View Full Version : Well, no more landlords for me!

07-02-2011, 11:04 PM
Because as of Friday, I am a home owner! :D

On 6/19 I was informed by the new owner of the duplex I was renting that her son was going to be living in my side of the duplex. The place was a dump anyhow, I just dealt with it because it was cheap rent and a 5 minute bike ride to work.

I have not had luck with renting and was just at my wits end with trying to find a GOOD landlord, who actually gives a crap about their property, and one that allows pets. My dad (who I owe my life to) decided we would try and find a home for me, especially with how low everything is going for in today's market.

He had called a real estate agent who happened to work for a big agent in this area that my dad has done a lot of appliance work for. She was showing us different houses but I was having a hard time getting the financing. Long story short, the lady we were working with brought my dad's name up to the owner of the agency and when he realized she was talking about my dad, he decided to finance us, it was just the matter of finding the right home!

We looked at several homes, none of them quite felt right until she showed us this yellow house with a white picket fence around it. I fell in love. I have always wanted a house just like this. We put an offer in on 6/25 and the next day they accepted it! We closed on the house yesterday!

It's a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage, terrazo floors throughout, screened in back porch, fully fenced in front and back, corner lot. It's down the street from my work, around the corner from one of my best friends, and a few blocks from my sister's house. Perfect size, location, everything (for me atleast!) I am in total awe over it and cannot wait until everything is moved in and I can rest in my own home!

Everything is a bit hectic right now, we're cleaning up the house and moving all of my things in. Alice is currently staying with a friend of mine, Athena is staying with another friend, and Mufasa and I are bunking at my parent's until we're finished moving in. The old owners moved out of state and left a lot of items. Apparently they were artists because they left a lot of art supplies and canvases/etc (perfect!) So we're sorting through their leftovers, keeping what interests us, and trashing the rest.

I never thought this would be possible, and especially so fast. The house was only on the market for 5 days before we swiped it up and it was mine in less than a week. I cant wait to get all moved in and take the longest nap as a new home owner. :D I think the most fun will be seeing Alice and Mufasa playing in their big yard!

I snatched this picture from the real estate listing. It doesn't show the whole property. Unfortunately, I packed my camera in a hurry so I haven't been able to get any photos of the inside.

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/269024_10150372561809428_641444427_9974895_3009914 _n.jpg

The only trouble now is getting Alice and Athena back. Both of my friend's mom's have fallen completely in love with them, and keep joking about not giving them back. :p

I hope all is well with my extended family here, and if ya ever want to visit I now have a spare bedroom. ;)

Scooter's Mom
07-02-2011, 11:43 PM

07-03-2011, 12:23 AM
Congratulations...my daughter is doing the same thing...her escrow is taking 30 days though. Its a great time to buy your Dad is a smart guy well plus I have always liked him since he brought Kiara back to all of us.

07-03-2011, 12:35 AM
By the way its really cute and the roof looks new!

07-03-2011, 12:46 AM
Congratulations, Kay! I'm sure your friends will miss your pups, but just tell them "I am sure there's a pup (or dog) at the shelter who can fill the spot Alice will leave behind!

07-03-2011, 01:50 AM
I'm so glad to hear that everything is working out for you. The house looks great and it sounds like it's in a wonderful location for you too. Enjoy!!!:)

07-03-2011, 04:51 AM
Congratulations! Great to hear you got your OWN home! :D The house looks lovely from the outside :)

07-03-2011, 05:32 AM
.....there is nothing quite like having your own home to love!!!

07-03-2011, 06:46 AM
Because as of Friday, I am a home owner! :D

On 6/19 I was informed by the new owner of the duplex I was renting that her son was going to be living in my side of the duplex. The place was a dump anyhow, I just dealt with it because it was cheap rent and a 5 minute bike ride to work.

I have not had luck with renting and was just at my wits end with trying to find a GOOD landlord, who actually gives a crap about their property, and one that allows pets. My dad (who I owe my life to) decided we would try and find a home for me, especially with how low everything is going for in today's market.

