you didn't know, I would have told her to call you. Just wait until I hear from Groucho!!!

08-09-2011, 02:59 PM
Text from Merlin:
On our way to Kansas now and really looking forward to seeing Auntie MOFF and that gang. Having a great time with my love, Sparkler. :love::love::love: Can she come home wiff me?

08-09-2011, 04:13 PM
The folks from the Fort heard of the kitty musicians and are coming to hear them if the kits won't mind. They will bring the stagecoach and horses and buggies to give them all tours of the Fort if they would like. :)

I bet they will stay for the bbq and party too. They love square dancing and line dancing too. Looks like we will have an all out bash here!!! :cool::D

08-09-2011, 04:43 PM
Nelson is so excited, looking forward to this ... Big ..... Event!

And it turns out, he has many vocal gifts.. Not only did he melt every heart in the Ohio State Stadium with his Sean Nos singing... it turns out that he is also a gifted Square Dance Caller!

Do you think that might ever come in handy some time some where... ???

We still don't know who his secret little heart-throb is! Have any of you caretakers of single-lady cats noticed any of your ladies seeming awfully moody... distracted.. ????

Traveler, the USC horsie mascot, had such a good time at the Dublin Irish Festival stadium show with all the kittie performers that he wonders if he can come along to ...whatever is going on in Kansas??? ..if all these other horsies and horsie vehicles are going to be there! He's always thought it would be fun to pull a stagecoach or buggy some day! And he'll be glad to give the other horsies lessons on being a Football Team Mascot.

08-10-2011, 10:59 AM
Nelson is so excited, looking forward to this ... Big ..... Event!

And it turns out, he has many vocal gifts.. Not only did he melt every heart in the Ohio State Stadium with his Sean Nos singing... it turns out that he is also a gifted Square Dance Caller!

Do you think that might ever come in handy some time some where... ???

We still don't know who his secret little heart-throb is! Have any of you caretakers of single-lady cats noticed any of your ladies seeming awfully moody... distracted.. ????

Traveler, the USC horsie mascot, had such a good time at the Dublin Irish Festival stadium show with all the kittie performers that he wonders if he can come along to ...whatever is going on in Kansas??? ..if all these other horsies and horsie vehicles are going to be there! He's always thought it would be fun to pull a stagecoach or buggy some day! And he'll be glad to give the other horsies lessons on being a Football Team Mascot.

We can sure put Nelson's Square Dance Calling talent to work at the party. We all love Square Dancing here. He will be able to rest his voice and join in the dancing when we do line dances. Don't want him to do all work and have no time for fun. Maybe sneak a dance with his lady! ;)

And of course there will be lots of singing!!!

Traveler is more than Welcome. I'm sure he and the Fort horsies will have lots of stories to tell each other.
Can't wait to see everyone!! :love:

Pinot's Mom
08-10-2011, 11:27 AM
Pinot here...

Sorry I've been silent lately, my Catberry had a malfunction and I had to get Meowmie to have it replaced. The last trip was a BLAST - got to try my new musical instrument. Meowmie helped me out so I could have a good debut. She taught me the GLOCKENSPIEL!! The other kitties will have to say how it went, but I think I did just fine! Those hammers are a challenge!

Anyway, on to say you know what to you know who! No one blew the secret did they? CHELS!!! You didn't, did you???

08-10-2011, 12:37 PM
Pinot here...

Sorry I've been silent lately, my Catberry had a malfunction and I had to get Meowmie to have it replaced. The last trip was a BLAST - got to try my new musical instrument. Meowmie helped me out so I could have a good debut. She taught me the GLOCKENSPIEL!! The other kitties will have to say how it went, but I think I did just fine! Those hammers are a challenge!

Anyway, on to say you know what to you know who! No one blew the secret did they? CHELS!!! You didn't, did you???

Secret still safe for now but miss nosey britches was caught snooping through my closet looking for pressies!!!! That one is too smart for my own good!!! :D :love:

08-10-2011, 04:39 PM
Text from Merlin:
On our way to Kansas now and really looking forward to seeing Auntie MOFF and that gang. Having a great time with my love, Sparkler. :love::love::love: Can she come home wiff me?

Sparkler has been texting me that she is having the most wonderful time and does not want to part from her One True Love... and can he come home with her?

08-10-2011, 04:50 PM
text from Cassie:
hi meowm
may i has a CatBerry? Pinot has a really nice one!

We'll see, sweets. Maybe Santa Paws saw your text!

