View Full Version : Canada Day in Ottawa with Wills and Kate

07-01-2011, 03:16 PM
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Kate is wearing a diamond maple-leaf shaped pin that Princess Elizabeth wore when she and her husband visited in 1951. :)

Apparently spectators are totally ok to call them Wills and Kate, or William and Cathering...they are not standing too high on ceremony.

What a thrill for new citizens being sworn in today to meet those two. :)

07-01-2011, 05:44 PM
I think that Kate is absolutely charming - perhaps even more so than Diana - and she didn't come with a lot of baggage. :D

07-02-2011, 09:54 AM
I'm with you on that. They were so cordial and amazingly Quebec who has always been anti royalty were at the celebrations, will wonders never cease..
We've had so many discussions of having either William or Harry become King of Canada....I tell you it sure would beat the prime ministers. I guess all we can do is wait and see...can't believe this will ever happen but one never knows.

07-02-2011, 11:10 AM
Being King of Canada would not replace the Prime Minister. It's like England, which has Parliament and a Prime Minister, and several political parties. Parliament has more law making power, and power in general, than the Queen or King.

The Governors General in Commonwealth countries represent the Queen (or King) and their signature is required on a bill once it passes the House, then the Senate - but by the time it passes those two houses, the signature is pretty much a rubber stamp.

If Wills and Kate take the throne, they just might have more interest and a refreshing perspective on the whole thing. It'll be interesting to see. Charles, next in line, is only 62 and both his parents have lived to a good age. Unless he passes the throne to his older son and is an advisor to him, it could be several decades before we have a King William.