View Full Version : New puppy

07-03-2011, 02:04 PM
Hello all,

I'm considering adopting a new puppy. I was looking at an ad online and saw one I really liked. She is a german shepard/collie mix. My question is do these breeds generally get along with cats? I've heard of certain breeds having high prey drives and sometimes kill cats. I don't want any chances of my cats being hurt so just wondering what your thoughts are on this. :)

07-03-2011, 04:41 PM
How old is the pup? It really depends dog to dog. I have known shepherds that got along great with cats, many do. And if you are getting her when she's a puppy, your cats can help train her, as can you, that kitties are friends. Ask the people that have her now if she has been cat-tested, it's the only way to be sure.

07-03-2011, 05:48 PM
Hi! I agree with Karen. If you get a puppy, the cats should set it straight, right from the start.;) Still, of course, use caution.:)

07-03-2011, 06:48 PM
She is 12 weeks. Thanks for the replies. I guess I'll just have to wait til I meet her to know for sure :)

07-03-2011, 08:19 PM
First of all thanks for adopting. Even if she grows up with the cats, there is a chance of prey drive kicking in when she is mature and there may be a chance that she will think your cats are prey and you need to be prepared seperating them permanently, so just be very careful and never leave her alone with your cats. :) Pics please, hope you get her. :)

07-03-2011, 10:06 PM
My Logan is part GSD and she has a high prey drive. She's only met a cat once. It went under our fence into the yard and it was a stand off. Logan's butt was in the air in a play stance, but the cat was having none of it! It unceremonesly let her know in no uncertain terms that she wasn't budging and wasn't scared. One nose swipe said it all for Logan.

I just thought it was a cute story, but I know people (like on PT) that have cats and dogs and each knows it's place. Good luck and
thanks for adopting. I'll bet the pup is gorgeous with those 2 breeds.

07-03-2011, 10:16 PM
it will have to do a LOT with how they are introduced..so they get used to each other...

both breeds are herding.. so that might kick in.. and not necessarily be prey-drive.. but still youŽd need to supervise them just to be sure

canŽt wait to see pics :) sounds like a real cutie

07-03-2011, 10:38 PM
Doesn't matter HOW they are introduced, that won't stop prey drive from kicking in when she is older.

07-04-2011, 12:29 AM
I had no idea how my dog would be with cats either when i first got him. he was 2an half years old when i found the ad for him.

hes a Toy Poodle but even little dogs bites can be rather nasty. but luckily hes one the types of dogs where its a game to see if he can get a cat to run or not. if they do run he'll give chase. if a cat doesnt run hes great with them.

i wish you luck. i went back an forth on this very issue myself 12years ago

07-04-2011, 12:38 PM
but luckily hes one the types of dogs where its a game to see if he can get a cat to run or not. if they do run he'll give chase. if a cat doesnt run hes great with them.

This is my story! I brought four different puppies into the house with my cats Missy and RB Sassy. They chased Sassy, only because she would run. Missy stands her ground. ;) The dogs stopped chasing, period, once they were no longer puppies, with the exception of JAKE!:rolleyes: Missy will not run from him, my newer rescue kitty Angel made that mistake. So now I have to keep an eye on them and am praying Angel will swat Jake in the face a time or two and stand her ground.;)

07-04-2011, 05:13 PM
I have two herding breed dogs and they do chase the cats, but not to hurt them, just to play with them. Now my RB kitty, Taz, wouldn't run from them so he was no fun for the dogs. Paizly and Jax do run so the dogs will chase, of course. Usually the cat finds a place up high that the dogs can't get to, or they'll just stop running then the dog just snifs them and walks away.

But you definitely want to just be very aware when they are together, as I still am with all my furkids. :)

Oh, and we'd love to see pictures of this puppy. :D