08-10-2011, 05:24 PM
Chelsea was rather indignant that anyone would think she would "let the cat of the bag".....:D
If anyone can keep a secret, it's Chels....she still hasn't said anything about the last catmobile adventure...just sits and stares wistfully out the window....sheesh......:rolleyes:

08-10-2011, 05:33 PM
Hi Purrents,
We're getting closer to Kansas and so far everything has been wonderful! The PT Kitty Bagipie Quartet and Dancer did their best performance ever and the whole audience gave them a standing ovation. Then Nelson came out to sing his special Irish songs, girl kitties (not from the Catmobile) started throwing their collars to him on stage. They meowed so loud that he had a few curtain calls. All the fans mobbed the Quartet and Nelson so it was very hard for the Catmobile to head out.

When we finally settled in for the night we all got together and practiced for you-know-what. Ming, Franklin, Nelson, Pinot, Cassie, Sophie, Chels, and Sparkler disappeared for awhile. We were worried because we didn't know where they were but things worked out because they came back with lots of new music. So many new songs to learn!

Meowmie, I told my lovely Inka about the message from her Meowmie. Inka says she did tell her Meowmie about coming and she's afraid her Meowmie might be angry with her. Do you think you can talk to her Meowmie about all of this so it will be okay?

Well, it's time to go for dinner then another practice session tonight. Having a dynamite time :D


08-10-2011, 06:09 PM
The yard was just mowed and is all ready any time the catmobile comes. :D
Chip must sense something is up. He has been doing zoomies around the kitchen for half an hour. He even managed to turn the washing maching on some how!!! :rolleyes: What am I going to do with that boy? :love:

Luckily you know who, just thinks Chip is crazy!!! She's not wrong about that really!!

08-11-2011, 09:24 AM
In Burlington on September 2-5 in Spencer Smith Park, there will be a Big Rib Fest with spare ribbers from all over Canada and the USA!!!:cool::cool:
All You can eat , with so many great sauces or plain if you wish. It says NO PETS , but Our Angel Companions will get in in, no problem.
I know that My Rib Cat Moose:love: and Prsicilla:D will be the Hosts.

08-11-2011, 01:04 PM
In Burlington on September 2-5 in Spencer Smith Park, there will be a Big Rib Fest with spare ribbers from all over Canada and the USA!!!:cool::cool:
All You can eat , with so many great sauces or plain if you wish. It says NO PETS , but Our Angel Companions will get in in, no problem.
I know that My Rib Cat Moose:love: and Prsicilla:D will be the Hosts.

Cassie would be delighted to go for a visit to the Found Cats! :-)

08-11-2011, 01:06 PM
I called The Boys with this info, Gary, and they said they will definitely be there! Be warned, Ming is a big boy who eats a lot! Mac can put it away, also.

08-11-2011, 05:53 PM
Winnie, just got a text from the catmobile. They will be here tomorrow. She can hardly wait. We have so much planned it will be a weekend long party anyway..

The Fort horsies have invited Traveler to share their digs at the Fort if he wants to bunk there. It would be a nice backup plan just in case it rains at night.


Pinot's Mom
08-11-2011, 07:01 PM
text from Pinot...

MOM! Can't find any more purple bandanas and all the kitty girls want them. Can you please send some overnight c/o Winnie? If you can't find purple, maybe lavender? Having a blast! My sweetie Rocco is calling his Mom, too, to see if they can get some from Texas. Maybe you should talk to Auntie Helene, too. I know you'll come through! See you sometime!! Thanks Mom!!:love::love:


...posted via Catberry Mobile

08-12-2011, 12:53 PM
Winnie just went running through the house like a loon waving her cell phone. :D

I finally pried it from her paws. It had a text. Seems the catmobile will be here in about an hour. We can hardly wait. There is rain moving in. They should be here well ahead of it. The rain should be out of here by morning.
I'm sure they will all have fun catching up with each other tonight. ;)

Oh, a package just came for Pinot. That's all Winnie would say. It came in care of her and she intends to keep it well hidden from you know who until she can give it to Pinot herself.

08-12-2011, 03:03 PM
Catmobile has arrived!!! What excitement!!! Asked the kits to all contact you as soon as they can.

Frankie's eyes are as big as silver dollars!!! All the kits and the catmobile is quite a sight in itself.

You know who thinks they just happened to be in the neighborhood. ;) :D

08-12-2011, 03:28 PM
Hi mom!
We finally arrived at Ms. Moff's, everything's fine and exactly as planned, she had some treats and drinks for us. You know who doesn't have a clue at all, that is p-e-r-f-e-ct!!

Oh, and I met Frankie, he's so cute! I love him!

Chels and I got matching bandanas and a cool hat for Franklin and we bought a beautiful present for you know who. She's gonna teach me all about square dancing, I'm so excited!!!

Talk to you soon, bye
--posted via CatBerry Mobile

08-12-2011, 04:49 PM
I believe we have a full moon tomorrow night. Nothing like square dancing under a full moon!!! :love:

08-12-2011, 05:27 PM
Text from Chels:
"Love my new bandana - Sophie and I look fab!
Tomorrow we are taking you-know-who shopping - please increase CC limit. BTW, Franklin is acting funny, especially around you-know-who..."

Text from Franklin:

08-12-2011, 06:59 PM
E-mail from Groucho and Inka:

We love Kansas!! The weather is great with loads of room to run around. Winnie saw the Catmobile coming and ran out to greet us. There was even a special delivery from the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe! It's so great to see the Kansas kitties again, there's so much to catch up on. All of the girl kitties look great in their new bandanas and we guys all have cowboy hats that match our sunglasses. Nelson is beyond excited with his new cell phone and sunglasses, now he knows that we all want him to be a part of the Catmobile crew.

Time to go for now. The girl kitties are helping to get the snacks ready for tonight's party. The speakers from the Catmobile are set up and we're tuning up our instruments for a jam session. You should have seen the looks on their faces when Winnie, Angel, and Chuck saw Ming's harp for the first time!

Auntie MoFF just told us that the horsies from the fort are on their way over with a surprise guest.

Groucho and Inka

08-12-2011, 07:11 PM
Text from Cassie...

Hi Meowm
I is at a party
And you aren't, ha haa
Auntie MoFF is taking wonderful care of us

08-12-2011, 07:53 PM
Garbled phone message from Merlin..... something about being adopted by Auntie MOFF????:eek:

08-13-2011, 09:26 AM
And starting soon In Toronto Our National Exhibiton The Canadian National Exhabiton will soon be starting.:cool::cool:
There will be International Food Pavillons :):) Rides :cool::cool:
and Tours of Tornto with Mall and Restaurant Visits.
Come One Come All and have some Canadian Fun with The Found and Porch Cat Angels as Your Tour Guides!!!

08-13-2011, 12:26 PM
Garbled phone message from Merlin..... something about being adopted by Auntie MOFF????:eek:

I wouldn't worry Slick. I think he is just star stuck from the old Wagon Train dvds I let them watch last night. We had a small thunderstorm move through so they watched a few of the shows that had square dancing in them. It distracted them from the storm.:D

They all went to the fort this morning while I finished up the decorations. Yes, there WAS shopping involved too!!! ;):love:

08-13-2011, 01:34 PM
Sounds like after this.. some kind of special event to take place in Kansas???... we can all get ready for a road trip to CANADA!!!!!

Pinot's Mom
08-13-2011, 02:23 PM

Mom-thanks for getting the bandanas here so quick! Everyone loves them, especially the birthday girl! Winnie kept it all a secret, and so did Chels ;). Shopping - see ya!

Purrs, Pinot

....on Catberry Mobile....

08-13-2011, 05:49 PM
The BBQ is going full tilt now. Angel was so surprised when the bagpipers played for her!!! :D There will be lots more musical surprises before the night is over, I'm sure.

Then there will be square dancing and line dancing under the full moon. :D

I fear I will have one spoiled girl on my hands now. I know I will have a very happy one. :love::love::love:

08-13-2011, 05:55 PM
How are my cats fitting in? I haven't heard a word from them yet. I sure hope that Alani & Blaze are behaving themselves.

08-13-2011, 06:04 PM
How are my cats fitting in? I haven't heard a word from them yet. I sure hope that Alani & Blaze are behaving themselves.

They are as good as gold. I wish Chip would take lessons from them. They look so cute in their outfits. They seemed to really love the ride in the stagecoach earlier. :love:

08-13-2011, 06:28 PM
They are as good as gold. I wish Chip would take lessons from them. They look so cute in their outfits. They seemed to really love the ride in the stagecoach earlier. :love:

Thanks for letting me know.:) I'm sure they love all of the excitement that's going on.:)

08-14-2011, 11:12 AM
I have a house full of these today:

Angel will post a note when she wakes up.

08-14-2011, 03:10 PM
It looks like a good time was had by all! MoFF, thank you so very much for welcoming all of our wonderful kitties into your home! Angel must have been surprised when she found out all of this was for her.

Angel, I'm sending you lots of purrthday wishes and lovies. They'll be waiting for you when you wake up.


