View Full Version : American Allaunt

07-05-2011, 02:58 PM
We ran into a gorgeous dog today at the dog park. Taking Luna and Sheena swimming and to play with other dogs is now a daily occurance. Anyway after swimming, while we were walking around the park we met with an owner and a gorgeous, very large brindle dog. At first I thought it was a mix. But when we asked the gentleman this lovely boy was with he told us it was an American Allaunt. I had never heard of this breed. Luna fell in love with this sweet boy right away. And he was smitten with her. They bounded and played like crazy. Sheena ran with them but has never been one to wrestle and play much. He was only 16 months old but he was so huge and sweet natured. Leaning hard agianst who ever was petting him.

Just wondering if anyone else has ever heard of this breed?

07-05-2011, 05:50 PM
There is a page waiting for info on dogbreedinfo.com. Its a charter breed, meaning a group of people are trying to make a breed (this one is a breed from the past they are trying to bring back). Its not a purebreed yet, just a bully mutt. I don't think there is any reputable interest in reintroducing this breed currently.

07-05-2011, 06:21 PM

The link above shows a picture of what they say is an American Allaunt. Out of all the pictures I have seen this on is very close to what the dog we saw was in color and shape. It was just slimmer since it was still a young dog.

07-05-2011, 06:44 PM
Interesting and beautiful dog. Reminds me of a Presa Canario. :)

07-06-2011, 06:21 AM
Wouldn't be surprised if the presa were most of the foundation stock. This is not a purebred dog yet so the examples you are seeing are not far removed from the breeds mixed into it.