View Full Version : cool MRI

06-26-2011, 02:48 PM
Well, I had my MRI this morning. I had heard they were REALLY noisy - my mom had one a couple of months ago and described the sound as "a war of jackhammers". :D

Greg, my tech, said the sound was like German Techno music. It was - from what I know of it. Really interesting sounds, in bursts ranging from 20 seconds to 5 minutes. (The 5 minute ones seemed really long...like, finish already!)

The tech confirmed that there was indeed a brain inside my head. In about a week, we will have details on just what sort it is! :p:D

On my way out, I passed a man pushing a wheelchair holding several oxygen tanks; his mask was attached to one of them. He is waiting for a double lung transplant, is at the top of the list, and has been waiting two months. His attitude that "Everything is ok" and his sense of humour was inspiring. Wow.

Make sure your family, friends and etc know if you want your organs donated. Totally can save and change a life!

06-26-2011, 04:16 PM
"Cool", you say??? :eek: I always come out with a headache. Even tho they provide ear plugs or headphone with music, it still doesn't help much.

bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang...............etc :D

06-26-2011, 06:05 PM
I have never enjoyed the noise, but I did always love being able to look at my brain in slices afterwards! Figured it was worth it! And yes, I have always been an organ donor, it's on my driver's license, I carry a card, and Paul knows, once I'm done with it, any body parts that can help someone are there for the taking! I figure nearsighted astigmatic eyes are better than no vision at all, right?

06-26-2011, 06:46 PM
I signed up to be a doner in 1990. Made sure all my kids did to.

06-26-2011, 06:52 PM
The tech confirmed that there was indeed a brain inside my head. In about a week, we will have details on just what sort it is! :p:D

Yeah, electron microscope results take about a week :p

06-26-2011, 08:00 PM
The hospital must have had a newer machine....although the sounds were loud, they WERE electronic sounds. Buzzes, beeps, etc. At one point, the techno music description was particularly apt - I could feel the "kick drum" through my lower back and down to my knees. Didn't last long!

But while lying there, I just marvelled at how this technology existed - and also thought that in even 50 years, a whole body scan would take 5 minutes. Trek fans might remember Dr. McCoy's tricorder.

And maybe the noise can be transformed to wind chimes or ocean waves? C'mon, guys, put in a filter! :)

06-26-2011, 08:57 PM
I had a MRI of my brain a few months ago. It was very noisy, banging! I didn't enjoy being in that 'tunnel'!:rolleyes:

06-26-2011, 09:57 PM
I've had so many MRIs that I'm a pro. I just close my eyes and psych myself to stay calm and think of something awesome, like Mz Logan! Music earphones mean nothing because you can't hear the music anyway. I must have starting singing and "dancing" while in my self imposed trance, cause the tech started laughing and told me to stop moving! :eek::o Someone mentioned to me that it was like being in a coffin. Well, now that I've heard that, I NEVER open my eyes.

They have "open" MRI's but I've heard they're not as perfect.

Anyway, I hope your MRI comes out OK, Candance.

06-27-2011, 06:57 AM
Glad that this went well for you, if somewhat noisily, Candace.. and we're all hoping for good results.

Pat and cats

06-27-2011, 09:15 AM
I had several last year - and one more to come the end of August. I've been to 2 different places, and one of them is fantastic. The opening is much larger, so you don't get the closed in feeling. They tell you to bring your favorite CD - and I did hear the music. Made a huge difference. Plus the pad on the stretcher was much more comfortable - really a God-send when you don't have much padding of your own at the bottom of your spine.

Fortunately my up-coming MRI will be done there :)

06-27-2011, 09:20 AM
K9Karen - actually, I think a coffin is roomier! :p But yeah, psyching is the way to go...I started off with the Serenity Prayer (inside voice lol) and paid attention to my breathing, focusing on the feeling of the air in my throat.

Grace, good luck with your upcoming MRI. It must be a newer machine. They are frightfully expensive; I suppose that's why all of them are not new ones.

06-27-2011, 09:51 AM
"Cool", you say??? :eek: I always come out with a headache. Even tho they provide ear plugs or headphone with music, it still doesn't help much.

bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang...............etc :D

I have to agree with you on that one. They are so horrid but at least they have the mirror on the top and they keep communicating with you, guess they want to make sure you're still with them :D Not the place to be if you're claustrophobic :eek: I have to say the techs all make you as comfy as possible . They pulled me out before the 45 minutes were up, they said they had enough of what they needed, felt like hugging them that time.:)