08-14-2011, 03:20 PM
Hi everyone!!! I can't really tell you what a wonderful birthday weekend this has been!!! The very best part has been seeing all my catmobile friends again and meeting the new members. :) (all the boys have gotten handsomer and the girl prettier since I last saw them)

It has been non-stop fun. The PT Kitty bagpipers and dancer wowed all the crowd. The rendition of Home on the Range had the crowd cheering. There has been talk of invinting them to come in June for our town's Good Ole Days celebration and performing.

Ming moved several to tears with his sweet selection he played on his Harp.

Before the Square dance, my human mom joined Groucho for a song. Have you ever heard Dueling banjo's played on a fiddle and a gutiar? That was something not to be missed, believe me. It was great.

Groucho also played for the Square dance and Nelson's square dance calls were spot on as human mom said. He also sang a few songs too. Such a voice.

Lots of fun was had at the dance. The moon was full and beautiful. Very romantic. My human mom even joined in for one line dance. She did pretty good considering she danced using her cane.

I certainly hope all the catmobile gang had a good time. I know I sure did and will never forget it. Chip and Chuck had such fun catching up with their Texas sibbies. And little Frankie just had the widest eyes. He was just it awe of it all. Even Grandma came out to the bbq and watch the bagpipers and the fun.

Wish you could all have been there because we had fun and you didn't. :D
Angel Rose

08-14-2011, 07:39 PM
Here's Bob's report:

We all have had the best time!

We musicians played "Home on the Range" as reported and then that famous Kansas song "Somewhere, Over the Rainbow.." which brought many a tear to kitties' eyes, reminding them of their beloved Angel friends. Ming moved everyone with his harp playing. Sparkler did her wonderful interpretive dances along with the music.

Everyone had such a fine time at the Fort! Traveler had a ball, first being part of a stagecoach team pulling a coach full of kitties around the Fort, and then pulling a buggy carrying Merlin and Sparkler around for a romantic ride.. and who was that riding in another buggy with Nelson?... was it a California Cutie?

The Fort horses showed off their newly-acquired skills as Football Mascots, as the musicians launched into the fight songs of the University of Michigan and then the University of Southern California. The horsies all pranced around in their blankets with the school logos on them and pompoms in school colors on their heads.

Then.. barbecue time.. such feasting!!!

The musicians played "Happy Birthday, Angel Rose" on their pipes, fiddles, whistles, guitars, drums, glockenspiel, harp, etc.. as a huge mouse-mousse cake with whipped creme frosting and colorful catnip sprinkles and TWO candles on top was wheeled in!.

Angel Rose blew out her candles, so she will get her wish! (whatever that might be).. She got the first slice, and then everyone else plowed into it.

Afterwards, everyone had a brief post-cake nap, and then it was square-dance time! Nelson called as the musicians all played, now in Country-Western mode. Merlin led his Sparkler out to start forming the first square. Kitties paired off and squared off, having such fun do-si-do-ing and allemand-lefting and swinging their partners...

At this point Nelson had a break as the line-dancing began. We didn't see him for a while then. Had he sneaked off with ... someone? ... perhaps a California Cutie?

Now we are coming home, to rest up before our next trip, to Canada!!!!.. Meowmie, please make sure our passports are in order.. and there's a Haggis Fest in mid-September on the U.S. East Coast..

We are so busy, busy, busy, ... but what fun, with such good friends!

Love from your Bobby and all your kids..

08-15-2011, 01:02 PM
A text just arrived from Inka and Groucho:

What a party!!! Angel was so surprised she didn't know what to meow. There was so much food at the bbq, something for everyone. You should have seen Angel's purrthday cake.....it was shaped like a great big mousie :eek: But it was way yummy!!!

Inka and I danced and danced all night into the morning as did all the kitties. My lovely Inka is an excellent square dancer and was patient with me as I learned line dancing. And you should see the horsies do square dancing, they're like pro's!

The horsies were wonderful and Traveler knows some hysterical jokes. The horsies took each kitty couple on a private, romantic buggy ride with the full moon. We love our Catmobile friends but it was so nice to have some alone time with our loves.

It's time to meet for clean up so we have to go for now. See you whenever.

Purrs and headbumpies,
Inka and Groucho

08-15-2011, 03:02 PM
Just got a text from the boys: Does anyone else have a purrthday soon? They are very much fun!!!!:D
Hmmmm. I asked them when they were coming home and all I got was a quick, "talk to u ltr".

08-15-2011, 04:12 PM
Text from Cassie:

Hi Meowm
Frankie is at the doctor 4 his boy surgery
Will stay with Auntie MoFF till he gets home
cos he is a little guy.

