View Full Version : Cholesterol in the brain???

06-30-2011, 04:00 PM
MRI showed I have two patches - one on the top of my left frontal lobe and one of the side of the right one. Treatment is the same - healthy diet, exercise, etc. I knew arteries could be affected - but not the brain!:eek::)

Also...my brain has shrunk. I mean, all our brains shrink with time, but mine is shrunk beyond what my age is. (I thought of the Wicked Witch of the West: "I'm MELting, I'm MELting!" ) Doc said that this is seen a lot in people who drank (or drink) alcohol heavily.

I haven't had a drink in 15 years - and asked the doc if the brain could have been that size when I quit, and just stayed that way. He said yes.

WOW. Party on, gang.... lol!;)

06-30-2011, 05:43 PM
Yikes! That's something the anti-teenage drinking folks don't tell kids, and I think they should! Excessive drinking can not only wreak havoc in your life, but it can literally shrink your brain - and it stays shrunk!

As far as the cholesterol, at least you know what you can do something about that!

06-30-2011, 05:56 PM
Yes, Karen - and I had already started doing something. However, this is a kick in the butt that certainly helps my motivation!

A friend said to me, "But if you think well of yourself, doesn't your brain get bigger?" :D OK, will work on the self-esteem thing...lol.