He had called a real estate agent who happened to work for a big agent in this area that my dad has done a lot of appliance work for. She was showing us different houses but I was having a hard time getting the financing. Long story short, the lady we were working with brought my dad's name up to the owner of the agency and when he realized she was talking about my dad, he decided to finance us, it was just the matter of finding the right home!

We looked at several homes, none of them quite felt right until she showed us this yellow house with a white picket fence around it. I fell in love. I have always wanted a house just like this. We put an offer in on 6/25 and the next day they accepted it! We closed on the house yesterday!

It's a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage, terrazo floors throughout, screened in back porch, fully fenced in front and back, corner lot. It's down the street from my work, around the corner from one of my best friends, and a few blocks from my sister's house. Perfect size, location, everything (for me atleast!) I am in total awe over it and cannot wait until everything is moved in and I can rest in my own home!

Everything is a bit hectic right now, we're cleaning up the house and moving all of my things in. Alice is currently staying with a friend of mine, Athena is staying with another friend, and Mufasa and I are bunking at my parent's until we're finished moving in. The old owners moved out of state and left a lot of items. Apparently they were artists because they left a lot of art supplies and canvases/etc (perfect!) So we're sorting through their leftovers, keeping what interests us, and trashing the rest.

I never thought this would be possible, and especially so fast. The house was only on the market for 5 days before we swiped it up and it was mine in less than a week. I cant wait to get all moved in and take the longest nap as a new home owner. :D I think the most fun will be seeing Alice and Mufasa playing in their big yard!

I snatched this picture from the real estate listing. It doesn't show the whole property. Unfortunately, I packed my camera in a hurry so I haven't been able to get any photos of the inside.

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/269024_10150372561809428_641444427_9974895_3009914 _n.jpg

The only trouble now is getting Alice and Athena back. Both of my friend's mom's have fallen completely in love with them, and keep joking about not giving them back. :p

I hope all is well with my extended family here, and if ya ever want to visit I now have a spare bedroom. ;)

CONGRATULATIONS :) You now have your own home sweet home. :cool:

07-03-2011, 07:04 AM
Beautiful! Congratulations!!!!! Welcome home!

07-03-2011, 07:16 AM
Congrats Kay! Your new house looks really cute and cozy!:D

07-03-2011, 07:21 AM

07-03-2011, 09:42 AM
WOO HOO how EXCITING! I can't believe it all happened so fast for you!

And, I am partial to ranch houses, all one level, means you live there for ages without worrying about steps. Plus a fenced in yard? OMGOSH, this is too perfect! Can we be dreaming? NOPE, you signed on the dotted line. :D


07-03-2011, 10:32 AM
Congratulations! Your Dad is a gem! Enjoy your house - you and your fur family totally deserve it!:)

07-03-2011, 11:40 AM
I'm so happy ane excited for you! :love:

07-03-2011, 10:39 PM
Kay!!!! Congratulations! That is such fantastic news, and I wish you all the best and every happiness in YOUR new home! :)

07-03-2011, 10:43 PM
Remember... you posted an open invite.....:p

I'll bet with your artistic skills, the place will look fabulous!

Congrats Kay! The house sounds like it had your name on it!

07-04-2011, 05:50 PM
Woo Hoo!! I'm so happy for you! That is a beautiful house!
I told my boyfriend (who is a realtor) how quickly it all came together for you and he said.....wow that is quick. Good for her! :D

07-04-2011, 07:42 PM
That's awesome Kay! Congratulations!!!!!! :D The house looks so cute and I can't wait to see pictures once you all settle in!

07-04-2011, 07:48 PM
How great for you and your pets. Your house is very pretty. I'm sure all of you will enjoy your new house and yard.

07-06-2011, 11:53 PM
Wow! That's awesome and I am SO happy for you!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can only imagine what a great feeling of accomplishment, independence, and relief this brings to you!!!

finn's mom
07-07-2011, 12:06 AM
Oh my goodness, what a precious home! I don't see how anyone couldn't fall in love. Congratulations!