View Full Version : Met with my MP about spay/neuter tax credits!

07-14-2011, 03:11 PM
This is a long way from being implemented, but it's a start! :D

Our local MP has an Open House every so often at a local car dealership. I was out on my bicycle today and saw the sign, so stopped in. (I somehow missed every session last summer!).

Our PM is huge on cats - he and his wife have always fostered, and promoted fostering - and they recently adopted a kitten. They had a contest to name him, and the winning name was Stanley, after the Stanley Cup.

ANYWAY, I had long thought that many people only understand the language of money. I said that to Blake (the MP) and that since the PM and family are big on pets and fostering, that I thought a tax credit or writeoff for spaying and neutering would go a long way to encouraging people to get that done!

Blake and his assistant (Grant) liked the idea - Grant wrote it down in the notebook they had. He also asked for my contact info as there is a Budget Consultation process, and he will send me info on how it works. That way I can get this idea at least considered. Harper (PM) would definitely pick up a few votes!

Parliament doesn't meet again til the fall. But I'll be ready! Wish me and all the pets good luck! :)

Here are a couple of links to the Prime Minister's web page on fostering etc:


Pets for adoption in Ottawa - on the national page, yet!

07-14-2011, 03:21 PM
Hmm, sounds interesting. But wouldn't people likely manipulate the system to get more of a tax credit by letting momma have a litter of kittens and then get those spayed/neutered, so maybe 5 credits instead of one for the mama?

07-14-2011, 03:33 PM
Depends if she would give birth before or after the tax deadline, I guess. ;) If this even passes the budget consideration, the details are for the finance people to work out. Maybe they could set a maximum per year or something.

Some people will abuse every system. This would hopefully appeal to the folks who brush it off with "It's too expensive."

BTW - Laureen Harper has unofficially been declared the National Cat Lady or some such.


the Harpers told media there were six people and two cats at their own ceremony, one dressed up in a bow tie and the other in a lace collar.

07-14-2011, 05:01 PM
Oh, this is fantastic! Well done, Candace! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

Please keep us posted.

07-15-2011, 09:32 AM
That is a good idea Candace and a reward for the responsibe Pet Guardian.
I am betting that go better, if we could get Our Vets names on a petition, that woud add weight to that idea.:love::love::love: