View Full Version : A great tragedy at my house

11-05-2002, 08:37 PM
My computer has died. *sniffle* I really am horribly sad and depressed about this. Does this show you how pathetic I am? I loved my computer. No, it wasn't fancy, it wasn't new...but it was mine, and I used it all the time. The worst part is I fear I have lost all of my pics.....I'm talking thousands of pics here.....graphics, digital camera photos, artwork...........:( :( :(

I did burn a cd of them but that was several weeks ago (but I download digital camera photos/scan pics ALL the time). I'm not even sure what happened to that cd though. I know I have some at imagestation, but not even close to all of them, and it's not as high of quality. And I know I lost some of my very favorite Nebo pics (one I was even going to put on a mousepad).

This is about the 3rd time I've lost everything on that computer, not counting the times the other computer I used (my parents) crashed on me. It's not worth fixing anymore. Which means I'm faced with buying another computer, and I'm sure an even semi-nice one will cost at least $500. And it was only around June this year that my dad put in a new hardrive/more memory in it. *sigh* Ok I'm done venting now, you can see how horribly pathetic I am. :(

p.s. I have no clue what happened....could be a virus...I don't know....I have norton antivirus.......one day it just started doing this scan disk when I started it up, and it kept finding "bad sectors" and it will never get through the scan disk....it's been working on it for like a week.....aaaahhhhh!

11-05-2002, 09:23 PM
Go to Pricewatch.com - you should be able to get a computer for less than $500. You still have the monitor, right?

11-05-2002, 09:25 PM
Yeah I have the monitor..keyboard..mouse. I'll have to check that website out. Of course I'm figuring if I'm going to get a new computer, I may as well get one that has a few nice features. I'd like something with video editing capabilities (I was a video geek in high school lol ). I still want my *old* computer back. :( Actually the thing I am the most upset about is losing all of my pictures, that is so much work that's gone now. :(

11-05-2002, 10:08 PM
You're not pathetic at all!! I know how awful it is to lose things that can never be replaced.

Maybe you could take it to the computer guys at Best Buy or another place and see if they could fix it ??

11-05-2002, 10:36 PM
So what are you posting on now??????? Did ya get my e-mail? LOL

11-06-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by sammi
So what are you posting on now??????? Did ya get my e-mail? LOL

LOL well in my house everyone has their own computer. My dad has a laptop, mom has a desktop, and my brother has a laptop. My mom's computer used to be the "family computer" so I've claimed my right to use it also. ;) I can still receive emails because I have yahoo which can be checked on any computer.

My dad says it's not worth it to spend any more money on it to fix it. I don't know though. We really should be able to get some money back or something, because that hard drive was just put in it in June.

11-06-2002, 12:30 AM
Amy, I know the frustration of it all...the number of times that happened to me. :mad: And nobody will think you are "pathetic" at all...some things are irreplaceable, just as those priceless ones of Nebo are.

This thread should be a good reminder that no computer is perfect, and we should all back our hard drives up! So I will put that on the "honey-do" list for this weekend, and I will do it with thanks for the reminder from you.

11-06-2002, 02:54 AM
Boy Amy, you had me really worried for a minute! But I can sympathize with you. Especially when you have all your stuff on it. I hope it wasn't a virus. Those are nasty little buggers and can really screw things up.

11-06-2002, 06:59 AM
You scared me too, glad to hear it was nothing (really) bad, even though this is bad enough! Your lucky there is more than one computer in your house, if ours ever broke down, that would be the end:(
I try to copy all of my pics on cd and at a couple of different photo sites, I'd hate to loose all my pics like that, I'm so sorry:(
I have a question, I'm not much of a computer whiz, how do you back up your hard drive? We got 2 recovery discs when we got the computer, is this pretty much the same? Sorry, I'm not too smart when it comes to computers! If anyone would let me know, I'd surely appreciate it.