08-15-2011, 04:54 PM
Oh, what a sweet, thoughtful, caring girl you are, Cassie!

08-17-2011, 11:02 AM
Frankie just got home and was he surprised!!!
Winnie, Angel, Cassie and the others made cupcakes in his honor. They even spelled out: WELCOME HOME, FRANKIE with some of them. He is so happy!!!

After lunch, while Frankie takes a nap per my demand, the others will go to the Fort. They want to say bye to the horsies and spend a little time with them.

Tonight we will have a home made pizza party.

While I wish they could all stay forever, the catmobile will leave in the morning. They have other adventures on the horizons and need to spend a bit of time at home before they go.

They sure made Angels party something to remember and little Frankie's ordeal lots happier for him.

I'll make sure they all turn in early. :love::love::love:

08-18-2011, 08:33 AM
The catmobile is on the road again. The gang left around 8am wanting to beat the heat that is back.

There were a few teary eyes and a sniffle or two but I managed to pull myself together. ;) I really enjoyed having them here.

I think Miss Angel has a crush on one of the boys but I can't figure out which one. I heard her tell winnie someone was dreamy. She clamed up when she knew I was listening though. Winnie won't tell either. I tried. :D:love:

08-18-2011, 10:37 AM
tweet from Cassie (I didn't even know she had a Twitter account!)

"Hi Meowm- we are on the way home. Frankie is home w/ Auntie MoFF and all is well. Had a lovely visit w/ Grandma. See you soon!
Lubz, Cassie
PS Angel is smitten with"

Looks like someone forgot to charge her Cat Berry!

08-18-2011, 01:01 PM
Another Catmobile romance brewing? I am dying to know who it is. Maybe I can tempt the boys to spill the beans with some tuna........:D

Pinot's Mom
08-18-2011, 02:58 PM
Oh, we'll get this information, don't you worry! Slick, work on Merlin when he gets home!

08-18-2011, 06:39 PM
I'm only taking a guess here about the new romance. Could it be Angel and Nelson?

Not sure when Groucho and Inka might be getting in, I haven't heard from them in a few days. I do have a plan though, since Inka loves shrimp I'll get some in. When we're having our "girl talk session" I'll bribe her with shrimp so she'll give me some details. Let's hope it works! I'll let you know what I find out.

08-18-2011, 06:50 PM
Says Sparkler: It had BETTER not be Merlin! We spend almost the entire weekend together. He's MINE!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, my sister says Nelson just goes around looking like his head is in the clouds...

Could he be thinking of a Kansas Cutie??!!!!!

08-19-2011, 12:55 PM
Hi Sparkler, you don't have to worry about your sweetheart Merlin. Groucho has said that when the guy kitties are together you're all Merlin ever talks about. Groucho says Merlin is always trying to come up with new ideas to make you happy. Merlin is definitely only yours!

Pinot's Mom
08-19-2011, 01:06 PM
I was just asking Auntie Slick to work on Merlin for information!! I know who he belongs to! :rolleyes:

08-19-2011, 01:16 PM
Oh my!!! I hope this isn't a love triangle. Cat fights aren't pretty.....:eek:

08-20-2011, 11:56 AM
Not to worry! My girls are like me in that we don't mess with other girls guys!!!

As young as Angel is, it is probably a crush and she will be crushing on another cute boy kitty next week. :love:

08-20-2011, 12:04 PM
Text from Merlin:
I'll be home soon Mewomie.

08-24-2011, 01:40 AM
When I got home from muy camping trip I found Merlin sound asleep on the back of the couch. I woke him up but he mumbled something about haggis, birthday cake and a diet. Hmmmmm:D I thing he is staying home for awhile.

08-24-2011, 11:50 AM
I'm so glad he is safely home (and you too). I was afraid he might have gone home with his 'girl' and not told you where he was. :love:

Pinot's Mom
08-24-2011, 04:51 PM
Pinot's been acting strangely; she keeps peeking around corners and being very secretive. She knows something!

08-24-2011, 06:22 PM
Cassie has been very "lovey" lately, lots of purrs and head-bumpies. I do believe she knows something she isn't telling!

08-24-2011, 07:06 PM
Inka didn't reveal anything before she returned to Belgium, something about what happens on the Catmobile. As for Groucho, he has been spending a lot of time on his cell phone. He hasn't said much when I ask him about the trip. As for the musicians, Groucho did say they're getting together to learn some new romantic songs. When asked if there's a new couple he was very evasive.