View Full Version : Dogs with tails (that you may not have seen)

11-06-2002, 04:24 PM
I just thought some of you may be interested in looking at these albums on Webshots.
There are not a whole lot of pictures to make up the one and a bit albums but there are dogs that we are used to seeing without tails among them Boxer Corgi and Rottie.

11-06-2002, 04:36 PM
I think the dogs look very cute with their tails. I was more amazed about the long haired Weimaraner. Is there such a thing?
I've never heard/seen of one.

11-06-2002, 04:49 PM
Their all such beautiful dogs with their wonderful tails!!

11-06-2002, 05:05 PM
Awww, very cute. The undocked cocker spaniel tail near the bottom was beautiful. I love dogs in their natural form!! (Well natural but minus a little after they're neutered/spayed :o )

I have a poodle mix with an undocked tail and my friend has a rottie mix with an undocked tail. I love Poodles with tails !!!

11-07-2002, 07:16 AM
ChrisH, weren't we just talking about this not too long ago?

I'd never seen a Rottie with a undocked tail, I don't think it looks bad at all, just would probably take a little getting used to. I can't imagine Angus with a tail, he probably wouldn't know what to do with it:D

11-07-2002, 07:47 AM
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing the link with us. I have never liked the idea of docking the tail and I think those pooches are just as pretty with their tails intacts :D

11-07-2002, 09:47 AM
mmm, this may sound stupid..... but why do people cut some dog's tail? :o

11-07-2002, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by ownerof3dogs
I think the dogs look very cute with their tails. I was more amazed about the long haired Weimaraner. Is there such a thing?
I've never heard/seen of one.

I actually saw one at the vet's office. There was a woman there with 2 weimies, one the short-gray hair that everyone thinks of as a weimie, but the other was a long haired almost "blue" color. I was surprised when she told me it was a weimie, but yes, they do exsist!

11-07-2002, 10:19 AM
ChrisH, weren't we just talking about this not too long ago?
Yes, we were Anna. The same people I wrote about then, Anti Docking Allience (sp?), sent me the link. I think the Rottie in those pics looks ok too, but like you I can`t imagine Angus with a tail either! :) I do think it is a lot to do with how we are used to seeing them. I got my Bob as a tiny pup and his breeder was quite happy to leave his tail intact so I am used to him like that and as most Springers are docked I am used to seeing them that way, but somehow, my Bob wouldn`t be Bob without his having that waggy tail. LOL. :D

mmm, this may sound stupid..... but why do people cut some dog's tail?
It is not a stupid thing to ask, quite the reverse in fact, lots of people ask that. This is a link that tries to answer. Be aware though, as the name suggests we are a mite predudiced! (sp?) The Anti-docking Alliance Web site (http://www.anti-dockingalliance.co.uk/page_9.htm)
And, if you are interested, this is the link to the discussion we had before.

11-07-2002, 10:36 AM
I have a friend who shows English Cockers with undocked tails. They're really beautiful dogs. When I had APBTs, I always opted to leave their ears and tails natural, partly because I like the look and partly because I think people tend to react more positively to an unclipped dog.

Seems like some dogs look a little awkward with their full tails, and I wonder if it's not because they've not been bred with any attention to proper tail shape and size. Their picture of the "undocked Pembroke Welsh Corgi" is actually of a Cardigan. Their tails are never docked, but a tail on a Pembroke would indicate a serious breeding problem. They come with little or no tail.

11-07-2002, 11:26 AM
Lookit all the pretty tails! :D

11-07-2002, 01:41 PM
OMG!! Look at all the wiggley tails! I guess I never realized how many poor dogs meet the fate of having a docked tail! :eek: I thought the corgi tail was too too cute...and well...all of them looked grand in their designer 'tails' :D

11-07-2002, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by aly
I love Poodles with tails !!!

Me too! Here you go!