11-06-2002, 10:53 AM
Oh, Amy, I do sympathise, losing those pics and all the work! When my computer crashed on me a little while ago, I was devastated! I was only without it for 24 hours but I was lost. Thankfully I was able to get it up and running again but I had to re-install everything, windows, the lot, (couldnt re-install my scanner though, Bob had chewed up the install CD long ago!). Days later Id see something wasn`t right, for example the date was US style instead of UK and Id have to figure out how to get that back, little stuff like that. And of I lost a lot of stuff that couldn`t be replaced including pics. I now copy them on to floppy, but sometimes I still don`t do it straight away, I should know better! Anyway, the main thing was/is my computer still works, if it was unmendable..... Life without my computer! I don`t know how to live it! :D

11-06-2002, 11:15 AM
Asked by :anna_66 How do you back up your harddrive? I would love to also know what that means. Thanks from both of us and anyone else who needs that info.!

11-06-2002, 11:18 AM
You might be able to save your pictures if your hard drive is isn't totally fried. Ask about it when you get a new computer, see if they can hook your old drive up to your new computer long enough to transfer your pictures over to your new hard drive.

I have a lot of digital pictures. I went to Target and bought one of those Case Logic cases that hold a bunch of CDs, when I back up my pictures, I put the CDs in that case - that way I always know where my pictures are. I put install CDs in there too.

11-06-2002, 11:23 AM
And backing up your Hard drive means saving everything that is important to you. I don't back up program files and stuff like that, because I have all my install CDs (see my previous post on CD cases, to keep all that stuff in one place). :D

What I do back up is my digital pictures, my music files, any documents I create, all my personal stuff. If you like to save old emails, back those up too.

What it means is you transfer that information to another storage media - like CD-Rs. Then if your hard drive goes south, you don't lose all your important info.

To baclk stuff up, it really helps to have a CD burner. You can use Zip disks too, or even floppies, but floppies only hold a very little bit of stuff and is falling out of favor as a back up tool.

11-06-2002, 12:11 PM
EEK! I was scared something bad happened to the pups!

So sorry that your computer died. I'm so scared that my work computer will die soon... or that they will replace it and all my personal stuff will be gone.

I so need to get a computer at home. LOL!

11-06-2002, 01:50 PM
I think it might be worth the money to fix it if it means you can recover your pictures. You can go to a computer shop and tell them to give you an estimate before they do any work.

11-06-2002, 02:04 PM
i prob missed this, I'm a little slow, but how does it not work? Does it just not turn on anymore? Or is the scandisk..doing..something? lol?

Sorry about the comp :[ I'd lend ya my desktop if I could ;] Not like I really need it now lmao

11-06-2002, 04:01 PM
I lost my computer too,this summer to a virus so i know how you feel.My dad got a surplus computer from his work so we got it for free.

11-06-2002, 09:20 PM
Yay! I don't know how it happened.....as it had been working on this scandisk stuff for almost a week now.....but it finally finished the scan today, came up with a regular desktop. After much frustration, I was able to burn a cd of my pics. It's not working worth crap, and I was afraid the entire time it was going to freeze on me....I wasted like 5 cds cuz it kept giving me errors....but I don't care, I have my pics!!! :D

i prob missed this, I'm a little slow, but how does it not work? Does it just not turn on anymore? Or is the scandisk..doing..something? lol?

It would never start...never finish a scandisk...and if you tried to stop the scandisk, it would say something about the hardrive failing.....I don't know...I'm dumb. :) I knew it was possible to fix it, we have an extra hardrive for it that could have got it running, but I just wanted to get my pics!

As I said before, this is the 3rd time that computer has "died" on me. I think it had a virus before, it was totally messed up. My dad has found a pretty nice computer on ebay that has video editing capabilities. It's at $385 right now.....I'm not sure if I will get it or not, I'm too poor. :( I was going to save up to get a nicer digital camera, but it looks like that will not be happening now.

Miss Meow
11-07-2002, 04:30 AM
What a scare. I hope you find all the pics and info amongst the fragments of your old machine. Maybe Santa can bring you a new computer :)

11-07-2002, 06:43 AM
Amy, I'm glad you were able to get all your pics (phew!)!

Hey that's a thought, maybe Santa will bring you a new computer, one can always hope!!

11-07-2002, 10:32 AM
So glad you were able to get you pics. :) :)

11-07-2002, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
Amy, I'm glad you were able to get all your pics (phew!)!

Hey that's a thought, maybe Santa will bring you a new computer, one can always hope!!

Santa is out of money this year. Not that he was ever rich at my house in the first place, lol. My dad has to have surgery (like the 10th time i swear) on his knee, and will be out of work (without pay) for several months. Santa's gonna make me buy my own computer. :(